Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

It has been a great week at school despite the mixed weather. Our Y1 children have been busy undertaking their phonics screening checks from Monday to check their knowledge and understanding of all the sounds they have learnt this year. This week our Y6 children have started some of their transition work as some of the secondary schools have started to visit to meet the children ahead of their September moves to 'big' school. There have also been some trips this week: our Acorns Reception children have been to Woodlands farm and our Y5 children have been to the Imperial war museum in Lambeth to support with their WWII learning. Our reception children have also danced and moved along to a visit from Milli the ballerina this week. Yesterday, we had our first Nursery 'Stay and play' and it was great to welcome new and existing parents to this session. I hope with it being an INSET you will all enjoy the extended weekend.

Have a good one from Mr Phillips and the whole staff

Messages from the office

Gardening Club Volunteers Needed

If you enjoy being outside in the beautiful British weather, getting your hands in the soil and you are able to volunteer some of your time to support children with Gardening Club during the summer term, please talk to Mr Lee, Ms Bywater or the ladies in the office - your help would be very much appreciated and your child could join you for free! Gardening Club runs every Thursday from 3.30 - 4.30pm.

Reading Volunteers Needed

If you are able to volunteer some of your time on a Wednesday lunchtime (12.00 - 1.00pm) to hear children read in the library with Mrs Huxley and Ms Bywater please let either of them know or speak to the ladies in the office. The children love having an adult to read to and your help would be very much appreciated!


At Woodhill, we buy in a CAMHs Early Intervention service to support our children and families. Corinne is our Early Years Link Practitioner from the NHS and she comes into school every Thursday afternoon to meet with parents and Ms Bywater. If you would like to schedule a CAMHs consultation with Corinne and Ms Bywater as a space to discuss any concerns - sleep, eating, anxiety, behaviour, school refusal - that you may have about your child, or child development, please speak to Ms Bywater, either by phoning the office, emailing: or catch up with Ms Bywater on the playground. These consultations do not mean that your child is open to CAMHs, but Corinne will take some notes to upload onto the NHS system.

Nursery Spaces Available for Sept 2024

If your child is going to turn 3 years old before the 07th September 24 he/she will be eligible for a nursery placement at Woodhill. Please collect a application form from the school office ASAP.

Extended Provision & School Meal Debt

Please can you log into your Arbor account and clear any dinner debt that is owed, some parents still have an outstanding debt from the previous academic year. Please can you also ensure your breakfast club & Playzone account is also cleared of any outstanding debt.

PE Kit

When children have PE lessons please can you ensure school uniform is NOT worn to school. Their PE kit must be brought to school in a bag and left on their peg for the term.

Summer Fayre - Friday 5th July 2024

Thank you to all of you who attended our summer fair coffee morning before the half term holiday - it was great to be able to share our ideas. Our Summer Fayre this year will be held on Friday 5th July from 2.30pm. (to facilitate this, children can be picked up from their classes at 2.30pm).

 Building on from the success of our previous summer fayres and to ensure that our 2024 Summer Fayre is a enjoyable event for all of our families and for our community, we would appreciate any help that you are able to offer, including organising and/or running the following stalls and donating or lending items to use at the fayre: 

Volunteers to help with stalls or run their own stall on the day

Bottle donations for the tombola

Donations for stalls such as teddies, games, children’s toys

Food and cakes donations for the food stalls

Raffle prizes for both adults and children such as local activities, brand new toys, gift sets etc 

Bottles for our ever popular tombola stall - we will hold a ‘Bring a Bottle’ non-uniform day closer to the event!

If you are able to volunteer to run a stall, or would like to set up a school to run on the day, please contact Ms Bywater on 

If you or anyone you know would like to hold a Community Stall on the day or to do an activity please let the office know by emailing the school on: 

We are also looking for local businesses to attend to promote their products and share their business within the community, so please do speak to people who you think may be interested. 

