Collaboration matters Excellence in everything Community first Equity for everyone Continuous growth

Message from Mrs Cook

Just like that, another week has flown by at Rockliffe Manor and what a week it has been! How are we already two weeks into the spring term? The children are making great strides in their learning and thoroughly enjoying their topics. This week, our after school clubs started and the children are enjoying these immensely. We asked some of the children who attended the clubs their opinion and here is what they had to say:

‘I enjoy putting the soil in the flowerpots and taking the flowerpots out of the greenhouse into the flower bed. It's a really good club’ shared Layla, Year 1 who attends Gardening Club.

‘Football is fun! I enjoy everything. I like the matches the best’ explained Paul, Year 5

‘I like Football! I like spending time with my friends and my favorite part is scoring goals’ said Louie, Year 4

If you are interested in joining one of our clubs please do so via Arbor, always feel free to call the office if you would like any support with this!

Not only did we see the return of our after school clubs this week, but we also welcomed parents to our first coffee morning of the term at Beachwood, if you are interested in joining our coffee mornings please see below for more details. These sessions are run by parents for parents and everyone is welcome, we hope to see you there!

With a new term, comes a new value to focus on and today during our celebration assembly we really began looking at our value of effort. Like Mahatma Gandhi said, “Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory” and how right is he? Educating our children on the values of consistency, perseverance, and effort is so important. The value of effort is the result of learning and comes in conjunction with motivation. Effort only exists if we think that something is worth the reward, which is why it is essential to look for that spark in each child.

The children from Year 1 – 6 listened to the story of the Puppet Maker, they were asked to consider How did the puppet maker feel when he made the perfect puppet? How did the puppet maker show effort? And What advice would you give to someone who isn’t showing good effort with their learning?

The children were able to reflect well as they answered these questions, ask your children at home their thoughts on these questions! We look forward to seeing how their effort continues to grow as we move into another amazing week at Rockliffe Manor.

Have a lovely weekend, we look forward to seeing you all back on Monday.

With very best wishes, Mrs Cook and the Rockliffe Manor team

Learning this week

Let’s take a look at some of the learning that has happened this week…

This week in Reception, they have continued to explore different habitats in literacy and Art with a specific focus on deforestation this week. They have been looking at the differences of a forest before and after the changes and taking into consideration how they feel about it and the impact this has on animals and humans. Daisy shared that she felt angry about deforestation because ‘when the woodcutter cuts down the trees, they destroy the habitat for the animals and that’s not right!’ Albie expressed his sadness of deforestation and represented it through his art work by not including leaves on the trees. Also, in maths this week the children have been using the cherry model to explore the part whole method and are beginning to introduce addition number sentences. Celine liked the cherry model because she could share that 2 parts make a whole by looking at the visual. Everyone in reception have worked extremely hard this week and have applied skills and their love for this topic to their independent play throughout the provision.

Year 1 has enjoyed engaging with their English learning as they have had the opportunity to watch the movie UP. The children have been using a range of emotive vocabulary to describe how the characters are feeling. Jack wrote, 'I think Carl is feeling tearful because he misses his wife, Ellie.' Kamila on the other hand said, "When Russell was on the porch for the flying house, he felt terrified because he thought he was going to fall down and hurt himself.' It's been great seeing children use exciting vocabulary whilst writing extended sentences.

In maths, the children have become more confident in identifying the value of numbers up to 20. They have been using concrete resources to represent numbers and use their knowledge to reason. Eni was delighted to complete his learning task independently.

Finally, art has also been very successful in Year 1. The children loved using a range of media to create mood boards based on the artwork of Leonid Afremov. Ishmael absolutely loved this week's art lesson and he was even teaching his teacher how to do the flicking technique to create a greater effect.

Year 6 have been hard at work in the start of Spring term. They have already written some excellent emotive pieces based on their new core text No Ballet Shoes in Syria - this was supported with a scene from the film, The Swimmers, in which they were inspired to write about the perilous crossing of the Aegean Sea. They are looking forward to meeting Catherine Bruton (the author) in two weeks time, this is a great opportunity for the children to take part in a writing workshop. In art, the created excellent mood boards based on Islamic, symmetrical patterns and they are very keen to soak up as much knowledge as possible on their new history topic on ancient Benin.

"On Monday I found calculating fractions into decimals hard, but on Tuesday I found it easier because we repeated the learning until I got it." Jaslyn

"I can't wait to meet Catherine Bruton and ask her where she got her inspiration for No Ballet Shoes in Syria from." Bonnie.

"I was very proud that I completed all of my online homework activities over the Christmas break." Joe

"It took me a while, but I really persevered trying to make my art as symmetrical as the patterns I was looking at." Jack


Here are some of the tweets that can be found on our Rockliffe Manor Twitter page this week

  • In maths, the children learnt how to find factors of a number and in History the children researched Ancient Roman figures and compared them together

  • Rockliffe are celebrating the value of effort in merit assembly today

  • The children had a very enjoyable lesson using their oracy skills to describe their favourite toy.

  • Year 2 have kicked off to a roaring start with their art lessons, exploring the work of Rachel Moore, with a focus on petals and plants.

Birthdays, Merits & Attendance

Lila - Year 1

Reception - 94.44%

Year 1 - 91.88%

Year 2 - 92.72%

Year 3 - 91.85%

Year 4 - 92.74%

Year 5 - 94.72%

Year 6 - 92.22%

Total - 92.93%

Reception - Inaya

Year 1 - Ikenna

Year 2 - Jacob

Year 3 - Opemipo

Year 4 - Taye

Year 5 - Olivia

Year 6 - Elizabeth

Dates for your diary

  • Wednesday 18th January 2023 - Young Voices

  • Thursday 19th January 2023 - Census Lunch

  • Monday 23rd January 2023 - Year 6 visit to Foxfield Primary School 10.30 - 13.30

  • Tuesday 24th January 2023 - Year 5 Plumstead Manor - Basketball

  • Tuesday 24th January 2023 - Chartwells Parent & Child taster session

  • Friday 3rd February 2023 - Year 6 Trip to Hampton Court Palace

  • Friday 10th February 2023 - Last day of term - Half Term Monday 13th - Friday 17th February

  • Monday 20th February 2023 - Children return to school

Special Notice

Messages from the office

Jungle Gym


Census Lunch

After School Clubs

Reception 2023

Friends Of Rockliffe Coffee mornings

Due to health and safety, Mrs Cook has taken the decision to close the jungle gym both before and after school. Please may we ask that you help us uphold this decision when in the playground with your children. The jungle gym will continue to be open during the school day when adequate supervision can be assured.

Census Lunch - If anyone would like the 'All American' Census Day lunch on Thursday 19th January (see menu attached), please let the school office know by Wednesday 11th January 2023.

After school clubs - will resume from Monday 9th January 2023. Please login to Arbor for access to the clubs we are offering.

If your child is due to start primary school this September you must apply for their place by this Sunday, 15th January 2023. Read More

Every Tuesday morning from 9am, Friends of Rockliffe will be holding a Coffee morning in Beachwood House. Please feel free to pop along and join us.

Community Information

Royal Greenwich has warm spaces across the borough, ready to welcome you inside. Many also offer activities, advice and events to tackle loneliness and isolation.

We'll also be on hand to provide advice and support to Stay Warm Stay Safe.

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” — C.S. Lewis