Advocacy Efforts

This page will be the focal point of your senior year. As seniors, you will need to find some way to advocate for the topic that you have chosen. This advocacy can take many forms:

-Raising awareness through social media

- Creating a video or media segment to share with the school or local community

- Contacting a local, state or national lawmaker or representative to encourage them to take action on an issue

- Hosting an online webinar or forum and invite guests to learn about and discuss your topic.

- Creating some type of campaign (either in-person or online) to educate others, or make others aware of the issue. INSTAGRAM OR GO FUNDME ACCOUNTS CAN NOT BE THE SOLE FOCUS.

- Taking some type of action that changes a systemic issue (for example, ensuring that Iona Prep actually adheres to recycling practices correctly.)

This page should include evidence (photos, videos, screenshots, messages etc.) of how you served as an advocate for your topic. This page should showcase what you did to change or addresses the problem you researched. THERE SHOULD AN BE ACTION(S) YOU TOOK, to work towards solving the problem that this page should showcase.