Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

It has been a fun week of enrichment across the school this week with themed reading activities taking place over the course of the week culminating in our World Book day dress up. It was great to see so many colourful and varied costumes with the children keen to express themselves through their favoured books and characters. Thank you to all of the parents who engaged with our reading open morning and books and breakfast. The children love it when their parents or family members attend and it is great to work together to promote a love of and the importance of reading. As well as all of the reading activities, our Reception children were wowed by their beekeeper visit this Tuesday in what was a fantastic way of bringing their learning to life. In sports this week, our girls had another match at the Meridian sports league where they battled their way to a strong performance against windrush Charlton and we continued our link with Blackheath Rugby club who have been in training the Y3 and Y5 children in tag rugby ahead of a big tag rugby festival which will take place at the end of the month.

Wishing you all a restful weekend from myself and all of the staff

Mr Phillips

Messages from the office

Parents Evening 

We are delighted to confirm Parents Evenings on the following dates. Please log onto Arbor to make a booking.


Reception to Year 5 

Year 6 

Ms Bywater and Corinne, our link CAMHs nurse practitioner are delivering a workshop: How to support a child with Anxiety on Thursday 14th March, 1.30pm - 3.00pm.

All parents are welcome!

Greenwich are offering the following free services:

Please click on the link below for information 

Cycle Skills:  Get tailored training at a level suited to your needs, or book a lesson for the family (with up to three participants)! Choose from Basic (off-road environment), Urban (quiet local roads) or Advanced (complex junctions and busy roads). 

Group Cycle Training: Available to anyone aged 7 or over. Click here to see what's on, or visit these pages for more information: Adult Group Cycle Training & Children's Group Cycle Training. 

Dr Bike Sessions: Have an experienced mechanic check that your bike is in good order. Click here for details of upcoming sessions. 

World Book Day Information

Absence from School Procedure

If your child is absent from school, please ensure you follow this guidance: -

                             What we have learned this week

Year 2 -  Year 2 has had an exciting week, firstly we had World Book Day, which the children have been counting down the days for. Darcy was very pleased to unveil her costume this year and shared that she "could not wait" for World Book Day. We had magnificent characters arrive at Woodhill! The children pulled out all the stops to recreate all their favorite characters for a range of different genres - teaching staff included. Year 2 were also revisiting some previous learning in Maths to strengthen our recall and retention. Marcello was pleased to recall that an 8 sided shape was called an octagon and said "that a hexagon, a 6 sided shape, looks very similar." Ellyna helped to remind us that a shape that has only 1 side "is just a straight line." Year 2 were very pleased with all the knowledge they had retained and could showcase from earlier in the year but now can't wait to move onto weighing mass next week! 

Year 5 - This week Year 5 have been immersed further in their core text, Windrush Child by Benjamin Zephaniah. They wrote a journal from the perspective of the main character Leonard, expressing his frustration about having to leave his beloved home and grandma in Jamaica. 

In history they have learned about the reasons for immigration from the Caribbean to the UK in the 1940s and 1950s, and the experiences faced by the new arrivals.

 In PE Year 5 are lucky enough to have a rugby coach teaching them on Thursday afternoons. After learning some basic skills, they are already beginning to play matches! 

In computing the children have been learning to build a circuit and program a microcontroller called Crumble, to make an LED switch on and flash in different colours! Billy and TJ said "We included a forever loop to make sure it never stops flashing!" 

In science Year 5 learned about the reproduction of plants, drawing and labelling the parts of a flowering plant. In RE they have begun learning about Islam this term, and the hajj journey performed by Muslims. 

Community Support, Events & Activities

Birthday & Merits

Conker - Mahd

Saplings - Huntah & Terry-May

Acorn - Gray

Willow - Ahmed

Cherry - Archie

Oak - Zoran

JTL Merits - Emanuel & Gideon, Melanie

Sports Award - Rebecca

Catkins - The Whole Class

Saplings - Levi-George & Sameera

Acorns - Arthur & Toke

Hazel Tree - Defne & Annabelle

Pine Tree - Padmond & Mirza 

Hawthorn - Melaine & Clarke

Rowan - Safiyyah & Noora

Chestnut - The Whole Class

Aspen - Tiwa & Dilara

Cherry  - The Whole Class

Willow - Billy & TJ

Juniper - The Whole Class

Silver Birch - Bella  & Kaylen

Beech - Ella & Azraq

Oak  - Damon & Sharniya

Cedar - The Whole Class & Gideon

                Dates for your diary

              World Book Day