
It is in your child’s best interest that we work together with regard to his/her education.    Please review this information with your child. 


Thank you for your support.



 If a student chooses to break a rule, we use the “ticket” system.

1st time-turn ticket (green) = warning

2nd time- turn ticket (yellow) = 5 minutes time out 

3rd time- turn ticket (orange) = 10 minutes time out

4th time- turn ticket (blue) = 15 minutes time out and possible “pinkslip” sent home.

 5th  time- red= no recess.  Possible call home.

Severe clause:  Go directly to principal’s office and a phone call home.


Students who behave properly will be positively rewarded with:


*phone call home

*note home

*whole class reward or surprise

*extra free time




*special snack