Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

This week, our Y6 children have been busy taking their end of KS2 assessments and their effort and resilience has been something to be proud of. We have also held a coffee morning for the upcoming summer fair-thanks to all parents who attended. Our Y2 children had a trip to Greenwich park and our Y3 children explored life on the river by travelling on the Thames clipper boat. There was also a girls football match at Meridian sports club as the girls continue their league campaign.

I hope you all have a good weekend.

Mr Phillips and the whole staff.

Messages from the office

Summer Fayre - Friday 5th July 2024

We are excited to announce that our summer fair will be on Friday 5th July from 2.30pm - to facilitate this, children can be picked up from their classes at 2.30pm. 

We want to build on the continued success of our previous fayres and make sure that our 2024 Summer Fayre  is a very enjoyable event for our children and for our community. In order to do this, we would appreciate any help that you are able to offer, including:

Volunteers to help with stalls or run their own stall on the day

Bottle donations for the tombola

Donations for stalls such as teddies, games, children’s toys

Food and cakes donations for the food stalls

Raffle prizes for both adults and children such as local activities, brand new toys, gift sets etc 

Bottles for our ever popular tombola stall - we will hold a ‘Bring a Bottle’ non-uniform day closer to the event!

What  makes our summer fayre so special for our families are the stalls led by the community - if you or anyone you know would like to hold a stall to sell items or to do an activity please let the office know by emailing the school on:

We are also looking for local businesses to attend to promote their products and share their business within the community, so please do speak to people who you think may be interested. 

 REMINDER - Swimming Lessons – Beech Tree 

Just a reminder that Beech Tree class will now have swimming each week on the following dates:

Weekly Lessons each Friday as follows: 

May Weekly Lessons – 24th May - 2pm - 3pm 

June Weekly Lessons – 07th, 14th, 21st, 28th – 2pm-3pm 

July Weekly Lessons – 05th, 12th, 19th – 2pm - 3pm 

Children will not return to school until 3.40 on the Friday weekly lessons due to the timings 

Children will need to bring the following 

• Swimming costume/Trunks and towel 

• Swimming hat 


We have received reports of head lice in various year groups. Please check your child’s hair tonight and for the next 7 days to make sure there are no eggs hatching. You may wish to run conditioner through the hair using a fine-tooth comb. Unfortunately, this is a common problem in all schools. It helps to keep all long hair tied up to prevent the spread. Legally the school cannot check children’s hair or send a pupil home if they have head lice. It is therefore important that all parents are vigilant and act quickly if head lice are found. 

Safe and respectful parking in the school community 

As we are all aware, there are a number of works happening in and around the school which has for the time has had a significant impact on parking before and after school. Even so, I felt it was important to write to you once more about our collective responsibility to maintain a safe journey to school for everyone while also respecting the local residents. We can do this in a number of ways: 

In the meantime, we will continue to speak with parents who place members of our school community at risk and if deemed appropriate, warning letters will be distributed. 

Please consider whether you really need to use your car to make the journey to school at all. Not only is walking a healthier option and better for the environment, but it also helps to alleviate some of the problems we are currently facing at the start and end of the school day. 

I am sure we are all in agreement that the safety of all our children must continue to be our primary responsibility. In these circumstances, I appreciate your support in ensuring this takes priority over a convenient drop off or pick up. 

Register for the Bexley Secondary Selection Tests

Registration for the 2024 Bexley Selection Test will open on Wednesday 1 May, and close at midnight on Friday 31 May, for children due to start secondary school in September 2025. We cannot accept late registrations.

It is anticipated that the test will be held between 9 and 12 September, with the exact dates to be confirmed.

The grammar schools in Bexley are Beths Grammar School (boys), Bexley Grammar School (mixed), Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School (mixed), and Townley Grammar School (girls).

To be considered for a place at a grammar school within the London Borough of Bexley through the coordinated secondary application process, your child must achieve the selective standard in the selection test held at the beginning of Year 6. You may recall that such tests were formerly referred to as the '11 plus.' 

Please click on the link below for information 

Curriculum Newsletter April 2024

Please click on the link below for each classes 'Curriculum Newsletter'

Curriculum Newsletter April 2024 


We have received reports of head lice in various year groups. Please check your child’s hair tonight and for the next 7 days to make sure there are no eggs hatching. You may wish to run conditioner through the hair using a fine-tooth comb. Unfortunately, this is a common problem in all schools. It helps to keep all long hair tied up to prevent the spread. Legally the school cannot check children’s hair or send a pupil home if they have head lice. It is therefore important that all parents are vigilant and act quickly if head lice are found. 

                             What we have learned this week

Catkins - In Catkins we have been learning about the farm this term. On Friday, we visited woodlands farm. All the children throughly enjoyed this, we had a great time looking at all the animals and the noises that they make. Alex thought the piggy noises were hilarious and Jace loved the green space to run and jump.

This week we have been shaving foam splatting during our stage 2 bucket time! The children’s attention was amazing during this as Miss Steph makes it extra messy and the children love this. Juwayriyah was even counting to 3 before splatting with Miss Steph.

We really enjoyed the beautiful sunshine last week but especially Khalid, who loved splashing in the water tray.

We have had a lovely term over in catkins! 

Year 3 - Newsletter is "This week Year 3 have been on a journey along the River Thames, going on an uber boat from Wollwich to Central London in which we had a great day in the sun. English featured us creating our own political parties outlining our promises around important world issues that we would change - ask your children about the amazing ideas that we came up with! For Design and Technology, we were creating our River Nile bridge prototypes by following our own design stages. Which design will be the most sturdy?"

Year 4 - This week, year 4 have been working hard to plan and write their final newspaper about the Mary Rose sinking. They conducted research to discover key facts about the tragic event and created a plan using key features such as headlines and captions. Renae said, "it was really exciting being able to create different headlines to engage the reader!" In science, year 4 have been conducting research on animals and their habitats and creating interesting fact files with their findings. Kaylen said, "I really enjoyed looking at where my favourite animals come from, I found out lots of new facts!" 

      Community Support, Events & Activities

Birthday & Merits

Conker - Anna & Ali

Pine - Aaliyah & Pemisire

Hazel - Hiyab

Hawthorn - Poppy

Cherry - Loujayne

Aspen - Abubakir, Jade & Emaan

Juniper - Sade & Youg-Her

Willow - Elif

Silver Birch - Firdaos & Maya

JLT -Daniela, Frankie, Luna, Gracie-Mae, Casey R

Catkins - Ibrahim & Faizah

Acorns - Inaaya & Reggie

Saplings - Erin & Rose-Anne

Hazel Tree - Amari & Iris

Pine Tree - Tegan & Aaliyah

Hawthorn - Marcello & Abidemi

Rowan - Ariana & Nelson

Aspen - Jade & Safa

Chestnut - Nectaria & Iris

Cherry - Tiwa & Riya

Juniper - Fatima & Alice

Silver Birch - Rianshi & Damian

Willow - Violet & TJ

Beech - Azraq & Riya

Oak  - Karlen & Bella

Cedar - The Whole Class

               Important Dates for your diary