Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

This week our Y5 children have had an amazing time at the Planetarium as part of their learning about planets and the solar system. Also this week the weather was finally kind enough for us to hold our Y3/4 and Y5/6 sports day events. It was great to see all of the children so engaged in their sporting activities and showing effort and resilience with big smiles on their faces.

This week we also received our KS2 results for our Year 6 children who sat their SATs tests in May. I am pleased to say that the school is in line with national standards in Reading, Writing and Grammar, punctuation and spelling and exceeded the national standard in maths. More detailed information about this attainment will be shared on the school website. 

There are further events coming up next week but before then England play Spain in the European Championship final on Sunday. Good luck England.

Messages from the office

Changes to Penalty Fines for Unauthorised Absence 

We are writing to inform you of recent changes made by the government regarding penalty fines for unauthorised absence / non-attendance to school, and to emphasise the crucial importance of regular school attendance for your child’s academic success, overall development and wellbeing. 

The government has taken a proactive step to reinforce the significance of consistent attendance, by implementing stricter and higher penalties as part of their commitment to improving educational outcomes for all students during their educational journey. 

Academic Progress Regular attendance allows students to keep up with their school work and education which is essential for their academic progress and success. 

Social and Emotional Development Schools provide structured environments where students learn social skills, build friendships, develop emotional resilience, all of which are crucial for their overall development. 

Prepare for the Future Regular attendance creates habits of responsibility and discipline that are invaluable as student’s transition into higher education or the workforce. 

Legal Obligations Parents/Guardians have a legal obligation to ensure their child/ children attends school regularly and arrives on time at the start of the school day. All Schools must follow the National Guidance in regards to unauthorised absences. We understand that various factors may occasionally impact your child’s ability to attend school, such as illness or family emergencies and in such cases please communicate with the school promptly to allow for us to provide appropriate support and guidance 

Fixed penalty fines effective 01 September 2024 will be issued per parent per child. A fine to parents will be considered if a child misses 5 days (this will include 5 consecutive days or 5 sporadic days of school) for unauthorised absence (including Unauthorised holidays.) Alongside this, costs for fines will go up from £60 to £80 if paid within 21 days and from £120 to £160 if paid in 28 days which will ensure all parents are aware of when they might face a fine to ensure all councils are issuing fines appropriately. 

1st Offence £80 fine – will be issued and would need to be paid within 21 days If payment is not received within 21 days, the fine will increase to £160 and must be paid within 7 days. Failure to pay the fine of £160 will result in prosecution in the magistrates’ court. 

2nd Offence within 3 years £160 fine – will be issued and would need to be paid within 21 days. Failure to pay the fine of £160 within 21 days will result in prosecution in the magistrates’ court. 

3rd Offence within 3 years Where a family is identified to be fined on a 3rd occasion within a 3-year period, these cases will be referred straight to the magistrates’ court for prosecution. 

Cross Borough Checks In cases where your child has moved between local authority areas the authority for that area will be contacted to check whether a penalty notice / prosecution has been actioned. 

Co-parenting A penalty notice can be issued to each parent or guardian liable for the attendance offence. This means if a child is residing with a parent and is taken on unauthorised leave with another parent or guardian, both parents would be issued with a penalty notice fine regardless of which parent has applied for a leave of absence.

 National Threshold If the local authority believes a penalty notice would be appropriate in an individual case, they retain the discretion to issue one before the threshold is met. We encourage parents to work with us in fostering a positive attitude towards education and reinforcing the value of regular attendance with your child. Together, we can create an environment where every pupil has an opportunity to thrive academically and personally. Should you have any further questions or concerns around attendance please contact the school for support. 

Staffing 2024/25 

I am writing to inform you that on Wednesday the children will have the opportunity to meet their new class teacher for September and spend some time in their new classroom. Staff have already met to discuss the learning needs and interests of all the children and to plan an exciting curriculum for the next academic year. I am pleased to tell you that arrangements for staffing next year are outlined in the table.

Gardening Club Volunteers Needed

If you enjoy being outside in the beautiful British weather, getting your hands in the soil and you are able to volunteer some of your time to support children with Gardening Club during the summer term, please talk to Mr Lee, Ms Bywater or the ladies in the office - your help would be very much appreciated and your child could join you for free! Gardening Club runs every Thursday from 3.30 - 4.30pm.

Reading Volunteers Needed

If you are able to volunteer some of your time on a Wednesday lunchtime (12.00 - 1.00pm) to hear children read in the library with Mrs Huxley and Ms Bywater please let either of them know or speak to the ladies in the office. The children love having an adult to read to and your help would be very much appreciated!

