Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

Message from the Headteacher

A huge thank you to all of our families who contributed to and came along to our World Cafe event last Friday. It is events like these that really bring the community feel to the school. I personally loved seeing everyone come together and there was a real buzz in the hall. This week our JLT and children from across the school spent time with a former DfE advisor to talk through what they love about our school and he was super impressed with their confidence and the way they shared their passion for their school. Linked to this our Year 5 peer mediators went on a school trip to Greenwich University as part of Anti-bullying week. They have been brilliant in their roles so far and this training will further support them to further develop their responsibilities. 

Thank you to parents who visited this week for the reading and phonics open mornings this week too. We are delighted to share that over the last few weeks we have transformed the upstairs space of the Community Hub to a new library for the children and very soon we will be formally opening this space for parents and families to experience so watch this space.

Messages from the office

Primary Applications

If your childs date of birth is between 01st September 2019 to 31st August 2020 they will be due to start primary school in September 2024.

You need to apply for a primary school place online, the deadline for applications is 15th January 2024.

Please see link below to submit your application

Dinner Debt & Breakfast/Playzone

 Please can you log into your Arbor account and clear  any dinner debt that is owed. Please can you also ensure your breakfast club & Playzone account is also cleared of any outstanding debt.

Save the Date for Autumn Term 

                             What we have learned this week

Year 3 - This week, Year 3 have been thinking a lot about food as our new Science topic has seen us think about where food comes from and what a balanced diet means. During PE we have focusing on our coordination, throwing and catching before we move onto becoming pro basketball players! Climate change is still on the forefront of our minds, as we think of ways to help prevent it from worsening, which saw us take part in a (healthy) debate last lesson. Please feel free to quiz us about this when we are at home and find out all the facts that we have been researching! 

Year 6have had an exciting few weeks ,in their curriculum  learning, as they continued learning even more about Rainforests - particularly the Amazon -  as well as researching their importance as an ecosystem on the planet . They are now using this great , pertinent research to develop a `New Charity` to support the sustainability of the Amazon Rainforest. They will then create a website idea that promotes their `New Charity.`


To keep those arithmetic skills developing, the children have been improving their  `Personal Bests` as well as fine tuning their times tables knowledge . The children have also been fine tuning their application of arithmetic to real-life situations - such as calculating the price of an item when discounted by 30%. Damon commented , `` Arithmetic can really help me  when shopping``


In Science, Year 6 have been exploring and finding out  about `Evolution and Inheritance` , and  have been presenting their findings  about how Charles Darwin observed the adaptation of finches to their environments. Ellie said , `` I didn`t realise how much finches changed because of where they lived .``


In DT, the children have been researching   and exploring  the cultural importance , and varieties of bread around the world- resulting in them making a batch of breads for the World Cafe - an event they thoroughly enjoyed participating in.  Nilton commented, `` I didn`t realise how easy making home-made bread is.``


In English. the children started to explore the rich vocabulary in `The Giver` and role-playing as the central character -Jonas.  The events in the story have prompted excellent discussions in class  whereby the children have added their own `twists` to parts of the opening chapters.

The children have really explored the rich vocabulary , the plot,  sequence of events , and background to the story to compose  language rich taster drafts. Christian said of his work , `` I really enjoyed using fronted adverbials to add more drama to the situations in the story.``


Additionally, the  children also took part in  exciting discussions and enquiry tasks  in RE, whereby they explored Christianity -using the `5Ws` - to develop very well researched presentations .  In PE, the children continue to  develop their practical  skills and teamwork  in a range of sports.

Community Support, Events & Activities

Birthday & Merits

Acorns - David

Hazel - Anastazja 

Pine - Marwa & Melissa

Cherry - Hannah

Silver Birch - Elis

Aspen - Ismail

Rowan - Lyla-Rose

Beech - Alieu & Diana

Cedar - Alice

Saplings - Chase & Rosanne

Acorns - Aaron & Zara

Hazel Tree - Andrea &Amari

Pine Tree - Xhayden & Amiyah

Hawthorn - Clarke & Sophia

Rowan - Rehan & Kaiden

Aspen  - Ivy & Kabba

Chestnut - Regan & Mohamed

Cherry  - Sidique & Tracy

Juniper  - Jhayre & Nikita 

Silver Birch - Mitchell & Elis

Willow - Ivy & shamsa

Beech - Alieu & Stefan 

Oak  - Karlen & Emily

Cedar - Maria & Izabele

                Dates for your diary

World Cafe Day