
Friday, April 29

Sock Bunnies

Create a bunny from a sock!

Friday, May 6


Finish up any projects you have started or recreate something we have already made!

Friday, May 13

Pom Pom Garland

We will not only be making pom poms, but a garland to add some fun decoration to any room!

Friday, March 25

Finish Flower Project

Project: Finish making paper flower bouquet from March 5 (Last Day)

Friday, April 1st Friday, April 15th

Picture Frames

Project: Create a picture frame out of popsicle sticks and washi tape!

Friday, April 22

No Maker's Studio Today

We don't have school today!

Friday, Feb. 25

No AFT today because of finals!

Do your best and I will see you 3rd Trimester!

Friday, March 5

Mini Paper Flower Bouquet

Project: We will be creating small flowers out of paper and wire to create a small paper bouquet.

Friday, March 11th

No Maker's Studio

Sick day for Ms. Bailey.

Friday, February 4

Club Information Day

Come and learn what we are about.

Project: A quick magnetic bookmark

Friday, Feb. 11

Valentine's Craft

Project: Create a heart keychain made out of felt. We will be working on a basic straight stitch.

Friday, Feb. 18

Finish Felt Hearts

Project: Finish your felt heart from last week. Make a new one and add embellishments for a new challenge!