Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

Message from Mrs Cook

Another week draws to a close in our final term, and what a week it has been! We are ending on a high note, welcoming the blue skies after what has been a rather wet and grey July so far. The good old English weather, as unpredictable as ever!

We wanted to start off by extending a big thank you to everyone who attended our Summer Fair last weekend. It was a tremendous success and truly highlighted the wonderful community we have here at Rockliffe Manor. It was heartwarming to see so many families, both old and new, coming together. The character spoon competition was a huge hit, as were the stalls, crafts, and of course, the delicious food we had on offer! It was lovely to see volunteers supporting the events, from children, parents, staff, and past pupils.

We raised a significant amount of money for the school, which will go towards regenerating our nature garden and other projects across the school. Our final count this week totaled an impressive £1,592.57—quite an achievement for a rainy Saturday in July! A huge thank you to the Friends of Rockliffe for organising another brilliant experience for all.

We also want to extend our gratitude to the local businesses and community members who donated items, making the fair a success. A special shout-out to Tesco Welling, Asda Charlton, Morrisons Welling, and the Coop Plumstead Common for their food donations. Additionally, thank you to Britney Louise, Charlie’s Crazy Bouncy Castles, and Wickes Plumstead for their donations of items and activities. Without their support, the fair would not have been such a success. A huge thank you to all!

Another huge thank you to all the parents who attended our Arithmetic Open Morning this week. It was a pleasure to see our children light up with excitement as they welcomed their families into their classrooms. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience of practising mathematical concepts and applying their skills to various engaging activities. We truly appreciate your support. Moving into the new academic year, our commitment is to provide regular and varied opportunities to celebrate and showcase the depth and breadth of our curriculum. As we begin to organise future "stay and learn" sessions, we value your input and suggestions. If you have any ideas regarding the focus, we would love to hear them. Your feedback is invaluable in ensuring that we provide meaningful and enriching experiences for both our students and their families.

When we say it’s been a busy week, we are not kidding! This week, our hall was transformed into a rock concert as our Rockliffe iRockers showcased their incredible skills. Families were welcomed to watch their children's performances, and the smiles on their faces made the event even more special. We truly have some very talented rockers in our school, and we are excited to see them continue to grow and develop their skills next academic year.

And today, Reception held their very first sharing assembly, and it has certainly been worth the wait. It was so amazing to see all the children share so much information about bee’s and their final song at the end wowed families, children and staff too! Well done Reception and thank you to all the families for attending. 

If this week wasn’t fun-filled enough, today we held our annual Meet the Teacher sessions, where the children were introduced to their new class teachers for the first time. The whole hall was buzzing with excitement as the children eagerly awaited to hear the names of their new teachers! Each class then went to their new classrooms and participated in ‘getting to know you’ activities. The children had lots of questions for their new teachers, and their teachers had many questions for them!

Transitioning to a new classroom with new adults is always an exciting time, a moment to display growth and look ahead to the future. While we know this may be a time of mixed emotions, we have every faith that the relationships built with staff will be the key to our success next year. Details of the staffing for next year have been shared in a letter via email, so please check your inbox if you have not seen it already.

As I write this newsletter, I reflect on how much excitement there has been this week. I cannot wait to see the joy that activities next week will bring in the final full week of the academic year. Until then, we hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday. A reminder about the England Euro Final: we know many of our children will be excited to stay up late and watch the match. To ensure they get enough rest, we will keep registration open until 10:00 am on Monday, 15th July. School will be open as usual for those who wish to attend at the regular time.

With very best wishes, Mrs. Cook and the Rockliffe Manor team

Learning this week

Let’s take a look at the learning this week … 

Nursery this week has been revisiting and reflecting on their learning around 2D shapes this year. The children used their retention and recall skills during maths sessions to share their strong knowledge about the properties of shapes, which was really impressive to see. The Nursery this week also had the opportunity to discuss what their favourite fruits are and what they like about it. The most popular fruits were chosen to make a fruit salad, which the children really enjoyed making.         

