Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

Message from Mrs Cook

Happy Friday to you all! The sun has been shining brightly, adding an extra sparkle to our days and lifting everyone's spirits. The school grounds are blooming with beautiful plants and flowers, thanks to the dedicated efforts and wonderful support from the Friends of Rockliffe. Children from across the school have also taken a keen interest and offered lots of help during their lunchtime.

What better way to cool off from the summer heat (when it finally arrived!) than our annual Water Fun Day! The playground was transformed into a water wonderland with games, laughter, and lots of splash zones. Children from across the school participated in a variety of water games and activities. It was lovely to see the joy and excitement on the children’s faces as they splashed and played together. The event was a great success, promoting physical activity and teamwork while ensuring everyone had a splashing good time.

This week, we are thrilled to celebrate the remarkable Year 6 performance of "High School Musical". Our children delivered an unforgettable show, showcasing not only their immense talent but also their remarkable growth in confidence and character. Their outstanding performance was a testament to their hard work, dedication, and the support of our school community. Throughout their journey with us, we have witnessed their development in knowledge, confidence, and character. They embodied the spirit of unity, reminding us of the powerful message that "We're All in This Together." As they sang, "We're breaking free, we're soaring, flying," it was clear that they are prepared for the next exciting chapter ahead. We extend heartfelt thanks to our families for their unwavering support, and to our dedicated teachers and staff for their passion and commitment to nurturing these young talents.

The term may be coming to an end, but there are still many trips and visits happening! Today, our EYFS children are ending the week with an incredible adventure at Danson Park. The trip was filled with exploration, learning, and lots of fun. The children enjoyed going to the splash park where they laughed and made memories in the shining sun! The highlight of the trip was the picnic by the lake, where both Nursery and Reception children shared stories and laughter with their friends. The trip not only provided an educational experience but also helped in building social skills and creating lasting memories.

As we move into the final week of the academic year, we are pleased to share that the end-of-year reports are going home today. These reports reflect the incredible effort and dedication our children have put into their learning throughout the year. They showcase not only academic achievements but also the values we hold dear, such as perseverance, curiosity, and kindness. Each child’s progress is a testament to their hard work and the support of our dedicated teachers and families. We celebrate their growth and accomplishments, and we look forward to ending the year on a high note, proud of all we have achieved together.

We look forward to the week ahead, our final three days of the academic year. Until then, wishing you all a lovely weekend. 

With very best wishes, Mrs Cook and the Rockliffe Manor team

Learning this week

Let’s take a look at the learning this week …

In Nursery, the children have been experiencing and enjoying a variety of transition activities this week. The children visited the Reception classroom, engaging with the provision and becoming familiar with their new learning environment. The children also took part in a circle time activity on the carpet with Mr Harracksingh and Mrs Attridge, sharing what they were most excited about in starting Reception. Nursery finished the week with a fun packed water fun day, which the children took great pleasure in soaking their teachers!

Children in Reception this week during literacy, have been exploring news articles and the variety of news articles that are available to them. The children experienced reading newspapers, magazines and watching reports on BBC newsround. The children were extremely excited to learn that this month is national ice cream month, through reading a news article found online and watching a video report. The children used the knowledge gained throughout the week to write their own news article. Cairo wrote an article reporting a crime, with the headline ‘The Big Bad Wolf In Jail’!   

In Year 1, children have learned to create rhetorical questions as part of their learning journey in English. They used their knowledge of the core text, “The Lorax” to persuade and convince the Onceler that what he is doing to the forest is not ok. Malachi wrote, ‘How could you cut down the beautiful truffula trees you monster? Don’t you know that the animals need trees to have their fruit? How would you feel if you had no food to eat?’ All children were very engaged in the lesson and they had a lot to say about the topic. 

In Year 2, the children have worked hard to understand directional language in maths. In geography, the children have been writing fact files about The Gambia and the UK. The children were able to compare and contrast the locations of both countries and could talk about physical features such as the weather and climate. 

Year 3 have been busy this week! Ayomide loved telling Miss Roper all about his English work, where they have been writing a debate on whether children should be driven to school or not. Ayomide had great ideas and spoke about how having more cars on the road would add to congestion and climate change, a change maker in the making! In Maths, the children have been dividing using the bus stop method. Ella shared that she found it difficult at first but now she is out of the learning pit and feels more confident!

In Year 4, the children had a great English lesson where they looked at images of the Sri Lanka jungle and generated figurative language based on the 5 senses. Year 4 wowed us all with sentences such as ‘the pungent odour of the jungle attacked my nostrils’ and ‘the wind called my name as it danced around me’. They are excited to put their sentences into their final outcome of the year; a setting description. 

In year 5 they have completed their final double page spread for history this week. It’s been amazing to see the progress the children have made with these throughout the year. Most importantly, how independent they are now when creating them. Initially they were quite reliant on a model for inspiration but now every child created their own unique designed double page spread. These were also done with great detail as the children have enjoyed learning about World War 2. 

Year 6’s big day finally came and they performed their version of High School Musical to the school and parents. All the hard work from the team and the children really paid off for this amazing performance. The children really made us proud with the effort, dedication and enthusiasm they showed in order to succeed. We would also like to thank the parents for their help with costumes, props and make up. 


Here are some of the tweets that can be found on our Rockliffe Manor Twitter page this week

Birthdays, Merits & Attendance

James - Year 1

Reception - 93.0%

Year 1 - 90.3%

Year 2 - 91.0%

Year 3 - 89.6%

Year 4 - 89.6%

Year 5 - 88.0%

Year 6 - 96.6%

Total - 91.1%

Reception - All

Year 1 - Remi

Year 2 - All

Year 3 - Leo-Jay

Year 4 - Zechariah 

Year 5 - Asante

Year 6 - All

Dates for your diary

Messages from the office


Lego/ Duplo

Rockliffe Coffee mornings

PE Kits

Scooters in Playground

Uniform reminder

From September, we will have available two full time places. If you would like to show your interest please contact the office where we can give you further information. 

We would like to increase our resources and maybe have a Lego/Duplo station at playtime. If any of our parents have Lego or Duplo that your child no longer plays with we would appreciate any donations. 

Every Tuesday morning from 8:50am, Rockliffe will be holding a Coffee morning in the Music Room. Please feel free to pop along and join us. Friends of Rockllife joining to start the planning for events. All welcome

PE Kits - can we please remind you that all children should bring their PE Kits in to School. The children will need a pair of shorts, T-shirt and socks.

Due to incidents in playground with scooters, can parents please ensure that your child does not ride on the playground and other areas of the school. Children to not to be riding passed the school gates, Many thanks.

School Uniform - can we please remind you that all children are requested to wear school colours - Not Hoodies. Also now that the colder weather has begun your child should come dressed accordingly - Coats, Jumpers or Cardigans and appropriate footwear. Any lost property will be returned if named, also Friends of Rockliffe will be distributing accordingly. 

Community Information