Collaboration matters Excellence in everything Community first Equity for everyone Continuous growth

Message from Mrs Cook

It’s been a great week at Rockliffe Manor… full of festive fun! Oh no it hasn’t … Oh yes It has! The children were very excited to welcome the Winter Discos back last night and loved every second. The children enjoyed dressing up, dancing with their friends and playing games. The teachers were very impressed with the children’s moves and we can’t wait to see more at our class parties next week.

Our school hall has been host to many exciting activities this week, from transforming to Bethlehem, as KS1 put the finishing touches to their Nativity, to becoming a concert hall for the KS2 carols! And ending the week by morphing into a magical fairytale land, the home of Cinderella in today’s pantomime. The children from nursery to year 6 loved the interactive pantomime and played an active role, Cinderella's carriage was brought to life by groups of children creating wheels from parachutes. Although at some points it was a bumpy ride for Cinderella, fear not! For the children from Rockliffe Manor made sure she got there safely before she set off to meet her prince. Holly shared how much fun she had and said 'I want to watch the next one as well!'. Thank you so much to Umbrella Theatre Productions for coming in and bringing a little bit of sparkle to Rockliffe Manor today.

Then from Cinderella's carriage and the Prince's castle to a banquet hall! Where we were hosted our annual Christmas dinner. The children flocked to the hall beaming with excitement ready to eat their christmas feast, Accompanied by classic christmas music the children ate their lunch in true holiday fashion. They pulled crackers together and read funny jokes which filled the lunch hall with laughter and happiness. So many children also wowed their friends with their amazing Christmas hats too. The pride of the children could be felt while they wore their fantastic creations. Shiann was very passionate about their hat and loved showing off their design. As usual the creativity and enthusiasm of the children, and parents, was in abundance and we are grateful for your commitment in supporting your children to have fun this festive season. No Christmas dinner day would be complete without our tradition of thanking Chef Gail and her team for the amazing food, the children serenaded them with their rendition of 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas'.

It sure has been a busy week, and the fun doesn’t stop here. We are hoping to see many of you at our Winter Fair on Saturday, please do join us between 11am – 2pm for some more festive fun!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

With very best wishes, Mrs Cook and the Rockliffe Manor team

Learning this week

Let’s take a look at some of the learning that has happened this week…

This week in Year 2 they have been exploring 3D shapes and their properties. All of the children were able to group and classify shapes by whether they roll, have more or less than 4 faces, if they have 8 or less vertices and by their edges. They have really enjoyed being able to count the vertices on physical objects to relate their knowledge to the world around them. For English, Year 2 have begun publishing their diary entries as the young character Yasmin. They have included expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and conjunctions to uplevel their writing to make it more interesting. For science, they have continued to look at habitats and living things, with a focus on how plants are adapted to their surroundings. The children have been excellent observers in their natural surroundings and can explain and justify why a plant in the UK would not survive in the desert.

‘I think it’s really cool that plants are adapted to their environment. I like the cacti because it has spikes for leaves’ shared Clara

‘Some 3D shapes have really pointy corners. The cone though is really smooth and round’ explained Aiden

‘I’m really proud of my publishing because my writing has got better and so has my handwriting’ said Arthur

‘When I look at the plants outside they all look different and I really like how big the trees are and how many leaves there are. The ones in hot countries don't have them’ observed Meryem

This week year 3 have been working on their art outcomes - climate change art based on Jill Pelto. They created water colour wash backgrounds using the colour wheel to contrast, and then they cut shapes of mountains and trees - finally adding some climate change statistics to their art.

"This art really inspires me to make a change and encourage others to make a change too' Elaina

This week in Year 4, the children have shown such determination and effort in all that they have done. They finished their final outcomes in English and published their amazing words. The class wrote powerful narratives from the point of view of 'Thanatos' from our core text 'Who let the gods out'. They included figurative language such as fronted adverbials and similes. Oliver said 'I can't wait to publish my writing as I am really proud of it!'

The class have also been creative in art where they have created their own greek vases. At the beginning of the week the children made outlines for their vases and today, the children use paper mache to cover their outcomes. Next week, the children will be painting their vases and they are so excited! Taye said 'I want to paint my vase gold, it is going to look so good on display!' Please keep an eye out on twitter for Year 4's amazing display next week.

What a fun week year five have had this week. From perfecting their singing for the Christmas production, to creating unique snowflakes for the Winter Fair. The children are well and truly in the festive spirit. Penny’s smile could not be wiped as she reminds the class of her Christmas cheer each day.

