Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

Message from the Headteacher

It has been an eventful week at Woodhill with our Junior leaders starting their groundskeeping duties and the use of our new library space now in full swing. Children right through key stages 1 and 2 are accessing this space at lunchtimes and our Reception children have been visiting during the afternoons as we continue to foster a culture of reading for pleasure. A few year groups have been out and about as part of the school's enrichment offer with both Reception classes visiting Pizza Express as part of their learning and our Y4 classes visiting the Science museum in London to bring their electricity and states of matter learning to life. This week also saw our Y5 and 6 girls play their first matches in the Meridian girls football league and we look forward to getting this group training more in the Spring as their fixtures increase.

A reminder that it is INSET day tomorrow, so enjoy the extra day together and we will see you back at school on Monday.

Mr Phillips

Messages from the office

Children In Need

Thank you for your donations for 'Children in Need'. We raised £218.26

Primary Applications

If your child's date of birth is between 01st September 2019 to 31st August 2020 they will be due to start primary school in September 2024.

You need to apply for a primary school place online, the deadline for applications is 15th January 2024.

Please see link below to submit your application

Head Lice

 We have received a report of Headlice in the school, please check your child’s hair tonight and for the next 7 days to make sure there are no eggs hatching. You may wish to run conditioner through the hair using a fine-tooth comb. Unfortunately, this is a common problem in all schools. It helps to keep all long hair tied up to prevent the spread. Legally the school cannot check children’s hair or send a pupil home if they have head lice. It is therefore important that all parents are vigilant and act quickly if head lice are found. 

Dinner Debt & Breakfast/Playzone

 Please can you log into your Arbor account and clear  any dinner debt that is owed. Please can you also ensure your breakfast club & Playzone account is also cleared of any outstanding debt.

Save the Date for Autumn Term 

                             What we have learned this week

Year 2 - Year 2 has been working very hard this week. The children are deep in preparations for the end of year Nativity. All of Key Stage 1 will be performing 'Little Angel Gets Her Wings' in December. In Year 2 lots of lines are being memorised, songs are being performed and acts are being perfected by the children and teachers collaboratively. Gaulfem was pleased to contribute to the Nativity "I'm so happy we'll be using my actions in the song!" Darcy mentioned that "I've been practising my lines every night!"

Year 2 also loved having the chance to welcome their adults in for our 'Learning Together' Maths Morning on Wednesday. The children had been developing their fluency in both adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers, Year 2 used a range of Mathematical resources to prove their solutions and support their methods. Amelia really enjoyed the session "My dad got to see my Maths work!" Another Year 2 child said "My adult couldn't come but I still liked that I could practise my Maths".

Year 5 -  This week Year 5 have been learning to identify square numbers. Using counters, they discovered that the product of a number multiplied by itself could be arranged in a square formation, e.g. 3 x 3. In English, children have been finding evidence from the core text to describe positive snd negative traits of the main character. In computing, children learned to make drawings with shapes in Google Drawings. 

Ava "Now I understand why square numbers are called square numbers!"

Ali " I enjoyed making a Google drawing, it was fun!"

Elijah "I learned how to make buildings from shapes". 

Maya " I learned that you can make art from just basic shapes"

Community Support, Events & Activities

Birthday & Merits

Saplings - Rose-Anne

Hazel - Anas & Annabelle

Pine - Melissa & Naomi

Hawnthorn - Melanie

Cherry - Victoria, Hannah & Victor

Juniper - Lucie & Kristanas

Willow - Ali

Aspen - Defne

Beech - Alieu & Diana

Cedar - Alice, Bobby & Oluwasumisola

Oak - Yaaqub

Saplings - Hunter & Brielle

Acorns - Dara & Naser

Hazel Tree - Madeeha & Arzoo

Pine Tree - Mirza & Phillip

Hawthorn - Kairi & Amira

Rowan - Darcie & Bella

Aspen  - Emaan & Shaniyah

Chestnut - Lara & Millie

Cherry  - The Whole Class

Juniper  - Damien & Yong-her

Silver Birch - The Whole Class

Willow - Maddison & Ronin

Beech - Kasiah & Ella

Oak  - Scarlet & Nilton

Cedar - Juwon & Oscar C

                Dates for your diary

Welcome to Woodhill Library