How To Make Butter

Published  April 7, 2023 

Join me as I make butter for my family. I love doing this! To me it tastes better than store bought and it's fun and rewarding to feel self reliant.

Use only heavy cream. Any other milk products will not have enough fat. You need the fat because that is your butter. Be sure to chill your container in the fridge before starting. This will help keep your cream cold while you process it. You want to work quickly so that your cream does not warm up. Keeping it cold will help the fats to connect together and create the lump that you are looking for. If you are not seeing a solid separation, your cream is too warm. Add a couple ice cubes or return it back to the fridge to chill back up.

Once you see the separation you have butter. You will want to pour out your buttermilk. I save mine for biscuits, pancakes, bread, or whatever. There is a lot of way to use buttermilk. I like to store my buttermilk in a mason jar or other container with a lid and then I stick it in the fridge.

The next step is to clean your butter. This will ensure preservation and a longer shelf life for your butter. The easiest way that I've found to clean my butter is by using my kitchen aid mixer with a dough hook. Have a large bowl of ice water ready and pour small amounts of cold water into your mixing bowl. Let the hook mix it up. After 30 seconds or so, dump out the water and replace it with more fresh water from your ice water bowl. Repeat this step until your water is clear.

Once you dump the last of the clear water, you can season your butter to your liking and stick it in a container. Seasoning is optional. I often don't add anything to my butter. I store my butter in the fridge. We use a good amount of butter. So, it's uncommon for us to still have some 2 weeks out. You can freeze butter as well. I also love to scoop a smaller portion into my butter bell. Enjoy!