Maundene Primary School
Year 3 Curriculum Newsletter
Collaboration matters Excellence in everything Community first Equity for everyone Continuous growth
Autumn One: "Sustainable Development"
In English, we will be:
Focusing on the core texts, Garbage Guts and What a Waste.
Writing a setting description
Exploring and discussing the effects of plastic pollution on sea creatures.
Writing a narrative based on the characters from Garbage guts focusing on using of descriptive devices, speech and conjunctions.
Research facts about plastic pollution to create a non- chronological report to share with others.
In history, we will be:
Learning about Stone Age to the Iron Age.
Focusing on the history of sustainable farming.
Identifying different tools which were used in the past.
Reflecting on how history has changed the way we are today.
Explore pottery within the Neolithic period and create their own versions.
Reporting on the discovery of SkaraBrae.
Research Stone Henge and recreate their own 3D versions.
In maths, we will be:
Representing and partitioning numbers to 1,000.
Identifying hundreds, tens and ones.
Finding 1, 10 or 100 more or less.
Estimating numbers on a number line to 1,000.
Counting in 50s.
In science, we will be:
Learning about different types of rocks - granite, chalk, sandstone, limestone, marble, slate, pumice and basalt.
Learning that fossils are formed in different ways - sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic.
Understanding that sedimentary rocks are formed from layers of sand, stones and mud.
Understanding that igneous rocks are formed by the actions of volcanoes.
Understanding that metamorphic rocks are heated and squeezed e.g. slate and marble.
In art, we will be:
Researching ‘plastic fashion & recycled clothing’
Working collaboratively to research, plan and design our own Outfits.
Create mini prototypes of a design and evaluate its effectiveness.
Use a range of techniques to assemble a final outcome including a stitching element.
Perform in a “Trashion Show” to share out designs and learning with an audience.
In French, we will be:
Locating France, Paris and key cities on a map.
Saying our name, how we are feeling and learning to count to 10 in French.
Learning how to pronounce a range of colours and singing songs to help us with our learning.
We will be using the following reading skills:
Making Connections
Asking Questions
In RE, we will be:
Discovering the story of the Buddha (Siddhartha and the Swan)
Identifying and reflecting on The Dharma.
Exploring the Four Noble Truths.
Understand how Buddhists lead a good life.
In RSHE, we will be:
Learning about relationships,
Learning about family and friendships
Learning about Living in the Wider World
In PE lessons this term, we will be:
Learning about balancing and different movements.
Using a variety of equipment.
Performing on a variety of equipment.
Homework will be set on a Friday via Google Classroom and must be handed in by the following Friday.
Times Tables Rock Stars is available for the children to play on to practise their timetables.
Purple Mash is also an online resource that the children can access from home too.
Autumn Two: "Sustainable Development"
In English, we will be:
Focusing on the core text, Greta and the Giants
Writing a formal letter to Greta Thunberg abut the local area and the changes we are making to support the cause
Writing a persuasive speech about plastic pollution and the effects it is having on climate change.
Performing our speeches to neighbouring classes to encourage changes from pupils in our local area.
In geography, we will be:
Learning about rivers (now and then).
Comparing the UK with another European country.
Using maps and atlases to explore the geographical location of a country.
Indentifying continents and oceans.
Comparing countries by focusing on human and physical features.
In maths, we will be:
Adding and subtracting 1s, 10s and 100s.
Adding and subtracting 2-digit and 3-digit numbers.
Learning about inverse operations.
Estimating answers to calculations.
Multiplying and dividing focusing on 2, 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
In science, we will be:
Learning about Animals including Humans.
Animals, unlike plants which can make their own food, need to eat in order to get the nutrients they need.
Food contains a range of different nutrients such as carbohydrates (including sugars), protein, vitamins,minerals, fats, sugars, water – and fibre which are needed by the body to stay healthy.
A piece of food will often provide a range of nutrients.
Humans, and some other animals,have skeletons
Muscles help animals and humans them move and provide protection and support for the bones.
In art, we will be:
sketching leafs using different media.
creating a tin foil leaf.
Making a relief tile using different techniques.
In French, we will be:
Learning about animals.
How to talk about our pets.
Learning which animals are masculine or feminine words.
Focusing on developing pronunciation by orally rehearsing phrases and sentences.
We will be using the following reading skills:
Making Connections
Asking Questions
In RE, we will be:
Learning about Judaism.
Learning about the Shabbat and the importance it holds to Jewish people.
Learning about Sukkot and how it is celebrated at home and the Synagogue.
Learnign about Passover (Pesach) and how it celebrates the story of Moses and the Exodus from Egypt.
Understanding that Israel is a special place for Jews.
Understanding the story of Esther - Purim.
Learning about Purim and how it is celebrated at home and the Synagogue.
In RSHE, we will be:
Learning about relationships,
Learning about family and friendships
Learning about Living in the Wider World
In PE lessons this term, we will be:
Invasion Games (Hockey & Badminton)
Learning about different invasion games.
Learning about how to work collaboratively and as a team.
Learning about how to 'invade' and 'tackle'.
