Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

Message from Mrs Cook

What a fantastic start to the term it has been! The children have returned ready and eager to learn! It has been a time of great reflection as the children have been busy identifying all that they have learnt this year, what they are most proud of, what they feel they have been successful in and what their biggest learning challenge has been. Allowing our children to reflect in this way has given them a sense of pride and accomplishment of their growth across the year. We are sure you will enjoy reading these as much as we have! 

This week began with an assembly on individuality, following the theme of ‘I am special and unique’, the children began to consider what the world would be like if we all looked exactly the same and liked the same things; the children were challenged to debate what would be good about this and what the challenges would be. We explored that although we might look completely different, we might have a lot in common. Sometimes our differences on the surface hide our similarities underneath. We then played a fun game to find out things we have in common and our differences with our peers. 

Next week we begin our Arts fortnight, it’s going to be fantastic to see all of the amazing art and writing outcomes the children produce linked to our theme, The Olympics. Each year group will be focusing on a different type of sport; Dance, Athletics, Gymnastics, Running, Martial Arts, Ice Skating, Water Sports and Tennis. The learning from this week will be showcased in our morning open classroom on Tuesday 18th June from 9:00 - 9:30. Please add this date to your dairies to see the wonderful finished art your children create. And for the process, remember to check in on our Twitter page! 

Also next week will consist of assessment week for our children. These assessments will be taking place for children in Year 2 - 5 and will be used to support teachers knowing where the children are at. These assessments only measure academic progress and at Rockliffe Manor we continually celebrate the children’s creativity, collaboration, kindness and effort. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the assessments, please do refer to the letter sent out this week or alternatively speak to your child's teacher. 

A reminder that next Friday, 14th June, the school will be closed due to INSET day. During this day, teachers will take part in a moderation process with fellow teachers across the trust. This important activity allows teachers to collaborate, share best practices, and ensure consistency in assessing student work. The goal is to maintain high educational standards and provide the best possible learning experience for our children.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you back on Monday. For those who are visiting the Plumstead Make Merry this Saturday, make sure you pop by to see us - look out for the blue and yellow bunting and join us for some crafts!

With very best wishes, Mrs Cook and the Rockliffe Manor team 

Learning this week

Let’s have a look at some of the learning from this week … 

Nursery this week have enjoyed settling back into their Nursery routines after a week away. The children have continued to explore the topic of growing following on from their literacy learning journey last term. Nursery explored what types of foods grow underground and what grows on trees. The children found it very interesting to find out how some of their favourite fruits and vegetables grow. Nursery also really enjoyed using real fruits and vegetables to do printing during their art sessions.     

Children in Reception this week have been reflecting on their learning journey this year, discussing and sharing the successes and achievements that they have made since joining us in September. The children really enjoyed reflecting on these memorable experiences. We finished off the week by producing a written reflection about one thing they liked about reception, one thing they learnt this year and one target they wish to achieve in year 1. 

Year 1 has shown great reflection skills this week in English. The children looked back at their learning journey and were able to explain what they learned this year. Jamie wrote, ‘I have learned how to weave in DT.’ Ethan M wrote that next year he would like to improve his maths skills because he finds it hard to count backwards from one hundred. It was great hearing children remember learning experiences that made the most impact for them. Additionally, year 1 enjoyed their library trip this week and they enjoyed choosing books to read for pleasure. 

Year 2 has started learning about time this week. The children practised telling the time to half an hour and were able to represent time using analogue clocks. Year 2 have also been loving their arithmetic lessons this week; they have been using the column method to add and subtract 2 digit numbers.

Year 3 have hit the ground running in their new history topic this week, Ancient Egypt. The children impressed Miss White with all of their prior knowledge about mummification and the different Queen’s of Egypt. The children showed such curiosity and are intrigued to find out more about the fascinating Egyptians. The children have also started learning angles in maths and have shown such great resilience in doing so! 

In Year 4, the children have worked hard on reflecting on the whole year to create their final reflections for their end of year reports. In maths, the children finalised their learning on money, the children practised estimating with money to work out totals and despite finding it tricky at the beginning the children remembered their rounding skills from the beginning of the year and came out of the learning pit!

In year 5 this week, they have been working hard on their pupil reflections for their end of year reports. The children took great pride in writing these, enjoyed going through their previous learning in books, regaling tales of the school journey and even voluntarily staying in during break and lunch times to finish things off. 

In year 6, they began rehearsals for the final production of the year. They are so pumped and enthused by this that they are independently rehearsing songs and routines without Mrs Lambert even being present. They are self organised and mature in their attitude toward this - we are filled with confidence this is going to be an amazing show to end the year with! 

Birthdays, Merits & Attendance

Ethan - Year 1

Emily - Year 4

Isabel - Year 1

Reception - 94.2%

Year 1 - 95.3%

Year 2 - 89.3%

Year 3 - 93.7%

Year 4 - 91.4%

Year 5 - 92.5%

Year 6 - 94.0%

Total - 92.9%

Reception -   Saxon

Year 1 -   Freya

Year 2 - Jack

Year 3 - Bessie

Year 4 - Cassidy

Year 5 - Jacob

Year 6 - Chidera

Dates for your diary

Friends Of Rockliffe 

Messages from the office

Lego/ Duplo

Rockliffe Coffee mornings

PE Kits

Scooters in Playground

Uniform reminder

We would like to increase our resources and maybe have a Lego/Duplo station at playtime. If any of our parents have Lego or Duplo that your child no longer plays with we would appreciate any donations. 

Every Tuesday morning from 8:50am, Rockliffe will be holding a Coffee morning in the Music Room. Please feel free to pop along and join us. Friends of Rockllife joining to start the planning for events. All welcome

PE Kits - can we please remind you that all children should bring their PE Kits in to School. The children will need a pair of shorts, T-shirt and socks.

Due to incidents in playground with scooters, can parents please ensure that your child does not ride on the playground and other areas of the school. Children to not to be riding passed the school gates, Many thanks.

School Uniform - can we please remind you that all children are requested to wear school colours - Not Hoodies. Also now that the colder weather has begun your child should come dressed accordingly - Coats, Jumpers or Cardigans and appropriate footwear. 

Community Information

Whoever is happy will make others happy. Anne Frank