Beach Clean Up



El passat 20 de novembre l’alumnat de 4t d'ESO B va tenir la meravellosa oportunitat d’assistir al taller d’ecologia en anglès “Beach Clean Up Workshop” a càrrec d’Emilio Beladiez de l’associació BIOagradables a l’American Space BCN de la Biblioteca Can Fabra al barri de Sant Andreu de Barcelona.

El taller constava de dues parts: la teòrica, xerrada a la Biblioteca, i la pràctica, neteja i anàlisi de deixalles a la platja del Bogatell de Barcelona.

L'activitat va quedar immortalitzada de la mà del fotògraf professional @rafa.beladiez a Facebook e IG.

Dos alumnes participants expliquen la seva experiència:

On the 20 th of November, my class 4th B went to the American Space in Sant Andreu library and there we had a talk about Marine Debris, in other words, all the waste we can find in the sea and in the beaches.

They showed us photos and they made us think about what we can do to improve this situation. Then, we went to Bogatell beach to do a workshop with another high school to clean up the beach. We found a lot of trash and I thought that people are destroying our world and we can do several things to recover this, like: not to use the aluminium foil to wrap our sandwiches and to use the boc’n’roll wrappers instead, to recycle properly, to reduce plastic usage and finally to try to reuse.

When we got there the beach seemed very clean but after one hour cleaning the beach, we were very surprised as we collected 34 kg of trash and 7 of them were plastics. We did not expect this. It was shocking! We felt fulfilled! It was a very rewarding experience.

I had a great time with my friends and with the guys from the other high school who where doing the clean up with us.

Finally, I recommend to go with BIOagradables, the voluntary service that organises these workshops and maybe with the help of each one of us, we can create a better world.

María Ramos, 4th B

On the 20 th of November 2019, 4th B students went to a school trip to Sant Andreu . They went to the American Space in Sant Andreu’s Library. They listened to a speech from an NGO, about Climate Change and they discussed about possible solutions to fix this issue and improve the current situation.

Once the speech ended, they went with another high school to a nearby beach, and separated in groups of 10 and everyone wore their own gloves, and they started to work in collecting beach trash, and all kind of waste, that was over there. Two hours later approximately, they ended collecting, and stopped to take a break. There, the guys and ladies from the NGO gave ecologic hamburgers and glass bottled juice. And only in two hours of work they got the amount of 35Kg of waste which 8Kg were plastic.

When the break ended, they went back to Sant Andreu and took the subway towards Santa Coloma. Overall, it was a great experience for the students, and they will remember these experiences towards the future.

A personal experience from a student:

‘We learnt a lot about possible solutions against climate change and things we can improve in our day-to-day. Personally, I enjoyed the experience with my friends, and the instructors were really nice with us. We were pleased about all we were cleaning up and how we were helping.’

Ruben Camús, 4th B