Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

This week saw our sports days for Nursery and Reception take place in the school's MUGA. It was great to see the children's beaming smiles and positive energy as they engaged with their sporting activities. Also, our KS1 children attended their sports day at Maryon Park on Thursday. Despite the warm weather they competed admirably and had the best time with their track and field events. Well done to all of the parents who took part in the events and a big thank you to the EYFS and KS1 staff as well as Mr Smalley for organising these events. This weekend there is an Armed Forces day event at Woolwich Barracks. This has always been a great day and one where families can engage with our local area and its history. The programme for the day is below. Also, if you are a football fan, many of the countries that are represented at Woodhill with England, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Romania all taking part in the knockout stages. Let's hope England improve and whoever you are supporting let's hope your country has a positive result.

Have a good weekend all

Mr Phillips

Messages from the office

Summer Fayre - Friday 5th July 2024

We are really looking forward to our Summer Fayre next week on:  Friday 5th July from 2.30pm

To facilitate this, school will finish at 2.30pm next Friday, please collect your child from their usual collection point, apart from:

Aspen Tree, Chestnut Tree, Cherry Tree 

Please collect your child from the back playground next to the MUGA.

Parents of Year 5 and 6 Pupils

If your child has permission to walk home alone, please note that on this day they will be released from school at 2.30pm. Please discuss with your child in advance whether they have your permission to stay at the Summer Fayre, and what time you will expect them to be home. 

 We would really appreciate any more donations for the following stalls:

If you would like to run a stall please speak to the office or contact Ms Bywater on 

Our partner school 'Rockcliffe Manor' has their annual 'Summer Fete' on Saturday 06th July. All familes are welcome.

Extended Provision & School Meal Debt

Please can you log into your Arbor account and clear any dinner debt that is owed, some parents still have an outstanding debt from the previous academic year. Please can you also ensure your breakfast club & Playzone account is also cleared of any outstanding debt.

Secondary Transfer Webinar bring held on Tuesday 02nd and Thursday 04th July 2024. 

The Royal Borough of Greenwich are holding a online webinar for Secondary Transfer to ensure a smooth transition, please see details below

The link for the Webinar on Tuesday at 9am is below:

You're invited to Secondary Transition webinar for parents Tuesday 2 July 2024 09:00 - 10:00 (GMT) Tap on the link or paste it in a browser to join.

The link for the Webinar on Thursday at 5pm is below:

You're invited to Secondary Transition webinar for parents Thursday 4 July 2024 17:00 - 18:00 (GMT) Tap on the link or paste it in a browser to join.

As part of our organization for our Woodhill Summer Fayre on Friday 05th July, we are asking all families to donate something in a bottle.

PE Kit

When children have PE lessons please can you ensure PE uniform is NOT worn to school. Their PE kit must be brought to school in a bag and left on their peg for the term

Nursery Spaces Available for Sept 2024

If your child is going to turn 3 years old before the 07th September 24 he/she will be eligible for a nursery placement at Woodhill. Please collect a application form from the school office ASAP.

Sports Day Information

Please see important dates below for all 'Sports Days' information/timing's/dates etc for all year groups.


Years 1-6 (will take place at Maryon Park)


Thursday 27th June – Years 1 & 2 – 9.45 until 11.15


Wednesday 03rd July – Years 3 & 4 – 09.45 until 11.15


Thursday 11th July – Years 5 & 6 – 09.30 until 11.30

Ice Pole Sale

Year 1 will be holding a 'Ice Pole Sale' every Thursday for 50p each. The stall will be in the playground under the shelter. 

Gardening Club Volunteers Needed

If you enjoy being outside in the beautiful British weather, getting your hands in the soil and you are able to volunteer some of your time to support children with Gardening Club during the summer term, please talk to Mr Lee, Ms Bywater or the ladies in the office - your help would be very much appreciated and your child could join you for free! Gardening Club runs every Thursday from 3.30 - 4.30pm.

Reading Volunteers Needed

If you are able to volunteer some of your time on a Wednesday lunchtime (12.00 - 1.00pm) to hear children read in the library with Mrs Huxley and Ms Bywater please let either of them know or speak to the ladies in the office. The children love having an adult to read to and your help would be very much appreciated!

                             What we have learned this week

EYFS - This week in EYFS has been full of exciting and engaging activities. In Literacy, we have been exploring different perspectives with our summer core text, "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs." The children have been asking insightful questions like, "Why did you run out of sugar?" and "Why didn't you go to the shop?" to better understand the characters' actions. 

 In Maths, we have been working on number sentences and developing our number sense. Using tools like rekenreks and ten frames, the children have been deepening their understanding. Tommy said, "I know it is 15 because 5, 5, 5 is 15," showing their growing confidence and comprehension. 

 We also had a fantastic time at our EYFS sports day. A big thank you to the parents for their enthusiastic participation and to the teachers and support staff for their continuous efforts in creating memorable experiences for our children.  