Children in Reception this week have been working extremely hard to put their sharing assembly together. It was fantastic to see children taking real ownership over preparations for the assembly. They voted and chose the song, the topics they wanted to cover and what they wanted to say for their part, independently. Mr Harracksingh and Mrs Attridge are extremely proud of the children's growing independence, confidence and ability to collaborate with their peers. 

This week, children in  Year 1 have learned to tell the time to an hour and half past. The children used analogue clocks to represent time and they quizzed each other to test their knowledge. In history, the children have learned about the types of transport people used in the past to travel to holidays and they compared it to the present. Also, it was lovely to have the parents join us on Wednesday morning for the arithmetic session. The children showed fantastic effort and were very engaged in their tasks. 

In Year 2, the children have been learning about Isatou Sessay, the inspirational change maker who led by example. The children are researching key facts about Isatou because they will be writing her biography. So far the children are really enjoying key learning around sustainability and the impact humans can have on the environment. 

In Year 3, the children have had a great week! In English, the children have been busy preparing to write a debate based on their core text, Sofia Valdez, Future Prez. The children have been discussing whether children should have a TV in their bedroom. The children have come up with great reasoning for both for and against. Grace loved sharing that children should not have a TV in their bedroom as parents would not be able to keep an eye on all the TV they are watching! The class has also worked hard on applying modal verbs to sentences to express their opinions more effectively. 

Year 4 have had a great week this week starting their maths learning on shape. The children have developed their knowledge of angles and enjoyed looking at triangles and quadrilaterals identifying the different properties. They then had a go at reasoning about different shapes. In English, the class read an extract from the book, ‘The Secret Garden’ and had a go at writing their own setting description of Sri Lanka using the extract as inspiration. 

In year 5 this week it was their penultimate swimming lesson and they have done so well! All children have made such excellent progress in their own right, from those who could not even put their head under the water to those who are now confident in butterfly stroke. Special mention to the children Mark’s group who swam their first 25m length in both crawl and backstroke this week. 

In year 6 they have been working hard on their geography topic, they were enthused by the difference in causes of natural disasters that are specific to the USA. Lottie thought it was amazing that places like Oklahoma can experience twister style tornados while parts of California are still prone to Earthquakes. 


Here are some of the tweets that can be found on our Rockliffe Manor Twitter page this week

Birthdays, Merits & Attendance

Charlie - Year 6

Giulia - Year 5 

Reception - 92.0%

Year 1 - 89.3%

Year 2 - 91.4%

Year 3 - 83.1%

Year 4 - 96.1%

Year 5 - 88.1%

Year 6 - 92.7%

Total - 90.8%

Reception -  Ayomide 

Year 1 - Mikail

Year 2 - Lila

Year 3 - Ella-Rose

Year 4 -  Jake

Year 5 - Daisie-Beau

Year 6 - I'la

Dates for your diary

Messages from the office


Lego/ Duplo

Rockliffe Coffee mornings

PE Kits

Scooters in Playground

Uniform reminder

From September, we will have available two full time places. If you would like to show your interest please contact the office where we can give you further information. 

We would like to increase our resources and maybe have a Lego/Duplo station at playtime. If any of our parents have Lego or Duplo that your child no longer plays with we would appreciate any donations. 

Every Tuesday morning from 8:50am, Rockliffe will be holding a Coffee morning in the Music Room. Please feel free to pop along and join us. Friends of Rockllife joining to start the planning for events. All welcome

PE Kits - can we please remind you that all children should bring their PE Kits in to School. The children will need a pair of shorts, T-shirt and socks.

Due to incidents in playground with scooters, can parents please ensure that your child does not ride on the playground and other areas of the school. Children to not to be riding passed the school gates, Many thanks.

School Uniform - can we please remind you that all children are requested to wear school colours - Not Hoodies. Also now that the colder weather has begun your child should come dressed accordingly - Coats, Jumpers or Cardigans and appropriate footwear. 

Community Information

A good education can change anyone. A good teacher can change everything.