Collaboration matters Excellence in everything Community first Equity for everyone Continuous growth
Message from Mrs Cook
We love Science! This week Miss Roper went around the school on Tuesday to have a look at everyone's science learning. Miss Roper was amazed at the vocabulary the children were able to use and define, from the very smallest children in Reception to the biggest in year 6. Reception loved to explain all about their topic of animals and their habitats and deforestation. They were able to use words such as 'endangered' and 'extinct' in their explanations which shows how much they believe in the topic they were learning. Year 2 enjoyed looking at what foods constitute a healthy diet and had a go at making their own healthy plate, which will support them as they grow into strong adults. There was a large consensus that all children love their science lessons and enjoy learning about the world around them and it was lovely to see deep conversations happening for all.
Another first this week… on Wednesday KS2 attended a zoom hosted by Big Ideas. They were joined by world renowned engineer, Jamie Shotton, who works with AI to create self-driving cars. Year 4, joined by the rest of KS2 designed their own car of the future and labelled what each part does. Jasmine, Taye and Tyreese said 'we wanted to make our car fly so we added wings to the roof' and Iyden said 'I want my car to be able to turn into a boat so my engine needs to be waterproof.' Rockliffe Manor definitely has some budding engineers in their class and we all look forward to seeing their creations potentially become reality when they are older.
Before we take a look at the fantastic learning that has happened this week, we are excited to share that 10 members of year 1 and 2 came together to take part in the first Athletics Inspire Greenwich Hub Cup event. Throughout the whole afternoon, Rockliffe showed our character skills and values consistently, the team represented Rockliffe beautifully and made the adults accompanying them very proud.
Another busy week here at Rockliffe as you can see. Before we wish you well, I wanted to acknowledge the communication that has been sent out regarding the planned industrial action set to go ahead next week, I hope you have all seen the letter shared which details the impact that this will have on Rockliffe Manor. Our teachers work incredibly hard for the children and families of our school community and this is not an action that they have taken lightly. It is important to remember that the planned industrial action is not aimed at parents or school leaders but rather, central government decision making.
We thank you for your continued support and understanding.
Have a lovely weekend, we look forward to seeing you all back on Monday.
With very best wishes, Mrs Cook and the Rockliffe Manor team
Learning this week
Let’s take a look at some of the learning that has happened this week…
This week in Year 2, the children have been exploring effective ways to write a third person narrative in their English lessons. They have been using lots of adjectives and adverbs to describe the journey of the main character, Angus. Year 2 are very excited for their upcoming trip on the 8th February to London as they can experience Angus’ excitement of being on a train! In Art, they have been continuing their learning journey around printing and the different techniques which can be used to create a printed art piece, using cogs as their inspirational object to link to their English learning. For Science, the children have really focused on the effects of different foods on the body. They have been exploring various food groups and the benefits it has on the human body. The children have expressed that their favourite food is cupcake - but in moderation! In Maths, Year 2 have been superstars at identifying how to make equal groups from a number as well as being able to use arrays to create multiplication sentences as well as repeated addition sentences.
Now let’s see what has been happening in Year 3! Year 3 have been exploring Magnets in science - considering which materials are magnetic and which are not - and why. They considered an interesting question of 'What would happen if everything was magnetic?' and created their own interesting questions. Jake explained ‘Everything would stick to me if I was magnetic and that would be uncomfortable - but maybe I could fly because clouds would be magnetic’. In computing the children are learning to type in preparation for their digital outcome next half term - they have been using purple mash to identify the important keys they need and some tricks to help them find letters. David shared ‘The typing really helps me, I think I am faster now - I can't wait to type my English’
And in Year 4 … Year 4 have had a great week in their learning! In science, they have been looking at the topic 'sound'. On Wednesday the children looked at how sound travels from the source right to our brains. They found out all of the different parts of the ear and then reasoned what they thought was the most important part. Liya said 'I think the most important part is the auditory nerve as that's what sends a signal to your brain to register what it is hearing' whereas Irene said 'I think the most important part is the outer ear because that is what catches the sound.' The children then went on to experiment with travelling sound by making their own paper cup telephones and used them outside in the playground. The children were amazed how they could hear what the other was saying and enjoyed experimenting with how the string was held.
Here are some of the tweets that can be found on our Rockliffe Manor Twitter page this week
Year 1 children learnt how to weave this afternoon. Look at the concentration level! Well done for your effort Year 1!
The children listened to @JamieDJS and then created their very own car of the future. Some wonderful ideas came to mind and we definitely have some budding engineers in our school!
Year 4 had so much fun in science today focusing on their topic of sound. The children learnt all of the parts of their ears and their purposes before experimenting by creating their own string telephones
Birthdays, Merits & Attendance
Julie - Year 4
Jack - Year 1
Tyreese - Year 4
Jay - Year 6
Reception - 94.64%
Year 1 - 95.05%
Year 2 - 95.09%
Year 3 - 91.09%
Year 4 - 94.23%
Year 5 - 92.92%
Year 6 - 92.67%
Total - 92.01%
Reception - Remi
Year 1 - Ronnie
Year 2 - Grace
Year 3 - Denis
Year 4 - Alex
Year 5 - Chloe
Year 6 - Alice
Dates for your diary
Monday 30th January 2023 - Universal One-off Workshop 9am - 11am Venue: Beachwood
Monday 30th January 2023 - Year 4 Trip to The British Museum 09.30 - 15.00
Friday 3rd February 2023 - Year 3 Trip to Kensington Palace 09.00 - 16.00
Wednesday 8th February 2023 - Year 1 & Year 2 Trip to Royal Festival Hall 09.00 - 14.00
Thursday 9th February 2023 - Year 6 Trip to The British Museum 09.00 - 15.15
Friday 10th February 2023 - Last day of term - Half Term Monday 13th - Friday 17th February
Monday 20th February 2023 - Children return to school
Friday 24th February 2023 - Year 5 to Plumstead Manor - Science
Special Notice
Messages from the office
Jungle Gym
After School Clubs
Friends Of Rockliffe Coffee mornings
Universal One-off Workshop
Due to health and safety, Mrs Cook has taken the decision to close the jungle gym both before and after school. Please may we ask that you help us uphold this decision when in the playground with your children. The jungle gym will continue to be open during the school day when adequate supervision can be assured.
After school clubs - will resume from Monday 9th January 2023. Please login to Arbor for access to the clubs we are offering.
Every Tuesday morning from 9am, Friends of Rockliffe will be holding a Coffee morning in Beachwood House. Please feel free to pop along and join us.
There will be a Universal One-off Workshop held in Beachwood Monday 30th January 2023. The workshop will be led by practitioners from Greenwich Mental Health in Schools Team.
Community Information
Link Learning are offering piano and guitar lessons at Rockliffe Manor Primary School. Lessons are held weekly during the school day on Thursdays. We’ll be in touch with you once we receive your registration to answer any questions you may have. All our tutors are enthusiastic musicians able to teach up to a high level and have recent DBS certificates. For any queries please get in touch via telephone at 07305507504 or email at
Royal Greenwich has warm spaces across the borough, ready to welcome you inside. Many also offer activities, advice and events to tackle loneliness and isolation.
We'll also be on hand to provide advice and support to Stay Warm Stay Safe.
Royal Museums Greenwich are looking for families with children aged 4-10 years to take part in a photo shoot at the Cutty Sark on Saturday 4th February. The images will be used in marketing for Easter, Halloween and Christmas family campaigns. As a thank you for their time families will get free tickets to visit any of the sites at Royal Museums Greenwich and a copy of the photographs afterwards. Families interested in starring in the photo shoot, please contact Rebekah Matus: