Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

Message from Mrs Cook

As we approach the end of this term, we would like to take a moment to celebrate the incredible effort, collaboration, and resilience that our children have demonstrated over the past half term. It has been an absolute pleasure to see our children working together, supporting each other, and never giving up, even when faced with challenges. It has been 6 weeks of learning, awe and wonder. The children’s progress across the school has really been highlighted as the children write their final outcomes linked to their English learning.  This week, children have been busy publishing their writing outcomes and finishing their art pieces, which have been hung with pride around the school. Please do visit our Twitter page @RockliffeManor to view them!

We began the week with an assembly hosted by Andy from the Slade Church. He started off the assembly asking the children ‘what helps you to be brave?’ Children across the school spoke about how they show bravery by standing up for what they believe in or by trying their best. Andy told the story of Peter who was asked by Jesus to tell the story of God's love. When Jesus was arrested, he told Peter he needed to be brave and tell others that he does not know who Jesus is. Peter and Jesus' friendship helped Peter be brave and helped him carry on. Andy finished the assembly discussing the word ‘encourage’ and how by encouraging our friends it allows them to be brave. The children left so excited after playing a quiz to test their memory of the story! As always we want to thank Andy for coming in and sharing his stories with us. 

This week may have only been 4 days, but it has been a busy 4 days. One filled with lots of trips and visits. On Tuesday, our Reception class had an enriching visit to Thompson's Garden Centre, which perfectly complemented their current learning focus on the importance of saving bees. The trip provided an excellent opportunity for our young learners to see firsthand how they can contribute to creating bee-friendly environments. Following their visit, they also got their hands dirty preparing flower beds, ensuring a welcoming space for our buzzy friends. From the trip, they brought back seeds to sow in their flower beds, fostering a deeper connection to nature and the environment around them. Raphael said “The bees will pollinate the flowers and then we can grow some more”

On Wednesday, our Nursery children had an exciting outing to George Mead Stables, where they engaged in hands-on activities, nurturing their curiosity and love for animals. Our little explorers had the opportunity to tour the farm and meet its furry and feathered friends, feed the animals with kindness and care and explore the surrounding woodlands.  

And today, Our Year 3 children are visiting the Wonderlab exhibition at the Science Museum. This immersive experience aligned seamlessly with our science curriculum, offering an array of interactive exhibits and experiments that sparked curiosity and inquiry. Through engaging with real-world applications of scientific principles, our children further solidified their understanding of key scientific concepts. 

At Rockliffe Manor, we strongly believe in the value of enrichment and experiences to complement classroom learning. Trips like these not only enhance academic understanding but also instil a lifelong love for learning and exploration in our children, preparing them to become informed global citizens. We look forward to the opportunities that the Summer term will bring, including some of our favourite events and activities; including water fun day, sports day and the KS1 beach trip - more information will follow about these and more shortly! 


Before we end, we want to extend warm wishes to all who are celebrating the Easter weekend this holiday. Whether you observe Easter as a religious holiday or as a time to gather with family and friends, we hope this weekend brings you joy, peace, and renewal. After a long winter, we welcome the arrival of spring and the promise of growth. It's a time to look forward with optimism and to appreciate the beauty in the world. Happy Easter to all who celebrate!

We look forward to seeing you all back in school after the holidays, ready to embrace the final term of the 23/24 academic year. 

With very best wishes, Mrs Cook and the Rockliffe Manor team

Learning this week

Let’s take a look at the learning this week…

Nursery this week have been busy investigating how to sequence ordinal numbers to five. The children began by learning the new vocabulary they would need such as first, second and third. They then held a series of olympic races, racing toys down ramps and then placing them in the order they finished the race in. The children handed out medals and were able to explain why that toy was awarded the position they gave them.   

Children in Reception this week have been excited to start developing our very own Rockliffe Manor bee garden project. The children have been busy cleaning our flower beds, removing unwanted materials and adding fresh compost. Reception were very excited to then visit Thompsons garden centre and bought lots of seeds to begin planting flowers for our bee garden! 

