Mrs. Kiechle

Welcome to my Webpage! My name is Mrs. Jean Kiechle. I have 29 years of teaching experience in grades kindergarten through fifth grade with the Indian River District. I have additional training in Literacy Collaborative, which is a framework for teaching reading and writing to young learners.

My current adventure in teaching is in Fifth Grade at the Intermediate Building. I look forward to sharing many new experiences with your children this year. It should be an exciting and fun-filled year of learning and growing for all of us.

The best times to contact me by phone during the school day are from 8:30-8:40 a.m. and 3:45-4:00 p.m. You can also leave a message at any time during our school day (8:30-4:00), and I will return your call as soon as possible. Our school phone number is 642-0405. In addition, you may email me at