
The ISD students were busy making an eco-review. This will help us create an action to become a more sustainable school.

Eco-scan presentation June 2021
Eco-scan presentation june 2020

Eco-scan video June 2020


Litter/ Waste

Waste is one of our main areas for improvement. We do very little recycling and we don't know how much waste we produce.

Action ideas: Let's introduce separate bins for plastic and paper. Let's start composting food scraps. Let's bring less packaging to the school.


We have started communicating about environment since we joined the eco-school programme. We have a website and an eco-board. Eco-team gives presentations at the assembly. We can always do more.

Action ideas: We can run campaigns to remind people to be careful with energy, water and waste. We should promote our website and up-date our eco-board. We should report on our eco-activities and performance (energy, waste, water) in the school newsletter.


The building and equipment we have is modern and fairly energy efficient, but we could save energy if we used it better e.g. turn off lights more often, switch off our computers and screens when we don’t use them.

Actions ideas: This is about communication and changing our behaviours. Let's put up posters, let's award points for good behaviours, let's talk about it. Then we need to know how we are doing - we need to start measuring how much energy we use.

Building/ School grounds

This is an area where we are doing well. Our buildings are modern and clean. Our new playground is using environmental materials.


We now have a nice green playground. Yay! It would be good if students could look after it. We also would like a veggie garden.

Action ideas: Start a school veggie garden. Develop a schedule where each class is responsible for looking after the veggie garden or the playground. Connect with TU Delft experts.


Again, thumbs up on hygiene and we are getting better. We are washing hands and the schools is well cleaned.

Mobility/ Transport

We are in the Netherlands. Many of us get to school on a bike or on foot. When we go on school trips we often use public transport. There will be more public transport options once the tram 9 starts going.

Action ideas: Promote local public transport better.

Safety & Security

We feel safe at school. Our teachers help us prevent bullying. There is still some fighting. We can always be kinder to each other.


We have a healthy food policy and teachers tell us why we need to eat healthy. Our lunches and snacks are ok. Most of us drink water instead of soft drinks. However we would like to do more.

Action ideas: We would like to grow food at school and compost our food scraps.

WhatsApp Video 2020-04-22 at 07.40.01.mp4


We have modern water facilities but we could use them better. Our playground is permeable but we don't collect rain water.

Action ideas: Again we need to change our behaviour - we need to turn off taps and use less water. And we have to measure how much water we use. We also would like to start collecting rain water to water the plants in our playground and veggie garden.