Maundene Primary school EYFS Curriculum Newsletter

Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

Autumn One: Identity and diversity


In English, we will be:

Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design

We will be:


This term we will begin Little Wandle phase 2 phonics.  Please see the link for further parent support and information:

General Information

Uniform– Please ensure that all items of uniform are labelled with your child’s name – including water bottles. Long hair needs to be tied back.  Children may wear a small red bow.  Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times (no boots) and if children have laces, they must be able to tie them independently. Please ensure children all come to school with appropriate clothing – eg coat or sun hat depending on the weather. 

Water bottles–Please provide your child with a water bottle which can be refilled throughout the day.  Please avoid sending sugary drinks (including juice/squash) which hinder concentration and can impact negatively on attainment. Please can you ensure that water bottles are not carried in bookbags as they can cause damage to books.

Forest  School– Forest School will be starting next term, days for each class will be confirmed nearer the time.  Children will need to wear old clothing that fully covers their arms and legs and wear waterproof clothing over the top.  Please could children bring wellies as it can get muddy.


In maths, we will be:

Autumn Two: "Identity and diversity"


In English, we will be…

Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design

We will be….


In maths, we will be…

General Information

PE Term 2 —This term the children will be doing PE every Monday.  This will start Monday 1st November.  They will need to wear their PE kit to school.  Please ensure that this is the house PE T shirt and a grey tracksuit.  Full uniform requirements can be found on the school website.  Please ensure hoodies are labelled as they are often mixed up.


Homework - Children will receive homework every Friday.  Please send pictures or videos via Tapestry.  They will also receive their reading book on a Friday to be returned by Wednesday/ Thursday of the following week.  This is essential so we can share all books between the children again on Friday.  


This term we will complete Little Wandle phase 2 phonics.  Please see the link for further parent support and information:

Children will bring home a reading book they have read in school on a Friday, these will need to be read and marked off in their reading records.  Then returned on Wednesday/ Thursday ready to shared with the children again on Friday.  

Spring One: "Social Justice and Equity"


 In English, we will be…

Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design

We will be:


In maths, we will be...


This term we will be starting Little Wandle phase 3. 

Please see the link for further parent support and information:

Children will bring home a reading book they have read in school on a Friday, these will need to be read and marked off in their reading records.  Then returned on Wednesday/ Thursday ready to shared with the children again on Friday.  

General information

Homework - Children will receive homework every Friday.  Please send pictures or videos via Tapestry.  They will also receive their reading book on a Friday to be returned by Wednesday/ Thursday of the following week.  This is essential so we can share all books between the children again on Friday.  

Spring Two: "Social Justice and Equity"


In English, we will be…

Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design

We will be:


In maths, we will be…

General Information


Homework - Children will receive homework every Friday.  Please send pictures or videos via Tapestry.  They will also receive their reading book on a Friday to be returned by Wednesday/ Thursday of the following week.  This is essential so we can share all books between the children again on Friday.  


This term we will be working on Little Wandle phase 3. 

Please see the link for further parent support and information: 

Children will bring home a reading book they have read in school on a Friday, these will need to be read and marked off in their reading records.  Then returned on Wednesday/ Thursday ready to shared with the children again on Friday.  

Summer One: "Sustainable development"


In English, we will be…

General Information

Homework - Children will receive homework every Friday.  Please send pictures or videos via Tapestry.  They will also receive their reading book on a Friday to be returned by Wednesday/ Thursday of the following week.  This is essential so we can share all books between the children again on Friday.  

Clothing –

Now the weather is starting to improve and children are taking off their sweatshirts more often, it is even more important that the children’s clothing is labelled.  Please also remember to label the grey hooded jumpers they have for PE.  Please make sure that children bring hats to school as it starts to warm up and apply sun cream and send to school labelled in their bags for them to top up if needed.


In maths, we will be…


This term we will be..

Reviewing Phase three sounds through the phase 4 ‘tricky words’ from ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds phonics programme’.

Please see the link for further parent support and information:

Children will bring home a reading book they have read in school on a Friday, these will need to be read and marked off in their reading records.  Then returned on Wednesday/ Thursday ready to shared with the children again on Friday.  

Summer Two: "Sustainable development"


In English, we will be…


Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design

We will be:


In maths, we will be…


This term we will be working on Little Wandle phase 3. 

Please see the link for further parent support and information:

Children will bring home a reading book they have read in school on a Friday, these will need to be read and marked off in their reading records.  Then returned on Wednesday/ Thursday ready to shared with the children again on Friday.  

General information

Homework - Children will receive homework every Friday.  Please send pictures or videos via Tapestry.  They will also receive their reading book on a Friday to be returned by Wednesday/ Thursday of the following week.  This is essential so we can share all books between the children again on Friday.  

Clothing –

Now the weather is starting to improve and children are taking off their sweatshirts more often, it is even more important that the children’s clothing is labelled.  Please also remember to label the grey hooded jumpers they have for PE.  Please make sure that children bring hats to school as it starts to warm up and apply sun cream and send to school labelled in their bags for them to top up if needed.