Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

Message from the Headteacher

It has been a fab week at Woodhill with our Y4 children getting into their coding topic and our reception children have been engaging in their phonics through a treasure hunt in the environment to support their recall of the new phase 3 graphemes, Members of our junior leadership team have been active again with them meeting our school improvement partner to talk through their roles, their impact and plans for the rest of the year. Children from year 4 also attended a Greenwich borough dodgeball competition where they demonstrated determination and skill as well as fantastic teamwork and interacted brilliantly with the children from other schools.. Also, despite the cold weather, the our girls football team continued their league campaign at Meridian and again battled extremely well in close 1-0 defeats and a win in their final game of the evening. We look forward to hearing about their performances and results next week.

Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday.

Messages from the office

FareShare Market

 Recently, our Friends of Woodhill and staff have been collecting parent and pupil voice on ways they can help improve at Woodhill. Lots of feedback gained was around our FareShare Market on a Friday. 

While we understand that it is a staple of our community, we want to ensure that as many people as possible are able to access it fairly. 

While we always seek to support our community in any way we can, we would like to remind everyone of the principles of the Fareshare market. The school pays a set fee each year to the Fareshare charity and as a result, we then receive the variety of consumable goods and items which you see on a Friday. 

The rationale is then that members of the community pay a fare to receive some of the items and that we hold in mind that we would like everyone to have the option to access the Fareshare market. Please be considerate of others on Fridays and be balanced in what you take and please do continue to support the charity; any funds made that exceed what Woodhill pay for the service go into the school fund and support us to provide prizes and food at other events such as World cafe, the summer and winter fairs. 

Please continue to access the Fareshare market and give what you can and take fairly so that as many members of the community as possible can continue to access this provision. Thank you for your continued support. 

School Uniform Expectations

As the Autumn Term draws to an end, we would like to remind the community of our expectations for uniform at Woodhill Primary School to ensure all children return in January with the correct uniform.  We ask that parents and carers ensure all items of clothing are labelled appropriately with your child’s name. 



Absence from School procedure

If your child is absent from school, please ensure you follow this guidance: -

Year 5 - Residential Trip

If you have booked your child onto the  YEAR 5 school Journey from Monday 11th March until Friday 15th March. 

The total cost for the week is £300 per child, including accommodation, travel, all meals plus all of the fantastic activities and experiences. 

Please can you make a payment. We have noticed some parents  have not made the October and/or November payment. This payment needs to be made ASAP and each month from the instalment plan below.

Lost Property / Valuables

Can we also remind parents not to send children into school with expensive clothing as children often misplace their belongs and the school accepts no responsibility for any lost belongs, this is the responsibility of your child to ensure they look after their property. To support with this please can you ensure all children's clothing is labelled with their names.

Bee Ready Competition

We are encouraging all children to enter the 'Bee Ready' competition and design a colourful 3D flower garden for bumblebees to feast on when they come out of hibernation.


Each child will be handed out a A4 poster template this afternoon by the class teacher to draw their design and then make it 3D by adding bits of material, paper, wood, card, buttons or anything else you have. Once you have designed your entry, please hand it into the school office to have a chance of winning a flower garden starter kit for your child's classroom.


Entries are open from Monday 15th January until Friday 9th February 2024.

                             What we have learned this week

Year 2  - In Year 2 we have been looking at our core text: Angus rides the Goods Train. We have enjoyed exploring nouns and developing extended noun phrases. 

In maths we have been counting money and identifying the value of pounds and pence as well as recognising greater and least and linking it back to our 2s,5s and 10 times table, In History we are looking at Nelson Mandela and trying to understand the reasons behind Apartheid. In computing the children have had fun playing with the beebots and understanding how to programme instructions for the robots. 

Year 5 - This week Y5 have been exploring features of a newspaper. We explored a number of extracts and headlines from the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. We then drafted our own headlines in theme with our core text "Boy in the Tower". We are super immersed into the story and can't wait to see what happens next! A few headlines some students came up with are "London's buildings falling down" and "building has mental breakdown". Do you like our use of puns and personification? 

In DT this half term we are going to be designing and producing our own tote bags. As in any production system, the learning journey began with looking at the purpose and target market of the product. We looked at what makes a good bag - specifically exploring materials. We saw how cotton is produced, right from the plant until it is made into a garment. We found it interesting that most of our clothes are synthetic - mixed with plastics to make polyester, nylon and polycotton.

Community Support, Events & Activities

Birthday & Merits

Conker - Daniella & Ayesha

Acorns - Isaac

Saplings - Levi-George & Reuben, Tommy

Hazel - Dennis

Hawnthorn - Hussein

Rowan - Sellyne

Aspen - Lemuela

Juniper - Georgie

Cherry - Henry

Silver Birch - Maisie

Cedar - Miema & Tilly-Mae

JLT Merits - Marwa, Olu, Pablo & Bella 

Catkins - Alex & khalid

Saplings - Samrid & Sajid

Acorns - Sophia & Toke

Hazel Tree - Frankie & Vincent

Pine Tree - Afiyah & Harry

Hawthorn - Kairi & Adrian

Rowan - Alfie & Nelson

Chestnut - Florence & Lookman

Aspen  - Jade & Edi

Cherry  - Aalia & Aayung

Juniper  - Aby & Freya

Silver Birch - Elis & Casey

Willow - Noah & Cheyanne

Beech - Anthony N & Ollie

Oak  - Joel & Ellie

Cedar - Miema & Khalid

                Dates for your diary