Year 5 have been working incredibly hard on writing a suspenseful narrative based on their core text ‘The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind’ and have even created their very own 3D windmills in art. Matilda loved that she was able to make her windmill spin using a small piece of wood.

Last week, the year five children took part in a swimming assessment during their weekly swimming session. Everyone has worked so hard and has made such huge improvements in swimming. The progress has been so wonderful to watch for Mrs Clifford and Mrs Redhead. The children should be extremely proud of themselves.

To finish off a wonderful week, the children will be watching a Panto today, as well as eating Christmas dinner whilst wearing their Christmas jumpers! Let’s hope they are not too tired from all of the dancing at the Winter Disco the night before.

Rockliffe Twitter

Here are some of the tweets that can be found on our Rockliffe Manor Twitter page this week

  • It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Reception. How great do they all look in their jumpers?

  • Nursery really enjoyed watching the Cinderella Pantomime in our Christmas jumpers!

  • Year 2 were sorting 2D and 3D shapes by their properties

  • Year 4 have begun creating their very own Greek vases.

Friends of Rockliffe

Friends of Rockliffe have proved to be an invaluable support for our school and are always in need of new members to help:

  • Organise events and fun activities to raise funds for your children

  • Volunteer, at your own convenience, to attend (child friendly) planning meetings and help set up events

  • No commitment needed, just an hour here or there

  • Volunteer at the events running stalls etc

  • Have your say to help your children at Rockliffe Manor and how the monies raised are spent

Please contact the school office if you are interested in joining the Friends of Rockliffe group or for any more information

Save the Date for our Winter Fair

The annual Rockliffe Manor Winter Fair will be taking place on Saturday 10th December from 11.00am - 2.00pm

We are currently in the early planning stages and would appreciate any help you are able to extend.

We are also looking for donations towards raffle prizes, teddy tombola, bottles of various drinks (see below) and if any families are happy to cook or bake food for the event.

Birthdays, Merits & Attendance

Mitchell - Year 3

Aiden - Year 3

Julia - Year 3

Isabella - Year 5

Remielle - Reception

Violet - Nursery

Albi - Year

Reception - 90.28%

Year 1 - 98.56%

Year 2 -94.4%

Year 3 - 94.09%

Year 4 -95.67%

Year 5 - 96.11%

Year 6 - 89.17%

Total - 92.98%

Nursery - Aryana

Reception - Christian

Year 1 - Violet

Year 2 - Joseph

Year 3 - Darcy

Year 4 - Sophia

Year 5 - Arlo

Year 6 - Alice

Dates for your diary

  • Monday 12th December - 2pm - KS2 Carol Concert for parents

  • Tuesday 13th December - 11.30 - Nursery Christmas Sing-along

  • Wednesday 14th December - Nursery trip to Tescos

  • Wednesday 14th December - 2pm - Reception and KS1 Nativity for parents

  • Thursday 15th December - 8.50 - 9.15am Parent Reading Morning

  • Thursday 15th December - Class Winter Parties

  • Friday 16th December - Last day of term

  • Tuesday 3rd January 2023 - Children return to school

Messages from the office

Jungle Gym


Holiday Meals

With Thanks

Due to health and safety, Mrs Cook has taken the decision to close the jungle gym both before and after school. Please may we ask that you help us uphold this decision when in the playground with your children. The jungle gym will continue to be open during the school day when adequate supervision can be assured.

Children can get a free packed lunch at our libraries this Christmas. Free holiday meals will be available throughout the holidays across the borough. There’s no need to register beforehand, just turn up and tuck in at your local library. Serving times and days vary so check the website before attending. Children and young people who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals can get a free holiday club place this Christmas. Royal Greenwich’s Holiday Food and Fun programme is back offering families free holiday club spaces over the festive break. Every club will provide a healthy lunch as well as activities ranging from coding to gymnastics – and everything in between. Children aged between 4 and 16, and receiving or eligible for benefit-related free school meals, can claim a spot. Clubs can also provide SEND support, with specialists also available. Families should contact clubs directly to book their


We would like to Thank you all for your kind donations of raffle prizes, teddies, offers to cook food for our Winter Fair on 10th December - we are so looking forward to this wonderful event.

Community Information

"Please think about your legacy because you're writing it every day" - Gary Vaynerchuk