Calcium Standards


  • Calcium Hardness solutions CH1 and CH2, LaMotte # 7042-G and 7041-G

  • Calcium Reference Standard Solution, 1000 ppb, Hach part # 2240349

  • Distilled water


List of vendors and prices:

  • Colorimeter with custom 575 nm board

  • Cuvettes

  • 1 x 50 mL capped tubes

  • 9 x 10 mL capped tubes

  • Pippete pump

  • 5 mL, 10 mL pipettes

Prepare Calibration Solutions

  • Prepare 20 mL of a 250 ppm working stock from the 1,000 ppm calcium standard: add 5 mL of standard to 15 mL of distilled water. Mix.

  • Dilute the working stock as outlined in the Table below

Standard Curves


  • To each 5 mL sample, add 5 drops of CH1, mix then add 5 drops of CH2. An image of all of the calibration solutions after the reagents is shown above (to be added).

  • Transfer approx. 1mL of each calibration solution to a cuvette.

  • In the colorimeter plotting program, select the 575 nm LED and ppm as units. Calibrate the colorimeter with the 0 ppm calcium solution and measure absorbance of all of the solutions in duplicate.

Sample calibration data

  • To view/use: Download the file and open in the colorimeter plotting software as described here.