Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

Message from Mrs Cook

We have had a very exciting week at Rockliffe celebrating World Book Day and taking part in lots of book related activities this week. The children loved engaging in our Drop Everything And Read sessions throughout the day, where they had to stop whatever they were doing and grab their favourite book. In the morning, the school was filled with anticipation as each class waited to find out who their secret teacher was going to be to read their favourite book to the class. Year 4 begged Miss Roper to find out who it was and squealed with excitement when they realised it was Miss White. 

Thank you to everyone who attended our Books and Breakfast event on Wednesday. It was lovely to see so many adults enjoying books with their children and we know how important it is for them to have role models to share a love of reading with. The children also enjoyed dressing up today as their favourite book characters and the playground was full of adventure as they role played stories with their friends. 

This week has not only been filled with books but also for the children in Reception and Year 4; dance! On Wednesday, Year 4 travelled to Woolwich Works to take part in ‘The Little Prince’ dance workshop hosted by Protein. The children enjoyed immersing themselves in the story and embodying the characters. They became asteroids that moved and exploded just by using their bodies. Asante wowed the room with his amazing dance moves! And on Friday the Reception children wowed the staff in their PE lesson, they listened closely to the music and replicated the actions of a bee, as they buzzed around the hall they were able to mirror their movement to the increasing beat of the song, this linked in nicely with their learning on sustainable development. What a fantastic display of our curriculum in action. 

We have been working hard on our new curriculum newsletters, these will be soon shared with you, same content, new layout - as we embrace the new opportunities technology brings we look forward to hearing your feedback. 

Have a lovely weekend, we look forward to seeing you all back on Monday. 

With very best wishes, Mrs Cook and the Rockliffe Manor team

Learning this week

Let’s take a look at the learning this week…

This week, Reception have welcomed a new student! The children have showcased the values at Rockliffe Manor by being kind and making him feel very welcome. In their learning, they have also continued to learn key facts about bees. They have immersed themselves into the learning by sharing facts that they know and facts that they would like to know. During their Literacy learning they learned about their habitats and the different roles in a honey bee hive, using actions to represent these. It has been great to see the children apply their knowledge to their independent play within the provision. Lily said, ‘Look at the honey comb I made with all the worker bees and this is the queen in the middle, she’s laying eggs.’ Christian remembered that ‘all of the boy bees (drones) don’t have stingers and they hide if someone attacks.’ The children can’t wait to continue learning more about bees and look forward to writing their very own fact files about them!

This week Year 1 has continued to enjoy their core text, ‘Grandad’s Secret Giant’ which explores themes of friendship, kindness and loneliness. The children participated in a debate where they had to justify their opinion on whether Billy (one of the characters) should have run away from the giant or not. Henry passionately said, “I strongly believe that Billy did the wrong thing by running away from the giant because the giant is friendly and he just wants a friend.” Nikoleta added, “I would say to the giant, let's be friends.” It’s lovely seeing children so engaged and enthused to talk about their learning. In maths, the children have been learning about place value. They have learnt strategies to count efficiently by making groups of ten as well as partitioning 2 digit numbers into tens and ones. The children have been using their oracy skills to explain their reasoning. Mateus said, “I know that this is 39 because it has 3 tens and 9 ones.“ Lastly, in history the children have been learning how schools were different before their grandparents were born. Whilst looking at some artefacts, some children commented on the classroom layout and the environment. Mishael said, “Our classroom is much more colourful and beautiful. They didn’t have displays a long time ago.” It has overall been a lovely week filled with great learning opportunities.

Year 6 have had a flying start to the second spring term, they have ramped up their SATs revision and they now have maths, grammar and reading group sessions in the afternoons. "I really got line graphs in maths this week, I'm so pleased." Jay exclaimed. The children thoroughly enjoy showing off what they know and experience the learning put when they are learning new skills.  As well as this, they have started their first session with CAMHS on Managing Emotions. This is a real benefit to the children as it offers specialist strategies that can help the children with their emotions in a fun and practical way. They also enjoyed the launch of Book Week and Olivia was proud to read an extract from her new Malorie Blackmann book to the whole school in assembly. "I was very nervous about reading my book to everyone, but I was glad I did it." 


Birthdays, Merits & Attendance

I'la - Year 5

Jaslyn - Year 6

Nikel - Year 6

Reception - 88.37%

Year 1 -98.16%

Year 2 - 99.02%

Year 3 - 96.65%

Year 4 - 98.01%

Year 5 - 98.91%

Year 6 - 92.86%

Total - 95.56%

Reception -  Ellee

Year 1 - Ashwin

Year 2 - Abrielle

Year 3 - Ruby

Year 4 - Asante

Year 5 - Mason

Year 6 - Reynolds

Dates for your diary

Special Notice

Messages from the office

Jungle Gym


Parents Evenings

Friends Of Rockliffe     Coffee mornings

Pokemon Cards

           PE Kits

Due to health and safety, Mrs Cook has taken the decision to close the jungle gym both before and after school. Please may we ask that you help us uphold this decision when in the playground with your children.  The jungle gym will continue to be open during the school day when adequate supervision can be assured.

Parents Evening - We will be holding our Parents Evenings on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd March 2023. You will be able to book via Arbor. We will send a text message and letter regarding this next week. 

 Every Tuesday morning from 9am, Friends of Rockliffe will be holding a Coffee morning in Beachwood House. Please feel free to pop along and join us.

Parents/Carers -We have noticed an increase in children bringing in Pokemon Cards. These are causing some upset both within the classroom and in the playground. Please can we remind you that toys/ cards such as this should not be brought into school. 

PE Kits - can we please remind you that all children should bring their PE Kits in to School. The children will need a pair of shorts, T-shirt and socks.

Community Information

Rockliffe Gardens wildlife pond renewed

Come and explore the brand-new wildlife pond at Rockliffe Gardens (Plumstead Common Ward). The renovation project was part of the Council's £1million investment into parks across the borough.

Visit Rockliffe Gardens 

Free sim cards on offer

In partnership with Better, the organisation that runs our libraries and leisure centres, we have joined a national scheme to provide 7,200 free mobile sim cards loaded with data and minutes to eligible residents on low incomes.  

Read more

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” —Mahatma Gandhi