Consent on Arbor

Its really important that all parents sign into Arbor when you receive notification about a school event/trip to give consent.  Its really time consuming for the office staff to chase parents for consent and is impacting on their daily duties.

Ice Pole Sale

Year 1 will be holding a 'Ice Pole Sale' every Thursday for 50p each. The stall will be in the playground under the shelter. 

PE Kit

When children have PE lessons please can you ensure PE uniform is NOT worn to school. Their PE kit must be brought to school in a bag and left on their peg for the ter

                             What we have learned this week


In year 2: English - The students have been working on a biography of Isatou Ceesay who was the creator and innovating force behind the recycling women in The Gambia. They are documenting the different stages of her life and achievements.

Maths - The students have been exploring the concept of positioning and turning, using different shapes and pictures to better understand directions such as clockwise, anti-clockwise, quarter turn, half turn, three quarter turn and full turn.

Science - The students have been discovering the properties of different materials in order to successfully understand which material would be the best to make a raincoat out of. The children have also been working on a biography of Charles MacKintosh the inventor of the raincoat.

RE - The students have been studying Sikhism and exploring the 10 gurus creating a timeline of events from the 15th century to the 17th century and understanding the history behind the festivals and Sikh practices.

Geography - The students have been studying The Gambia looking at population, over development and pollution gaining a growth mindset to better understand the global journey in our curriculum.

Year 5 - This week Year 5 have been getting deeper into their core text, Letters from the Lighthouse, and learning the skills they will need for their persuasive letter outcome, such as recognising bias, and using emotive language. In maths they have been learning how to interpret timetables and solve time-related problems. They have also leant about volume and cubic centimetres. To enrich their science learning on the solar system, Year 5 visited the Royal Observatory in Greenwich this week, and watched an awe-inspiring planetarium show called "Universe on Your Doorstep", which transported them into space. They visited several planets close up and learned all about star constellations, and the moon. In French this term Year 5 are learning the names of the rooms in the house, and will be designing their ideal house and describing it in French. It's been a busy week as they have also spent an afternoon with their new Year 6 teacher and had a wonderful sports day!

      Community Support, Events & Activities

CAFC FREE Family Fun Day 30th July 2024 - 12pm - 4pm - The Valley, SE7 8BL 

CAFA are holding a Family Fun Day 2 which is a FREE event to all who wish to attend.  All we are asking is that you get the message out to your school community as we’d love to see as many Royal Borough of Greenwich residents attending as possible.  We will have fun fair attractions, facepainters, both 1st team men’s and women’s players attending, footie challenges and so much more and it’s FREE.


We are also offering FREE goodie bags to anyone that signs up ahead of the event – who doesn’t love a freebie!

Join us for a FREE Family Fun Day in July | Charlton Athletic Football Club ( 

Hornfair Park Junior Parkrun - Starts Saturday 28th July 

What is Hornfair Park junior parkrun?

A free, fun, and friendly weekly 2k event for juniors (4 to 14 year olds).


When is it?

It is held every Sunday at 9:00am.


Where is it?

The event takes place at Hornfair Park, Shooters Hill Road, London, SE18 4LX. See Course page for more details.


What does it cost to join in?

Nothing – it’s free! But please register before you first come along.  Only ever register with parkrun once and don’t forget to bring a scannable copy of your barcode.  If you don’t have it you won’t get a time.


How fast do I have to be?

The aim is to have fun. Please come along and join in whatever your pace!


Please click to go to our website for more information

Birthday & Merits

Acorns - Aaron

Pine- Mirza

Rowan - Umaima

Hawnthorn - Grigore

Chestnut - Regan

Willow - Violet ~& Kenzie

Beech - George

Silver Birch - Elliott

Cedar - Blu & Lola

JTL - Mr Smalley

Catkins - The Whole Class

Acorns - Zara & Arthur

Saplings - Huntah & Brielle

Hazel Tree - Noah & Frankie

Pine Tree - Charlotte & Phillip

Hawthorn - The Whole Class

Rowan - Tilly & Jeremiah

Aspen - Ivy & Shaniyah

Chestnut - The Whole Class

Cherry - Cayden & Isaiah

Juniper - Ayo & Shavontai

Silver Birch - Casey & Mckeeian

Willow - Noah & Ronin

Beech -  John & Emmanuel

Oak - Berat & Bella

Cedar - The Whole Class

               Important Dates for your diary