Homework will be set on a Friday via Google Classroom and must be handed in by the following Friday.
Times Tables Rock Stars is available for the children to play on to practise their timetables. Purple Mash is also an online resource that the children can access from home too.
Spring One: "Human Rights"
In English, we will be:
Reading ‘Every Child a Song’ by Nicola Davies
Discussing segregation and human rights
Looking at the features of a poem and different poetic styles.
Gaining inspiration from local poets
Writing our own poems inspired by our core text
Performing our poems to our peers
Creating a newspaper report
Writing a narrative based on our core text
In history and geography, we will be:
Comparing Italy and the United Kingdom to find their similarities and differences
Observing different styles of maps to view human and physical geographic features
Exploring the basics of human rights
Identifying the origins of slavery
Understanding the role that Britain played in the slave trade
In maths, we will be:
Looking at patterns between different times tables.
Using concrete and pictorial resources alongside formal methods to multiply 2-digit numbers by a 1-digit number.
Utilising different methods to solve scaling problems.
Identifying relationship between multiplication and division.
Using short division to divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.
In science, we will be
Exploring forces, specifically magnetism.
Discovering which materials are magnetic and grouping them on their properties.
Identifying what attraction and repulsion are.
Applying our understanding to justify our predictions.
Creating and engaging in a fair test.
In art, we will be:
Exploring the focus artist, Marc Martin
Practicing painting skills, specifically through the use of acrylic and watercolour paints
Creating a final piece, inspired by illustrations in our core text
In French, we will be:
Learning the name of different musical instruments.
Talking about which instruments we would like to play.
Focusing on developing pronunciation by orally rehearsing phrases and sentences.
In reading, we will be looking at the texts:
Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
Before she was Harriet
The Story of Slavery
We will be using the following reading skills:
Making Connections
Asking Questions
In RE, we will be:
Exploring the main beliefs of the Sikh faith
Identifying the meaning within religious symbols and places of worship
Exploring the story of Guru Gobind Singh and the 5 Ks of Sikhism
In RSHE, we will be:
Identifying types of personal information
Understanding safe relationships online
Discussing what can be safely shared online
In PE lessons this term, we will be:
Learning how to improvise and copy basic movements and patterns in partners.
Creating a sequence of movements and performing them to an audience.
Passing and stopping the ball using our feet.
Tackling one another to gain control of the ball.
Participating in a mini football game.
Homework will be set on a Friday via Google Classroom and must be handed in by the following Friday.
Times Tables Rock Stars is available for the children to play on to practise their timetables. Purple Mash is also an online resource that the children can access from home too.
Spring Two: "Human Rights"
In English, we will be:
Reading ‘Telephone Tales’ by Gianni Rodari
Writing a recount of events based on our text
Writing instructions and providing explanations
In history and geography, we will be:
Continuing to compare Italy and the United Kingdom to find their similarities and differences
Observing different styles of maps to view human and physical geographic features
Exploring the basics of human rights
Identifying the origins of slavery
Understanding the role that Britain played in the slave trade
In maths, we will be:
Summarising how to find ½, ¼ and 1/3 of a shape or amount
Recognising unit and non-unit fractions
Identifying tenths on a number line and as a decimal
Reasoning our understanding through the use of depth prompts
Using a range of concrete and pictorial resources to add fractions with the same denominator
Finding equivalent fractions
In science, we will be:
Exploring the different parts of plants
Planning a comparative test
Planting our own seeds in different environments
Recording our observations through data and scientific drawings
Observing how water is transported through plants
Identifying the life cycle of flowering plants
Drawing conclusions and reflecting on what we have discovered
In DT, we will be:
Exploring cooking skills by making pizzas
Testing our skills in handling and preparing food
In French, we will be:
Learning how to say 'I am able to...' and 'I know how to...'
Applying these new sentence stems to our previously learnt French vocabulary.
Focusing on pronunciation and how to form sentences together correctly in French.
In reading, we will be looking at the texts:
Little Leaders: Exceptional Men in Black History
Grandfather Gandhi
Separate is Never Equal
We will be using the following reading skills:
Making Connections
Asking Questions
In RE, we will be:
Identifying the key aspects of Ramadan
Evaluating and reflecting what Muslims learn from Ramadan
Appreciating the importance of fasting
Exploring how Muslims celebrate Eid
In RSHE, we will be:
Considering similarities and differences between each other
Exploring how people belong in the world
In PE lessons this term, we will be:
Tag rugby
Developing an understanding of tackling and defending.
Understanding the importance of running when playing tag rugby.
Carrying a ball appropriately when playing rugby.
Participating in a mini tag rugby game.
Passing and catching the ball with different throwing techniques.
Understanding the importance of passing when playing handball.
Participating in a mini handball game.
Homework will be set on a Friday via Google Classroom and must be handed in by the following Friday.
Times Tables Rock Stars is available for the children to play on to practise their timetables. Purple Mash is also an online resource that the children can access from home too.
