Estudis Escènics International Symposium 2020

Call for papers

The International Symposium “Formats, Devices and Mechanisms for Interaction (in the Relational Scene)”, to be held at the Institut de Teatre in Barcelona on 13, 14 and 15 October 2020 (provisional dates), is accepting papers related to any of its fields.

Those interested in presenting their work must first submit an abstract of their paper in Catalan, Spanish or English. Once selected, the papers must be publicly presented in Catalan or Spanish.

The abstracts, with a maximum of one page, must be sent before 20 April to the following address:

If the number of abstracts accepted by the Scientific Committee exceeds the number of papers established by the organisation, the Committee will make a selection.

After the Symposium, the papers accepted must be submitted within a period of two months for possible publication in Estudis Escènics. The rules for submission of originals are available on the following link.