Iola-Scandinavia Recreation Association is a parent-based program, all parents are taking the time to volunteer with our children. If you are interested in coaching a league, we are always looking for extra volunteers! If you have any concerns or suggestions we would love for you to attend an ISRA meeting.
ISRA Board meet the 1st Wednesday of the Month at the ISCFAC, unless noted on Facebook.
Please follow our Iola-Scandinavia Recreation Association Facebook page for the next upcoming ISRA events and news.
Current I-SRA Board Members:
Co-President: Miranda Bestul (920)915-1991
Co-President: Nick Philipi (715)572-7978
Vice President & Secretary: Brenda Ivey (608)695-1235
Treasurer: Erikka Flowers (763)242-4994
ISRA Registration Form for any of the below activities can be found HERE.
Flag Football is held at the High School field in Scandinavia, games are usually held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings during September and October.
Megan Driebel, Coordinator driebelm@iola.k12.wi.us
ISRA Volleyball is available only for 5th and 6th grade. This league meets once or twice a week for practice, games are held on Sunday afternoons. This league is ran from September - October.
Brenda Ivey, Coordinator 608-695-1235 brenda_ivey38@yahoo.com
ISRA Travel Basketball is for boys and girls in 3rd-8th grade. Practices typically start in November and December, games are generally played on Saturday mornings in January and February.
Miranda Bestul, Coordinator 920-915-1991 mbartel20@yahoo.com
ISRA Soccer is held once the snow has melted! This is for grades 4K-5, we try to schedule games/practices in May, these are held on the inside of the track and in the bowl area for the younger kids.
Erikka Flowers, Coordinator 763-242-4994 e.flowers@rocketmail.com
ISRA T/ball is held during June and July usually on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. TBall is available for 4K, 5K and 1st
Houston Kizewski, Coordinator kizewskih@iola.k12.wi.us
ISRA Travel Softball is part of the Wolf River Fast Pitch Softball League. This league starts the end of May and runs through July. Games and practices are held in the evenings whenever a field is available.
Sadie Ritchie, Coordinator sadieritchie0916@gmail.com
ISRA Travel Baseball is part of the Wolf River Pony Baseball League. This league starts the end of May and runs through July. Games and practices are held in the evenings whenever a field is available.
James Davy, Coordinator jamesdavy65@yahoo.com