Additionally, the children have continued with our Arts Fortnight, having fun collaborating and creating new dance routines, both in and out of class. They particularly love using ribbons and props, adding a vibrant touch to their performances. 

Year 1 - This week has been an exciting week for Year 1! The children got a surprise call from a mysterious person giving them directions to find The Lorax book. The children made predictions about the new core text and who the Once-ler is. They then began to create their own story maps retelling the story.


In Maths they have been finding quarters of shapes and numbers. They started by experimenting with different shapes they could split into quarters and moved onto finding quarters of numbers. Tegan said ‘a quarter is 4 equal parts.’


In RE, the children are continuing with their new topic of Judaism. For this, the children have been learning about the key beliefs in Judaism. In particular we have learnt about their religious observance of Shabbat and how it is celebrated. We learnt where they go to pray  (........... said i know the Jewish religious building is the Synagogue).


In PE the children spent the beginning of the week practicing for their sports day. They have focused on the different sport day events to prepare them for sports day.

The children did really well at sports day and we are very proud of them all!

Year 6 - This week, Year 6  had an exciting week ,in their curriculum  learning, as they started learning more about the the USA and UK. The children are gathering - well researched-  facts in order to compare/contrast both countries in one of their final `double page spreads.` To keep those arithmetic skills developing, the children have been continuing to improve   their  `Personal Bests` . In maths,  the children have reached the `pitching stage` in the `What Could You Do With £5?` challenge  whereby they will have to convince adults that their idea should be awarded a stall at the Summer Fair. Karlen  commented ,  `` We have the idea that will sell the most .``


In Science, Year 6 have been exploring and finding out more about `Light and Electricity` which will result in an end of year science morning where each team will present what they have found out about the topic. Bella  said , `` I didn`t know that light is made up of tiny parts called protons.``


In English, the children continue to  explore  `Stella by Starlight ` - a fascinating story set in  1930`s  USA- which follows the journey  of Stella and her brother - two young children - as they grow up in a  small town full of division.  Based on a true  story and actual events of that era , the themes of `civil rights` and `hope` permeate the whole story. The events in the story have prompted excellent discussions -in class- about that era .


David  commented that, ``Stella  showed  so much courage and resilience.`` The children have really explored the rich vocabulary , the plot,  and background to the story. They have all  composed a  short newspaper report that allowed them all  to showcase their factual writing skills, and act as real-life journalists reporting on an event found in the text.. Emily   said of her initial  draft , `` I feel ready proud of my news article so far. I like the way we will make it look like a 1930`s news article.``


On top of this, the  children have been exploring `continuous line drawing` using inspirations from Charis Tsevis and sticking to  sporty themes. The final pieces will use `tennis` as the central theme. Last, but not least, the children  have started auditioning, rehearsing for the Year 6 performance of `Woodhill`s Got Talent.` Scripts are being learnt and songs are being sung , props are being designed . In PE, the children  continue to  develop their practical  skills and teamwork  in a range of sports.

      Community Support, Events & Activities

Armed forces day 29th June 

Armed Forces Day which takes place on Saturday 29th June returns this year to Barrack Field opposite Woolwich Barracks.

This year the army are laying on a series of events which will run through the day from 10am to 10 pm. 

Information about the Programme of Events was sent to you all by email on Thursday.

It should be a great family day out with stalls, music, and military equipment together with fire engines and ambulances, a funfair, and the Kings Troop will be performing.

Most of the activities (apart from the fair rides) are free.

CAFC FREE Family Fun Day 30th July 2024 - 12pm - 4pm - The Valley, SE7 8BL 

CAFA are holding a Family Fun Day 2 which is a FREE event to all who wish to attend.  All we are asking is that you get the message out to your school community as we’d love to see as many Royal Borough of Greenwich residents attending as possible.  We will have fun fair attractions, facepainters, both 1st team men’s and women’s players attending, footie challenges and so much more and it’s FREE.


We are also offering FREE goodie bags to anyone that signs up ahead of the event – who doesn’t love a freebie!

Join us for a FREE Family Fun Day in July | Charlton Athletic Football Club ( 

10% Discount for this event for children that attend Woodhill, please use discount code 'Woodhill'

Birthday & Merits

Acorns - Aaron

Saplings - Rayan

Pine - Annabelle

Cherry - Elissa

Willow - Daisy

JTL - Ivy & The whole of Year 2

Catkins - Ibrahim 

Acorns - Ronnie & Dara

Saplings - Shenlea & Brielle

Hazel Tree - Olivia & Kiara

Pine Tree - Padmond & Tommy

Hawthorn - Hussein & Aalya

Rowan - Noora & Khaliq

Aspen - Dilara & Leo

Chestnut - Abdallah & Zoe

Cherry - Hannah & Aalia

Juniper - Nikita & Iris

Silver Birch - Zain & Maisie

Willow - Cheyanne & TJ

Beech -  Abdul & Ella

Oak - Chidi, Bella & Denis

Cedar - Jebriel & Seedy 

               Important Dates for your diary