Uniform Expectations 

As we enter the Summer Term, we would like to remind the community of our expectations for uniform at Woodhill Primary School to ensure all children are in the correct uniform at all times. We ask that parents and carers ensure all items of clothing are labelled appropriately with your child’s name. 


        Black V-neck jumper or cardigan with or without Woodhill logo

        White polo shirt with or without Woodhill logo

        Grey or black trousers, skirt or pinafore dress (no jeans or tracksuit bottoms)

        Plain flat black shoes or plain black trainers (no coloured soles, laces or designs)

        White, black or grey socks or grey tights

        Book bag with Woodhill logo


        White polo shirt with Woodhill logo

        Grey or black trousers / shorts, skirt or pinafore dress (no jeans or tracksuit bottoms)

        Green summer dress

        Plain flat black shoes or plain black trainers (no coloured soles, laces or designs)

        White, black or grey socks or grey tights

        Book bag with Woodhill logo

As with expectations around the Woodhill School uniform, please may we urge you to stick to plain white or black t-shirt with black shorts and joggers for PE uniform. We will not be permitting football style shirts, or coloured logo tracksuits and trainers.


PE Kit can be kept safe in a kit-bag in school throughout the week.


If you would like to discuss anything about our PE lessons or uniform expectations, please do contact the School office via telephone or email on


                             What we have learned this week

Catkins - In Catkins the children have been practicing hand and eye coordination by throwing hula hoops/bean bags and different size balls into baskets. The children have been having fun dropping different water animals  and sized boats into watch and watching them float and pushing them along/ During bucket time the children have been engaging watching the mixture of confetti, shaving foam and food colouring watching the colours swirl together. We have also been doing bubble painting placing paper in the colours blue and green. We have been exploring the parachute in he garden looking at it going up and down in the air and looking at our friend underneath.

Year 3 - A busy week in Year 3, along with summer assessments, has seen us start our Arts Fortnight journey by indulging in the world of martial arts with a focus on Yahon Chang. So far we have explored the types of patterns he uses and we attempted to imitate this style. PE has seen us practise for Sports Day, we really enjoyed learning how to throw javelins and teaming up in relay races focusing on teamwork, collaboration and effort. We have continued to be creative in our ideas for English, thinking about great sporting achievements and relating this to when we won the Blackheath Rugby festival for Year 3 and what this achievement meant to us - all ahead of the Olympics this year.

Year 4 - This week, year 4 have been exploring ice skating through arts fort night, looking at different artists such as Damien Hurst and exploring different types of figure skating in the olympics. They have really worked well together and were intrigued to learn about the different olympic skate champions. In science we have been continuing to research different animals and their habitats, children have really engaged in cross curriculum activities expanding their knowledge and looking at animals that are close to becoming extinct.

In Maths, year 4 have been focusing on their multiplications and have completed their multiplication check, which they all tried their best at and did very well. Cayden said, ‘I find math so much easier now that I know all my times tables.’

The children have also enjoyed learning new skills this week in PE,where they have bee looking into different field games and practicing athletics in time for sports day which is coming up soon.

      Community Support, Events & Activities

Birthday & Merits

Conker - Riona-Rajya

Saplings - Noah

Rowan - Richard

Juniper - Doyin, Rachel & Alice 

Chestnut - Michelle

Hawthorn - Sophia & Noah

Beech - Azraq & Jonasz

Hazel - Vincent

Cherry - Ellie

Willow - Noah

JTL - Chidi & Layla

Catkins - The Whole Class

Acorns - Emir & Charlii

Saplings - Terri-May & Penelope

Hazel Tree - Iris & Aboubakar

Pine Tree - Marwa & Adejuwon

Hawthorn - Hyab  & Poppy

Rowan - Maisie & Mina

Aspen - Mina & Emaan

Chestnut - Nana & George

Cherry - Riya & Sidique

Juniper - Demian & Nikita

Silver Birch - Hana & Kaylen

Willow - Daisy & Ara

Beech -  Anuj & Casey

Oak  - Madison & Christian

Cedar - Vitauras & Alice 

               Important Dates for your diary


   Trips & Events at Woodhill