Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

Message from Mrs Cook

Welcome back to school everyone, we hope you all had a restful half term and were able to spend some quality time with friends and family. This first week of the half term has seen some fantastic lessons designed to hook and excite the children in their learning, and we can’t wait to see where the learning journeys take us over the next 5 weeks! 

On Tuesday the children enjoyed a special lunch in recognition of Pancake day, the children thought the pancakes at lunch were very yummy and spoke about their favourite toppings; chocolate being the most popular of course!  

On Wednesday, we had the pleasure of welcoming Ed Britton, our chair of Governors, to Rockliffe Manor. Ed along with Mrs Vdovin, Ms Bywater and I spent the morning walking around the school, speaking to the children and joining in with the lessons being taught, it was a fantastic experience. Ed commented that Rockliffe Manor was such a happy place to be, and I certainly agree! 

On Thursday, we saw the delivery of the book fair. This brought into the schools lots of wonderful titles that are sure to spark the love of reading in your children. Each class came to visit the book fair to see what amazing books were on offer. Year 4 was so excited and Sophia shared her amazement that their core text from last half term, ‘Wonder’ was on sale. 

After school, the book fair opened to adults and children and wow was the hall busy! It was so amazing to see so many of you come together and get excited about reading with your children. Some may have bought an old favourite and some a new book that will open magical doors with lots of adventures that are now awaiting them. Please continue to bring your children to the book fair after school in the hall. The book fair will be up and running until Thursday 2nd March so do come and have a look. This year, adults also have the option to now pay online for their items using a QR code, members of staff will be in the hall to help support you with this. 

The hall also hosted our first creative book day session, for adults and children to come and create costumes, masks or hats ready for our World Book Week celebrations next week. Once again, we as staff at Rockliffe Manor thank all that donated any outgrown or unwanted costumes or crafts to help support all children to have a costume or prop for our dress up day next Friday. It was clear that we have many artists in our school as I saw such wonderful creations that I am so excited to see next Friday. 

And like that, the first week of Spring 2 is done! We very much look forward to seeing everyone back to school on Monday and hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 

With very best wishes, Mrs Cook and the Rockliffe Manor team 

Learning this week

Let’s take a look at the learning this week… 

Nursery have been looking after their class superworms! Each day they are fed, the soil is changed and they have food sprinkled on! The children have loved this opportunity to look after live beings and take great care of them. 

Reception had a great time at their beekeeper visit this week. They shared passionately and articulately that they got to taste honey, dress up as a beekeeper. Albie shared that if a bee comes near you, you should always be kind to them. 

Year 1 enjoyed their English hook this week. The children loved coming into class to find out some tools and they made some effective predictions. The children have also been making predictions about the main character, the giant. Mishael said, “I can see that the giant is camouflaging like a chameleon changes colour.” When prompted further, Mishael explained that this might be “because he is shy. The giant is selfless.” It was lovely seeing children so engaged in their learning and using new vocabulary to describe. 

In Year 2 the children have been exploring their new text ‘Starbird’, the children looked at events from the book and used their inference skills to discuss what order they thought the events went in, the children then retold their version of the Starbird story. 

Year 3 have had a wonderful start to the term, scaling with Lego in Maths and then doing some research on space as part of their hook for their core text ‘Hidden Figures’. 

The children in Year 4 have LOVED their new core text so far! After reading only three pages, they became hooked and began to predict the rest of the story. It will be great to see the high quality outcomes they produce at the end of term! Miss Roper is already so proud at the wonder and mindset they’ve all shown to their new learning! Miss Roof has also been amazing in year 4 and supported the children’s development through high quality teaching and learning. 

Year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed having Miss Lambert back as their teacher this week. They have been revelling their new core text and are also very excited to be getting ready for their DT lessons this half term. 

And lastly, Year 6. Year 6 had a very good PSHE lesson with Mrs Redhead and Mrs Lewis this week. They delivered a very thought provoking and engaging lesson on what makes a growth mindset. In maths, they found some aspects of algebra hard this week, but through perseverance and a little chunking and chewing of the learning, they are now much more confident. 


Here are some of the tweets that can be found on our Rockliffe Manor Twitter page this week

Birthdays, Merits & Attendance

Kristina - Year 3

Charlie - Year 5

Olivia - Year 5

Reception - 92.86%

Year 1 -92.56%

Year 2 - 94.2%

Year 3 - 93.31%

Year 4 - 95.56%

Year 5 - 93.7%

Year 6 - 94.74%

Total - 93.21%

Reception -  Lennie

Year 1 - Kamila

Year 2 - Aiden

Year 3 - Benjamin

Year 4 - Oliver

Year 5 - Hani

Year 6 - Nikel

Dates for your diary

Special Notice

Messages from the office

Jungle Gym


After School Clubs

Friends Of Rockliffe     Coffee mornings

Pokemon Cards

CAMHS Workshop

Due to health and safety, Mrs Cook has taken the decision to close the jungle gym both before and after school. Please may we ask that you help us uphold this decision when in the playground with your children.  The jungle gym will continue to be open during the school day when adequate supervision can be assured.

After school clubs - will resume from Monday 9th January 2023. Please login to Arbor for access to the clubs we are offering. 

Every Tuesday morning from 9am, Friends of Rockliffe will be holding a Coffee morning in Beachwood House. Please feel free to pop along and join us.

Parents/Carers -We have noticed an increase in children bringing in Pokemon Cards. These are causing some upset both within the classroom and in the playground. Please can we remind you that toys/ cards such as this should not be brought into school. 

On Monday Rockliffe Manor will host a workshop by CAMHS. This workshop focuses on managing challenging behaviour. Parents will learn about why children display challenging behaviour and some strategies to manage it positively. Please come to Beachwood on Monday at 9am for refreshments. The workshop will be from 9.30 to 10.30


Community Information

Rockliffe Gardens wildlife pond renewed

Come and explore the brand-new wildlife pond at Rockliffe Gardens (Plumstead Common Ward). The renovation project was part of the Council's £1million investment into parks across the borough.

Visit Rockliffe Gardens 

Free sim cards on offer

In partnership with Better, the organisation that runs our libraries and leisure centres, we have joined a national scheme to provide 7,200 free mobile sim cards loaded with data and minutes to eligible residents on low incomes.  

Read more

“If you change your mindset, you have the ability to change your whole world” — Damien Thomas