Growing from the Root logo, with roots extending from the T in Root

Philadelphia's Urban Agriculture Plan:

Online Portal to the Virtual "Public Meeting" #2

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The window for public comment closed on June 1, 2021, but you are still welcome to explore the Public Meeting #2 website and participate in the different stations.

Click the links below or in the Stations menu at the top of the page to begin.

The stations should take you an hour or two to complete. You do not need to participate in every station or do them all in one sitting, but we recommend starting with Station 1 so that you understand the design of this virtual meeting. Visit the site multiple times, or gather a group of people to explore the site together!

Before you get started, please review the following statements that are foundational to our work: an accountability statement from our team, and a land acknowledgement from Trinity Norwood of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation.

Your input on this website will directly inform the Plan’s recommendations to protect, expand, and sustain urban agriculture in Philadelphia. Help us remain accountable to the community’s values and the Plan’s foundations: health, racial and economic equity, culture, resiliency, and history.

Button that leads to Sign-in Page

Sign in

Button that leads to Station 1: Video Orientation

1: Video Orientation

Button that leads to Station 2: Historic Timeline

2: Historical Timeline

Button that leads to Station 3: Access to Land

3: Access to Land

Button that leads to Station 4: Resources for Community Gardens

4: Resources for Community Gardens

Button that leads to Station 5: Animal Keeping

5: Animal Keeping

Button that leads to Station 6: Farming Careers and Businesses

6: Farming Careers and Businesses

Button that leads to Station 7: Educating the Next Generation of Growers

7: Educating the Next Generation of Growers

Button that leads to Station 8: Seed Saving and Growing

8: Seed Saving and Foraging

Button that leads to Station 9: Food Systems

9: Food Systems and Policy

Button that leads to Station 10: Vote for Your Favorite Ideas

10: Vote for Your Favorite Ideas

Our Accountability Statement

Growing from the Root is committed to co-creating a culturally-competent and equity-based approach to ensure residents most impacted are engaged and represented in the planning process.

We aim to design a process that is racially and economically equitable, practical, accessible, responsive, and resourceful. We will be monitoring online participation, and we are mindful about the digital divide.

If you find the online format confusing or difficult to work with, please call us at (215) 645-2145 or email us at - we will make sure your voice is heard!

As you engage with this material over the internet, remember:

    • Be honest. We're counting on it.

    • The planning team will honor your privacy by aggregating everyone's input and analyzing it as a whole. Be aware that some prompts for input on this website will populate in real-time as you add your comments, similar to posts made on social media.

Land Acknowledgement

Urban agriculture is grounded in land, and this planning process seeks to contextualize the conversation about land by honoring and acknowledging the original stewards of what is currently known as Philadelphia.

Land Acknowledgement by Trinity Norwood of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation

The land upon which we garden, grow, and gather is part of the traditional territory of the Lenni-Lenape, called Lenapehoking. The Lenape people lived in harmony with one another upon this territory for thousands of years. During the colonial era and early federal period, many were removed west and north, but some also remain among the three continuing historical communities in this region, the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation, the Ramapough-Lenape Tribal Nation, and the Powhatan-Renape Tribal Nation.

We acknowledge the Lenni-Lenape as the original people of this land and their continuing relationship with their territory. In our acknowledgement of this continued presence of Lenape people in their homeland, we affirm the aspiration of the great Lenape Chief Tamanend that there be harmony between the Indigenous people of this land and the descendants of the immigrants to this land, as long as the rivers and the creeks flow and the sun and moon and stars shine. Wanìshi.

Thank you for your time, consideration, and creativity.

Please stay well, and check the Growing from the Root website for upcoming events and project updates.