Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

Message from the Headteacher

A huge welcome back to everyone. It has been a great first full week back in school with the children and they have all been wonderfully immersed into their learning. As you will know our curriculum is focussed on global themes and the children have been exploring texts linked to sustainable development, identity and diversity, human rights and power and conflict. The atmosphere around the school has been lovely this week with assemblies linked to the school values of kindness, respect, responsibility, resilience, collaboration and individuality to start the year and these messages will link up everything we do this year. Children in year 1 have already demonstrated the values of excellence and collaboration in their maths learning where they worked collaboratively to solve maths challenges and children from year 5 have shown responsibility and respect for the school environment by helping the Early Years staff to support the planters this week. Over the next two weeks, classrooms will be open for parents to meet their child's class teacher and to learn about the curriculum for the year as well as important information about aspects of the class this year.

Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday.

Messages from the office

Meet the Teacher Sessions

It has been lovely to see you all and to see the children settling back in to school life this week and embracing their learning.  We are all looking forward to another exciting year at Woodhill.

We will be holding informal ‘Meet the Teacher’ sessions over the next two weeks starting on Monday 18th September from 3:30 – 4:00pm to give you an opportunity to meet your child’s new teacher in their classroom and also to receive important information regarding class routines and timetables, as well as other curriculum information to enable you to support your child’s learning. 

Parking around the school site

Please remember to park considerately around the school site. Please avoid parking on corners, on speed bumps and in front of residents drives.

Afterschool Activity Clubs

Afterschool clubs start next week (Monday 18th September) we only have a limited amount of spaces left so if you would like your child to attend a after school activity club please can you log onto Arbor to sign up. There is a feee of £12 for the clubs and musy be paid to secure your space.

School Dinners

Please can you ensure your school dinner debt is paid for the last academic year.

School meals are now free for all year groups so please can you let the office know if your child is pack lunch or school dinners.

Term Dates 2023/2024

                             What we have learned this week

Year 2 have had a very good start to their academic year.  In English, they have been introduced to their core text Izzy Gismo, where they have been generating questions for Izzy about her mysterious inventions.  

In Science, the children have been looking at living and non-living things.  They discovered that a leaf is no longer a living thing as it has fallen from a tree, which is still alive.

In Maths, the children have been looking at partitioning numbers to 100, they have been very creative with using their 10s and 1s resources to help them find the answer.  

Year 5  have got off to a great start this year. They have been immersed in their new core text, A Long Walk to Water, which is based on the true story of Salva Dut, one of the 'lost boys of Sudan'. The children have been using evidence from the text to make inferences about the main character, and researching the real life of Salva using Chromebooks. In maths Y5 have been building on their knowledge of place value, but using numbers to 1000 000! Willow Tree have been very lucky to start their intensive swimming course during this recent spell of hot weather. They are taken by coach to have a one-hour lesson at the Waterfront leisure centre every day for two weeks, and will then go weekly until Christmas, ensuring that all children develop this important life-skill. Later in the year, it will be the turn of Beech Tree class! 

'I'm so excited for swimming, I'm never going to forget my kit!'  - Cheyanne

'I wish we could stay in the pool for 4 hours - I would never get tired' -Ara

'I think Salva will be attacked by crocodiles or lions when he walks across Africa' -Mason

'I thought working with bigger numbers would be tricky but it's not that different really ' - Ali

Community Support, Events & Activities

Birthday & Merits

Conker - Lebona 

Acorn - Thiago-Alfredo 

Hazel Tree - Roseline

Rowan - Maisie

Chestnut - George

Cherry  - Faye 

Juniper  - Ashya & Elissa 

Silver Birch - Frankie

Beech - Kasiah

Oak  - Courtney

Catkins - Jace & Ibrahim

Hazel Tree - Anas & Frankie

Pine Tree - Ethan & Lexi-Rae

Hawnthorn - Kai-Anthony & Gulfem

Rowan - Ayden & Ariana

Aspen  - Edi & Tiwa

Chestnut - Millie & Sophia

Cherry  - Mateo & Ellie F

Juniper  - Shavontai & Demian

Silver Birch - Maisie & Damian

Willow - Ivy & Billy

Beech - Ollie & Layla

Oak  - Donny & Gracie-Mae

Cedar - Bobby & Nicholas

                Dates for your diary