THe nz Tech ROadshow in Korea

Connecting the world-class technology ecosystems of New Zealand & Korea

We host NZ tech companies during the Tech Roadshow,

led by The Kiwi Chamber

(NZ Chamber of Commerce in Korea),

supported by NZ and Korean organisations.

Our Mission

To provide NZ tech companies with the inspiration and opportunities to explore their business potential in Korea.


Connect the business opportunities in South Korea for New Zealand companies.


Promote and strengthen partnership development; new customers, R&D cooperation, tech talent, HR and investment opportunities.


Connecting innovative New Zealand and Korean tech companies

Organiser & supporters

  • North Asia CAPE

  • NZ Tech

  • Christchurch CIty Council

  • Wellington Chamber of Commerce

  • Priority One


  • Seoul Metropolitan Government

  • Gyeonggi Metropolitan Government

  • NZ Tech firms

  • Korean tech firms