Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

Message from the Headteacher

It has been an eventful week at school with lots of enrichment opportunities taking place. Our Year 5 children took part in mental health workshops with our Royal Greenwich colleagues and both of our Year 2 classes visited a local church to explore the story of the Nativity. Mr Charleson also took our school choir to perform at the third annual 'Sparkle in the park' event at Avery Hill park on Thursday evening. It was great to hear them perform to crowds of people and to see the buzz it brought them.  Thank you to all of you for your generous donations towards our summer fair today. We look forward to this event during the last week of term and hope that you will be able to attend.  Next week, we will have our Christmas lunch on Thursday 7th December which coincides with Christmas jumper day on what promises to be a fantastic festive affair.

Have a great weekend and wrap up warm

Mr Phillips and the whole team

Messages from the office

Year 5 - Residential Trip

If you have booked your child onto the  YEAR 5 school Journey from Monday 11th March until Friday 15th March. 

The total cost for the week is £300 per child, including accommodation, travel, all meals plus all of the fantastic activities and experiences. 

Please can you make a payment. We have noticed some parents  have not made the October and/or November payment. This payment needs to be made ASAP and each month from the instalment plan below.

Dinner Debt & Breakfast/Playzone

 Please can you log into your Arbor account and clear  any dinner debt that is owed. Please can you also ensure your breakfast club & Playzone account is also cleared of any outstanding debt.

Primary Applications

If your child's date of birth is between 01st September 2019 to 31st August 2020 they will be due to start primary school in September 2024.

You need to apply for a primary school place online, the deadline for applications is 15th January 2024.

Please see link below to submit your application

Head Lice

 We have received a report of Headlice in the school, please check your child’s hair tonight and for the next 7 days to make sure there are no eggs hatching. You may wish to run conditioner through the hair using a fine-tooth comb. Unfortunately, this is a common problem in all schools. It helps to keep all long hair tied up to prevent the spread. Legally the school cannot check children’s hair or send a pupil home if they have head lice. It is therefore important that all parents are vigilant and act quickly if head lice are found. 

Save the Date for Autumn Term 

Missed Flu Vaccinations

                             What we have learned this week

Year 1 - This week in Year 1, the children have become researchers, finding facts and information about the Dominican Republic, which is where their core text 'Island Born' is set. They researched the landscape, climate, wildlife, culture and food in the Dominican Republic and were excited to share the facts that they learnt with each other. They wrote brilliant fact-files showcasing all that they had learnt. "Did you know that there are more than 200 beaches in the Dominican Republic?", Tommy said. "The beaches are beautiful, so people come to visit them from all around the world!", said Lexi. 

Meanwhile, in Maths, the children have been exploring addition by adding numbers together or counting on from a number to find the total. "I can hold the biggest number in my head and then count on to find how much there is altogether", Marwa explained. The children have also been applying their addition skills, by answering word problems. They have been working hard to reason and problem solve to find the answers. The children have also also created their own maths story to reason and justify how items have been added together to make the whole.

In Computing, the children have been using bee-bots to follow programs and give directions. They built on this to create their own programmes and then ran these on the bee-bots. Year 1 have really enjoyed applying their programming skills from this topic. In Science, the children  have begun looking at their new topic 'seasonal changes. The children went outside to explore the seasonal changes that they could spot in the playground and nature school, su as frost on the ground and brown and fallen leaves from the trees. They then became weather reporters and explained what the weather is like in autumn and winter, considering what the weather might look and feel like and what they would need to wear during this season. 

Year 4It has been an exciting couple of weeks in year 4! Last Thursday, the children took a trip to the science museum to further their scientific mindset. During the day, the children got to explore who they were and where they came from and Silver Birch enjoyed learning all about the first man on the moon. Kaylen said, “I really liked hearing the man talk about how quick the rocket was!” Shavonti said, “it was cool seeing so many new things!” 

In their learning this week, year 4 have been working hard to learn fronted adverbials and generate figurative language ahead of our publishing next week. They enjoyed collaborating to sort adverbials into time, manner and place and then apply them to their own writing. Damien said, “it was really fun identifying the different types of adverbials, I liked using them to up-level my writing. In maths, the children have continued to work on multiplication and division facts and have enjoyed using reasoning and problem solving to find answers. Faye said, “I’ve enjoyed using my times tables to do word problems!” 

Year 4 have also spent the past few weeks practicing songs for our Christmas concert! They can’t wait to showcase their hard work to all the parents soon! 

Community Support, Events & Activities

Holiday Food and Fun is back for Christmas! Free activities for young people in Royal Greenwich.

Using money from the Department of Education, there are free, funded holiday club spaces available for eligible children and young people.

If your child is aged between 4 and 16, and receives or is eligible for benefit-related free school meals, they'll be able to claim a spot at one of our participating clubs.

If your child is eligible for benefits related free school meals and attends a special school in the borough and/or has a package of care from social services, they can access the specialist SEND provision and programmes.

Find a list of participating holiday clubs on our website and book a place directly with them. 

Clubs will run between 22 December 2023 and 5 January 2024

Birthday & Merits

Conker - Amaya

Acorns - Nathaniel

Saplings - Rose-Anne & Eva

Hazel - Annabelle

Pine - Naomi & Padmond

Rowan - Kaiden

Chestnut - Kehinde

Silver Birch - Colby

Cherry - Victor, Ellie & Victoria, 

Juniper - Lucie & Kristanas

Aspen - Defne, Dilara & Taye

Oak - Berat & Je'Vaun

Catkins - Naomi & Ibrahim

Saplings - Noah & Rayan

Acorns - Zain & Inaaya

Hazel Tree - Emmanuella & Noah S

Pine Tree - Melissa & Aaliyah

Hawthorn - Noah & Olivia

Rowan - Wise & Mina

Aspen  - Taye & Dilara

Chestnut - Ameerah & Bleu

Cherry  - Tenyang & Elissa

Juniper  - Nitika & Ayo

Silver Birch - Renae & Mark

Willow - Ivy & Lenny

Beech - The Whole Class

Oak  - Emily & Je'Vaun

Cedar - James & Arif

                Dates for your diary

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