Domain 2

The Human Body

Domain 2:

The Human Body

The primary focus of the first half of this domain is to provide students with a basic introduction to the human body. An interactive approach is taken in the first six read-alouds. Students will be asked to explore and make discoveries about their own bodies. They will be introduced to a network of body systems, comprised of organs that work together to perform a variety of vitally important jobs.

Students will learn the fundamental parts and functions of five body systems: skeletal, muscular, digestive, circulatory, and nervous. The narrator of these read-alouds, a rhyming pediatrician, will share rhymes that reinforce basic facts that students are expected to learn.

The second half of this domain focuses on care and maintenance of the human body. Students will learn how germs can cause disease, as well as how to help stop the spread of germs. They will be introduced to two men, Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur, whose discoveries aided in the cure of diseases.

Students will be taught five keys to good health—eat well, exercise, sleep, keep clean, and have regular checkups. By using the food pyramid and “plate” to create their own meals, students will also learn the importance of a well-balanced diet.

This domain will provide students with the rudimentary lessons they need in order to develop healthy living habits.

Parent Letters: The Human Body


National Geographic: Life Science / Animal Parts

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Anthology: Read Aloud Stories

Lesson 1:

Everybody Has a Body

Lesson 2:

The Body's Framework

Lesson 3:

Marvelous Moving Muscles

Lesson 4:

Chew, Swallow, Squeeze, and Churn

Lesson 5:

The Body's Superhighway

Lesson 6:

Control Central: The Brain

Lesson 7:

Dr. Wellbody's Heroes

Lesson 8:

Five Keys to Health

Lesson 9:

The Pyramid Pantry

Lesson 10:

What a Complicated Network