Hospitalization Supports

Mental Health Coordinator Duties:

  • Communication with Teachers on Coursework

  • Collecting and sharing essential coursework with educational staff at the medical facility

      • An Essential Assignment Google Document will be shared to all teachers, medical staff, student, and parents, to provide a list of what classwork needs to be completed

  • Information that will be coordinated through NVHS Mental Health Coordinator

      • School & Program Attendance

      • Schoolwork

      • Concerns about school

      • Mental Health Treatment

        • It is encouraged that Student and Parents sign a release of information to allow hospital staff to communicate with the school on the best ways to support your Student

  • Transition Back to School:

      • A transition meeting may be held with school staff, hospital staff, the student, and parents to discuss and develop a transition plan to help the student successfully return to school

      • Mental Health Coordinator will provide check-in's with the student for emotional and academic supports

      • Class House Staff will be providing check-ins and supports as well

Notes for Parents:

  • Communicate with Mental Health Coordinator on any changes in program or attendance to school

  • Provide updates on any concerns your child is experiencing

  • Encourage your child to be completing school work at home