Children in Year 1 have been exploring volume and capacity. They have measuring, comparing and solving problems linked to the topic. They are very confident at explaining their reasoning and applying their knowledge to real life situations. The children have also been proudly publishing their final outcomes and cannot wait to see their suspense stories as well as their artwork on display. 

In Year 2, the children have shown great resilience during their publishing and everyone is so proud of themselves. The children have also continued to love their whole class reading sessions where they enjoy learning exciting vocabulary. It was lovely to see children so eager to share the definitions of new words. Jack and Violet explained that, “to investigate means to look for clues, like when we investigated the giant footprints in Year 1 and we investigated Beegu.” It is lovely to hear children recall their previous experiences. 

Year 3 have been busy creating their double page spreads in Science. They have enjoyed showing off all of their learning from the half term and drew some amazing pictures to support their learning. Arthur was so excited to come in and show Miss Roper and Year 4 his double page spread and it looked amazing, he was also able to recall lots of information. The class are also very excited to go on their trip today to the Science Museum. They are going into the wonderlab and have barely been able to contain their excitement all week! 

In Year 4, the class had a great week! They have done some amazing French learning, where they learnt how to describe their hair and eyes. The children then used this knowledge to play a game of guess who, asking questions such as ‘es-tu une fille’ (are you a girl?) and ‘as-tu les cheveux blonds?’ (do you have blonde hair?). The children worked so hard and loved playing the game!

In year 5 this week they have been busy creating their beautiful yet informative double page spreads on the Windrush Generation - this has been one the class’ favourite topics so far this year and they have thoroughly enjoyed the core text and the way it linked to their History, English, Reading and art. 

In year 6, they had a great computing lesson where they had the opportunity to use the hardware ‘micro bits’. They really enjoyed programming the micro bit to play music, text and emoji’s. They also were extremely careful with the micro bits and showed our school value of respect when handing the different pieces when plugging them in and taking them out.

Birthdays, Merits & Attendance

Daisy - Year 6

Freddie - Year 2

Jasmine - Year 5

Ohana - Reception

Aasiyah - Year 4

Eden - Reception

Ronnie - Year 2

Harun - Year 3

Niamh - Year 2

Laniyah - Year 2

Tyrone - Year 3

Elaina - Year 4 

Emre - Year 3

Ashwin - Year 2

Haisem - Year 5

Inaya - Year 6

Paul - Year 6

Violet - Year 2

Reception - 89.6%

Year 1 - 96.5%

Year 2 - 95.2%

Year 3 - 86.2%

Year 4 - 94.6%

Year 5 - 88.9%

Year 6 - 86.7%

Total - 91.1%

Reception -  Tiwa

Year 1 -  Kevin

Year 2 - Cassie

Year 3 - All

Year 4 -  Aasiyah

Year 5 - Louie

Year 6 - All

Dates for your diary

Friends Of Rockliffe 


Every Tuesday 9-10am in the Music Room. 


Please donate any clean glass jars with lids into the office. 

Messages from the office

Lego/ Duplo

Rockliffe Coffee mornings

PE Kits

Scooters in Playground

Uniform reminder

We would like to increase our resources and maybe have a Lego/Duplo station at playtime. If any of our parents have Lego or Duplo that your child no longer plays with we would appreciate any donations. 

Every Tuesday morning from 8:50am, Rockliffe will be holding a Coffee morning in the Music Room. Please feel free to pop along and join us. Friends of Rockllife joining to start the planning for events. All welcome

PE Kits - can we please remind you that all children should bring their PE Kits in to School. The children will need a pair of shorts, T-shirt and socks.

Due to incidents in playground with scooters, can parents please ensure that your child does not ride on the playground and other areas of the school. Children to not to be riding passed the school gates, Many thanks.

School Uniform - can we please remind you that all children are requested to wear school colours - Not Hoodies. Also now that the colder weather has begun your child should come dressed accordingly - Coats, Jumpers or Cardigans and appropriate footwear. 

Community Information

"Champions keep playing until they get it right." — Billie Jean King