Virtual Huaka'i Learning Center

How to Create 3D Artifacts

3D Scanning with Qlone App

We used an iPad Pro with the Qlone app to scan the artifacts. In order to export your 3D files after scanning you will either need to "buy exports" or you can purchase the EDU app version which includes unlimited exporting. (Get the app and learn more)

Tips for Scanning:

  • Use a lazy susan to easily spin the object in place while you scan.

  • Scan in a well it area.

  • You can print different size mats for different size objects.

  • Have someone else spin the object while you hold the device to scan.

Uploading 3D files for the Merge Cube & Use Object View to Explore!

  1. First you need to export your 3D objects out of the Qlone app. You want to export them as OBJ files. The Qlone app will send you an email with your OBJ (zipped) file. Do not unzip the file! Leave it as is.

  2. Visit to create a free MERGE account and then access your Object Viewer page.

  3. Add a new file and upload your OBJ zipped file. This will generate a unique 6 digit code.

  4. Give the 6 digit code to your students. They will type in this code in the Object Viewer app on their mobile device.

  5. Using a MERGE Cube, students will be able to explore, investigate, and manipulate the 3D artifact! (Collect all of the codes in one easily accessible place like a webpage or a printed document.)

How to Create with Google Tour Creator

Gathering Content for VR Tours

  • We used the Insta360 ONE camera to capture our 360° images for our VR tours. We visited several different historical and cultural sites over the course of a year with the idea of creating a VR tour for each location.

  • We used iPads to gather other content such as standard photos, videos, and audio recordings of background noise and interviews with experts.

Planning a Google Tour Creator Project

Before we began working with the Google Tour Creator tool, we planned out and organized all of the content using a Tour Creator Planning Template. Fill in all the necessary information including 360° images, standard images, text, audio file names, etc. Once the template is filled out, all you need to do is upload and copy/paste directly into your Tour Creator project. You can access two different versions of this template and use it for your own project!

"Tour Creator is easy! The hardest part of this project is the research and content creation."

Google Docs Version - Tour Creator Planning Template

Click Here to Make a Copy

Google Slides Version - Tour Creator Planning Template

Click Here to Make a Copy