Dear Friends,
On this occasion, Christmas 2019, I would love to finally give you some consistent news.
A little more than three months ago, I have arrived in Mauritius. The departure from Oakland was a difficult step forward. You are certainly all deeply missed.
Canon Moreau and Montjean were here to welcome me to the Island and show me around for the first week. A great week!
My parents and even Monsignor Wach.... What a start!
The work that Canon Moreau accomplished here is absolutely remarkable. I have once again -like I did in Oakland - the privilege to walk on his footsteps and harvest his fruits. Thank you Canon.
Our Postal address is:
(Click to see more text)
Residence Les Aubiers
4 rue de Courson, Curepipe
This is in the very center of the Island.... One hour away from any of the farthest points of the Island in all directions.
Everything seems close to everything but yet it takes time to go anywhere.... I'll talk to you later about driving on the island. It will make you smile, I am sure...
I thought at first that this Apostolate would be a 'sinecure' - which means from Latin 'sine cura', without work- a kind of long term vacation living on a post card: sitting on the beach and sipping fresh coconut water between Masses and few visits at the Hospital… Totally wrong idea all the way!
The Postcard happens to be two faced. Yes indeed, the Island is a real Paradise in many ways and pictures will and do say thousand words without any need for words.
However, they are still just photos. Real life here is a bit different.
On the other side of the camera, the one not facing the beautiful Ocean Beaches and Resorts, great poverty is apparent throughout Mauritius. Many things should be done.
The sign reads in Mauritian Creole “No dumping” … en Francais ‘Ne pas jeter des saletes ici”
There is an incredible habit of people throwing their trash in all places.
The Chapel of the College St. Joseph,
On Sunday, I say Mass at the Chapel of the College St. Joseph. It is the chapel of one of the most ancient colleges of the Island that was founded by the Christian Brothers in 1874
The chapel is big enough for the congregation. 80 to 150 people on big feast days so far.
We have altar servers well trained and a small choir. For the little story...out of habit I started to preach at my first Mass in English…. after 10 minutes I realized that I was not in America anymore. I continued in French, the spoken language …
The blessed Sacrament is exposed at 9:00 am, confessions heard. Mass starts at 10:00 am
The Last Sunday of Pentecost, Solemn High Mass celebrated by Msgr. Wach
St. Helene Church
During the week, the Mass is celebrated at St. Helene on the main altar. The church is very close to the apartment .
What a beautiful church indeed. We have around 20 to 25 people attending. Many of them are “walk in's" that discover the Mass for the first time.
It amazes me that few are unable to read or of course write… and yet they quite immediately "get the Mass”.
We often hear people saying that the Latin Mass is for the intellectual, those who know Latin etc.. but it is here, obvious that it is not so… all the symbols, gestures, vestments etc… speak to all souls…. the Latin Mass is the Mass of the ages.
Another aspect of the Apostolate is the ministry at the Hospital. (Click to see more)
The main hospital that the Apostolate is assigned to is Jeetoo Hospital. That is the community Hospital. Great poverty and lack of means is seen all around.
There are 6 to 8 patients in a room with all types of illnesses (Diabetes is big here and many have their limbs amputated because of gangrene).
Day in the life of a hospital visit:
First, I go to those who called for a priest. Then you turn to the next bed: "and you how are you? Do you want a blessing? Are you catholic?" " Yes “mopere” (Short for mon Pere, my father). Do you want to make a confession? O no mopere, pas pre, not ready… So after few words they usually accept and make their confession ….
And the grace works…
And we are amazed….
And we turn to the next bed. Are you catholic? (it is obvious they are not since they wear the red mark on their front between the eyes…Hindu … ) ”do you want a blessing?” “ O yes mopere… “… and so I recite for them the Memorare, bless them, poor Holly Water upon them… that is the ‘Gange’ in a bottle … many of them make the sign of the Cross and kiss the crucifix.
The next bed is a Muslim. They also often accept the blessing. They willfully receive the sign of the cross on their head… kiss the crucifix…. Few refuse as they technically should.
In the mean time, the grace of God passes
One thing that is also remarkable is the lack of protection … fevers, diverse deceases, that I do not want to know about… close contact with all, with some time difficult smell to endure… and so far no contagion… the Gospel is right …
That is the reason why lately I stopped making them kiss the crucifix for obvious prophylactic reasons ...
That is a very special thing to do and a special way to do it on the Island.
I never experienced such a thing in America.
During the Month of November, we visited many cemeteries… some are just on the beach, on the shores of the island… a dream place to take eternal rest…
It was a great way to make a first round of the Island.
Wild life and some curiosities of the Island
Touring the Island led us to see some curious and interesting places and a variety of animals.
The first to see are the many types of birds that are incredibly loud. Three species are seen everywhere.
The Monkey in this picture is the one that isn't wearing a hat!
L' arbre du voyageur.... The traveler tree.... it contains drinkable water
I saw this one only from far away. It is the White-tailed Tropicbird
The Mauritian Cardinal
Saw at the Pamplemouse property..
Wild deers and buck fed by the owner of this tea factory
we took this picture underwater ....
And to finish, I would like to give a huge thank you for giving my parents the opportunity to visit...
Indeed, for those who wonder why I say that, the parishioners of Saint Margaret Mary offered to me, among many other marks of affection, as a gift of departure two round-trip tickets Paris-Mauritius for my parents.
They remained with us at the apartment in town but for the last two days they stayed at "un campement les pieds-dans-l'eau", that is a house on the beach...
We visited many of the tourist attractions of the Island..... Cap Malheureux, Flic en Flac, Roches-Noirs, Chamarel and above all, we did two pilgrimages: One toward Our Lady Help of Christians to whom a little sanctuary is dedicated on the North of the Island, and the other by the shrine dedicated to the Blessed Père Laval, the holy man of Mauritius.... constantly people go there to pray on his grave. We pray often through his intercession by the sick. You might want to know more about him by clicking on his picture
The ""pied-dans-l'eau"
The Pere Laval receives constant veneration from the Mauritian people of all faith.
He is very well loved.
The Cowboy in the Hat
Along with many of the pictures you, saw this little abbe. This is abbe Andreas de Pascale an Italian Native di Napoli pictured below.
I am very grateful for his service this year on our Apostolate... he is a pleasant, amiable and helpful companion...
Please keep him in your prayers during his journey to the priesthood. And that he keeps his patience supporting my "french" character .
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas
Lastly.......Here are some pictures of the Nativity scene made with what I had on hand....The rest are still coming on a ship! At least I hope they will arrive!
The characters have been landed to us by the priest next door Father Tammin. They were made by a Malgache artist (Madagascar) the trees offered by the people.... all fun ... we will do better next year.
The curious top of the "mountain" is a 'clin d'oeil' at a local curiosity the Pieter Both mountain
Missing you all.
You can reach me at
or by phone on the application WhatsApp that you can download here
My WhatsApp is my old American Number: +1 510 604 0391 Canon Meney
The Apostolate of Mauritius is financially struggling for the moment and needs help. Monsignor Wach gave me permission to ask you for assistance. Let me know if you would be willing to do something. I'll pass on to you the practical modalities.
With gratitude.
Yours, Canon Olivier Meney
Joyeux Noel !
Benediction de la creche de la Chapelle
Messe a 21h00
Creche de Notre Dame de Lourde Rose Hill
Messe de Minuit
Gregoire .... portant l'Enfant Dieu