Welcome, San Diego!

Intrepid Ascent is responsible for hosting and facilitating monthly meetings and working with participants to develop programmatic activities contributing to CalAIM’s whole system, person-centered approach to care. CPI participants in San Diego County meet regularly to identify Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports needs and gaps within the community, identify and resolve implementation issues, and monitor how Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) funds can be used to address implementation issues and disseminate best practices.

San Diego PATH CPI's meeting cadence is generally the third Thursday of the month, from 11:30am to 12:30pm PT. See the meeting calendar for up-to-date event information and registration link. 

If you’d like to talk further with us, please email path-cpi@intrepidascent.com. In addition to the monthly collaborative meetings, we also host monthly office hours and/or CalAIM Academy meetings for continued relationship building and follow-up on key topics.

San Diego Collaborative 2024 Aim Statement

By December 31, 2024, the San Diego County PATH CPI Collaborative will increase the number of eligible beneficiaries enrolled in ECM and Community Supports.

Enhanced Care Management - Increase enrollment of eligible members in ECM from 41% to 83%, increasing to 34,614 beneficiaries enrolled (100% increase in total number of individuals) from Q4 2023 to Dec. 31, 2024.

Community Supports – Increase enrollment of eligible members from 4% to 6%, increasing to 2,482 members enrolled (50% increase in total number of individuals) from Q4 2023 to Dec. 31, 2024.

San Diego Collaborative 2023 Recap

2023 Aim Statement: By December 31, 2023, the San Diego County PATH CPI Collaborative will increase the number of ECM and Community Supports eligible beneficiaries enrolled, engaged, and successfully billed for high quality services that are data-driven, linguistically, and culturally appropriate. 

ECM: Increase enrollment of eligible members in ECM from 16 to 31%, increasing to 14, 7472 beneficiaries enrolled (100% increase in total number) from Q4 2022 to December 31, 2023.

Community Supports: Increase enrollment of eligible members from 1.76 to 2.38% increasing to 1,100 members enrolled (35% increase in total number of individuals) from Q4 2022 to December 31, 2023.

122 unique organizations serving San Diego County registered for the San Diego PATH CPI in 2023 and attended a variety of collaborative meetings offered each month. Attendees included contracted Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports providers, non-contracted community-based organizations, local health systems, and the county's Medi-Cal Managed Care Providers. 

Over the entire year, the collaborative worked together to discuss a breadth of topics related to CalAIM and ECM/Community Supports implementation, including: 

Want to meet our team? Schedule a 1:1 with us today!