Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

It has been a great week at Woodhill with all of the children so engaged in their Arts fortnight learning. This year it has been focussed on the theme of Olympic sports and we have seen excellent collage, creative sculpture and beautiful layering and mosaic techniques. Early in the week, some of our staff and families celebrated Eid. I hope that you all had a great time with friends and family. As part of their transition to secondary school our Year 6 children had a workshop from the Mental health schools team which supported them with strategies for a range of situations as they move on to the next stage of their education. They ended their week with a visit to Maryon park as part of finding a balance following their KS2 assessments. Our Reception children and staff have been busy again-this time with a visit to the Royal Observatory to really enrich their learning experiences.

Sports days are coming up from next week and the children in the lower years have been getting their practice in and Mr Smalley will be leading an assembly to share what the children can expect from their days. I hope you will be able to join us at these events as well as the summer fayre on Friday 5th July.

Have a great weekend all

My Phillips and staff

Messages from the office

Summer Fayre - Friday 5th July 2024

Thank you to all of you who attended our summer fair coffee morning before the half term holiday - it was great to be able to share our ideas. Our Summer Fayre this year will be held on Friday 5th July from 2.30pm. (to facilitate this, children can be picked up from their classes at 2.30pm).

 Building on from the success of our previous summer fayres and to ensure that our 2024 Summer Fayre is a enjoyable event for all of our families and for our community, we would appreciate any help that you are able to offer, including organising and/or running the following stalls and donating or lending items to use at the fayre: 

Volunteers to help with stalls or run their own stall on the day

Bottle donations for the tombola

Donations for stalls such as teddies, games, children’s toys

Food and cakes donations for the food stalls

Raffle prizes for both adults and children such as local activities, brand new toys, gift sets etc 

Bottles for our ever popular tombola stall - we will hold a ‘Bring a Bottle’ non-uniform day closer to the event!

If you are able to volunteer to run a stall, or would like to set up a school to run on the day, please contact Ms Bywater on 

If you or anyone you know would like to hold a Community Stall on the day or to do an activity please let the office know by emailing the school on: 

We are also looking for local businesses to attend to promote their products and share their business within the community, so please do speak to people who you think may be interested. 

Sports Day Information

Please see important dates below for all 'Sports Days' information/timing's/dates etc for all year groups.


Nursery (will take place at school)


Tuesday 25th June – AM Nursery Children – 9am until 10am


Tuesday 25th June – Reception Classes – 10.30 until 11.30


Tuesday 25th June – PM Nursery Children – 1pm until 2pm



Years 1-6 (will take place at Maryon Park)


Thursday 27th June – Years 1 & 2 – 9.45 until 11.15


Wednesday 03rd July – Years 3 & 4 – 09.45 until 11.15


Thursday 11th July – Years 5 & 6 – 09.30 until 11.30

Nursery Spaces Available for Sept 2024

If your child is going to turn 3 years old before the 07th September 24 he/she will be eligible for a nursery placement at Woodhill. Please collect a application form from the school office ASAP.

Extended Provision & School Meal Debt

Please can you log into your Arbor account and clear any dinner debt that is owed, some parents still have an outstanding debt from the previous academic year. Please can you also ensure your breakfast club & Playzone account is also cleared of any outstanding debt.

PE Kit

When children have PE lessons please can you ensure PE uniform is NOT worn to school. Their PE kit must be brought to school in a bag and left on their peg for the term.

Gardening Club Volunteers Needed

If you enjoy being outside in the beautiful British weather, getting your hands in the soil and you are able to volunteer some of your time to support children with Gardening Club during the summer term, please talk to Mr Lee, Ms Bywater or the ladies in the office - your help would be very much appreciated and your child could join you for free! Gardening Club runs every Thursday from 3.30 - 4.30pm.

Reading Volunteers Needed

If you are able to volunteer some of your time on a Wednesday lunchtime (12.00 - 1.00pm) to hear children read in the library with Mrs Huxley and Ms Bywater please let either of them know or speak to the ladies in the office. The children love having an adult to read to and your help would be very much appreciated!


At Woodhill, we buy in a CAMHs Early Intervention service to support our children and families. Corinne is our Early Years Link Practitioner from the NHS and she comes into school every Thursday afternoon to meet with parents and Ms Bywater. If you would like to schedule a CAMHs consultation with Corinne and Ms Bywater as a space to discuss any concerns - sleep, eating, anxiety, behaviour, school refusal - that you may have about your child, or child development, please speak to Ms Bywater, either by phoning the office, emailing: or catch up with Ms Bywater on the playground. These consultations do not mean that your child is open to CAMHs, but Corinne will take some notes to upload onto the NHS system.

                             What we have learned this week

Year 2 - In year 2 we have enjoyed a very creative arts fortnight and in the process have researched and learned all about the Paralympic champion Jonnie Peacock in English. The students have written extensive diary entries really drawing on their knowledge of their senses.

As our theme was running, in art we prepared students by sketching different shoes from different artists Helen Kirkum and Andy Yoder with the word sustainability in mind. These sketches led to the students making paper mache shoes for our arts fortnight display.

In maths we have been recapping and revisiting our knowledge on addition and subtraction across a ten and not across a ten. We rediscovered different methods to represent our tens and ones using concrete, abstract and pictorial methods to help support our number sentences.

Year 5 - In year 5 we have been so busy with Arts Fortnight! We experimented with different media to create collages of waves, drawing inspiration from our core artist Matthew Cusick. We first drew outlines then found scraps of paper in different shades to show gradient; giving the illusion of depth and the feeling of water. "Olyimpic sports are really cool" "I would love to try underwater football!" 

With our second art outcome, we are creating mosaic surfboards. "the mosaic tiles are so pretty and make a really nice glittery effect" 

We researched Teahupoo - the home of Olympic surfing this year - and created promotional posters for the event. 

As part of our English journey in Arts fortnight we are crafting poems - we have learned about limericks, haikus and acrostic poems. 

Check out this captivating poem below:


Sharp waves cut across the blood orange sky,

splattering red droplets across the horizon.

Savage, ravaging

they race to reach the shore

Violently rushing, rushing. 

Climbing over each other then quickly crumbling

I let it cascade over me

The blue beast

And it takes me to its depths.

What emotions does this poem evoke for you?

      Community Support, Events & Activities

10% Discount for this event for children that attend Woodhill, please use discount code 'Woodhill'

Birthday & Merits

Conker - Riona

Acorns - Naser

Saplings - Rayan

Pine - Annabelle

Hawthorn - Gulfem

Cherry - Ellie & Elissa

Juniper - Rachel & Alice

Willow - Daisy

Beech - Jonasz

JTL - Bella 

Catkins - Faaliah & Faizah

Acorns - Aaron & Sophia

Saplings - Sophia & Rayan

Hazel Tree - Hiyab & Madeeha

Pine Tree - Sophie & Ethan

Hawthorn - Gulfem & Nevaeh

Rowan - Kaiden & Teddy

Aspen - Yonis & Lexie

Chestnut - Aniyah & Viktoriia

Cherry - Abel & Cayden

Juniper - Sade & Jhayre

Silver Birch - Danny & Rianshi

Willow - Kenzie & Maya

Beech -  The Whole Class

Oak  - Kayla & Chidi & The Whole Class

Cedar - Czara & Ade

               Important Dates for your diary