Summer One: "Power and Governance"
In English, we will be:
Reading ‘The Accidental Prime Minister’ by Tom McLaughlin
Creating reference chains to describe characters
Exploring features of news articles
Comparing direct and indirect speech and changing sentences between them
Writing our own newspaper report about an event from our core text
Reflecting on our outcome through peer and self-assessment
In history and geography, we will be:
Investigating the physical and human features of Egypt
Using a timeline to order dates
Exploring the role of Pharaohs and Egyptian Queens
Researching Cleopatra and Hatshepsut
Identifying different structures of authority
Comparing governance in Ancient Egypt to modern day
In maths, we will be:
Looking at time and different ways this can be shown
Identifying o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to on analogue and digital clocks
Telling the time to 1-minute intervals and measuring time in seconds
Exploring Roman numerals
Identifying acute, right and obtuse angles in our environments by going on an angle hunt
Exploring various features of shapes, such as vertical, horizontal, parallel and perpendicular lines
Comparing 2D and 3D shapes
In science, we will be:
Generating scientific questions to develop our understanding of light
Exploring how light travels through different objects
Understanding the impact of changing variables in a scientific investigation
Investigating how light is reflected
Making shadow puppets to show how shadows are formed and investigating how shadows change
In art, we will be:
Exploring our focus artist, Clare Haxby.
Understanding the term 'fine art'
Practising fine art skills and recreating a London landmark.
In French, we will be:
Learning names of fruits and vegetables and how to ask for them
Expressing our opinions about fruit and vegetables
Recognising through listening, reading and writing numbers 1 – 31
Making sentences with plural nouns
Tasting different French foods
In our Whole Class Reading sessions, we will be focusing on the skill of retrieval - answering questions using evidence from the text - and inference - reaching a conclusion by using evidence from the text. We will do this through exploring a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts.
In RE, we will be:
Discussing different places of worship
Recapping our prior learning of Christian places of worship
Finding the similarities and differences between churches and cathedrals
Identifying key features of churches
Making connections between Christian values and our school values
In RSHE, we will be:
Investigating gender roles in the past
Investigating gender stereotypes
Naming body parts of genders
In PE lessons this term, we will be:
Developing our knowledge of how to play cricket.
Learning how to bowl a ball accurately.
Striking a ball with a cricket bat accurately.
Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
Taking part in problem solving activities requiring pupils to plan collaboratively in pairs or small groups.
Planning and working together collaboratively.
Developing observation and evaluation skills.
Homework will be set on a Friday via Google Classroom
Homework will be set on a Friday via Google Classroom and must be handed in by the following Friday.
Times Tables Rock Stars is available for the children to play on to practise their timetables. Purple Mash is also an online resource that the children can access from home too.
Summer Two: "Power and Governance"
In English, we will be:
Reading ‘Sofia Valdez, Future Prez’ by Andrea Beaty
Designing our own petition boards to support our views on Mount Trashmore, from the core text
Exploring the importance of speeches and what good speeches include
Planning, writing, editing and filming our own persuasive speeches in the role of the main character
In history and geography, we will be:
Identifying continents and countries on a world map
Applying our knowledge of longitude and latitude to identify various UK counties
Using aerial maps to describe human and physical features of Medway
Comparing geographical features in two areas
Researching our local area and using the information we have obtained to create an informational leaflet
In maths, we will be:
Discussing and identifying the properties of 2D and 3D shapes
Recognising equipment to measure various lengths and considering which would be most appropriate
Finding the perimeter of 2D shapes and applying our knowledge to design a playground
Exploring the monetary value of different coins and notes
Drawing, reading and interpreting information in picograms, tally charts and tables
In science, we will be:
Using our prior knowledge to make predictions about which material would be best to block out light
Writing instructions for our investigation
Ensuring that we conduct a fair test
Analysing our results to find if our prediction was correct or incorrect
Reflecting on our findings
In art, we will be:
Exploring our focus artist ‘Stef Mitchell’
Exploring the use of monoprinting
Applying our learnt skills to create our own monoprints
In French, we will be:
Learning about different ice-creams and how to order one in French.
Learning the months of the year
Discussing when our birthdays are
Recognising the days of the week
In our Whole Class Reading sessions, we will be focusing on the skill of retrieval - answering questions using evidence from the text - and inference - reaching a conclusion by using evidence from the text. We will do this through exploring a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts.
In RE, we will be:
Exploring the creation story
Studying the Bible and its teachings on how the world began
Describing how the world was believed to be formed in the Christian faith based off of what the Bible teaches Christians
In RSHE, we will be:
Identifying different emotions.
Explaining why different emotions are felt.
Identifying what a 'personality' is.
Knowing what forms part of a person’s personality.
Naming body parts of different genders.
In PE lessons this term, we will be:
Developing an understanding of events in athletics.
Developing running techniques.
Developing jumping and throwing skills.
Developing throwing and catching skills.
Identifying different ways of travelling.
Explaining the definition of 'stability'.
Homework will be set on a Friday via Google Classroom
Homework will be set on a Friday via Google Classroom and must be handed in by the following Friday.
Times Tables Rock Stars is available for the children to play on to practise their timetables. Purple Mash is also an online resource that the children can access from home too.