Year 3 

Curriculum Newsletter

Summer One

GLOBAL THEME: This term Year 3 will explore the themes of social justice and equity.


In English our core text is Oliver Twist. The children will learn how Oliver Twist's life has been a hard and desperate one. With his mother dying during his birth, and having no idea who his father was, Oliver has spent his first nine years struggling to survive in a world that has little pity for a poor orphan such as him. This book will help us learn about how different social classes are perceived and treated and explore the wealth inequality in Victorian society. As their outcome the children will be writing their own play script of Oliver Twist.

Religious Education

Our topic this half term is Why should we care for our world? The children will be looking at the importance of the environment to the different faiths around the world. They will explain and describe why people of different faiths think its vital that people should care not only for others but also the environment. 


In maths the children will continue to deepen their knowledge of fractions by learning to add and subtract fractions. They will then move on to explore non-unit and unit fractions of a set of amount before moving onto building on their knowledge of fractions by finding a fraction of an amount and applying this to a range of contexts, including multi-step calculations.

Physical Education

This term the children will be focusing on Athletics. Throughout this term the children will learn to sprint rapidly over short distances while being aware of others. They will know how to demonstrate a good running posture. Sprint short distances as part of a team and respond rapidly to a stimulus/command. They will  then move on to further develop their mobility and co-ordination and learn to demonstrate a variety of throwing techniques.


Our topic for science this half term is plants. The children will learn the different parts of a plant and what are their functions. They will what plants require in order to grow and know about the life cycle of a plant including the different methods of seed dispersal.


In PSHE, the children will understand why we have rules and that there are consequences to their actions. They will move on to learn that payments can be made in different ways and recognize the benefits of creating a budget. 

History & Geography

This term we will be focusing on The Bronze Age. The children will learn how people in Britain transitioned from using stone tools to weapons made of bronze. They will explore how people in the Bronze Age lived from food and farming to their burial of the dead.


This term our topic is Online Safety - Managing online information. The children will know how to use key phrases in search engines. They will also learn that the internet can be used to buy things. They will then move on to explain the difference between belief and opinion before moving on to learn that that not all opinions are accepted and how to speak to someone they trust.

Art & DT

In D.T the children will be designing and creating their very own money containers. They will learn how to sew using a range of different stitches and and add patterns or buttons to decoration to improve the appearance of their money containers. 


In French the children will continue to learn numbers up to 31. They will then move on to learn the days of the week and the months of the year.


Our topic this term is 'Enjoying Improvisation'. In this unit the children will explore the structure of songs and will recognise the patterns in the song. Throughout the unit the children will listen, sing, play as well as improvise their own songs.

Key Dates

Spring Two

GLOBAL THEME: This term Year 3 will explore the themes of Sustainable Development.


This half term, our core text is ‘The Hunter’ by Paul Geraghty. In writing, the children will focus on writing a narrative based on our core text and the journey the young girl embarks on. The children will use this text to develop their own settings and characters and use descriptive language to engage the reader. For Reading, the children will continue to develop their reading and comprehension skills by making predictions based on visual images and the text, inferring and clarifying their understanding of words and phrases in order to develop their vocabulary through various text types. They will make links with real events happening in the world around us and continue to develop learning behaviours such as supporting and actively listening to each other. 

Religious Education

In R.E we are learning about Christianity, specifically focusing on the topic of sacred and inspirational writings. The children will learn to identify the holy book for Christians and explain how is it used. They will then move on to explore how the stories Jesus told are relevant today. Next they will learn to understand the significance of the ten commandments and why these rules are so important to Christians.


During this half term, we will continue to learn about length and perimeter. The children will learn to measure objects in millimetres, centimetres and metres. They will  then be introduced to finding equivalent lengths and move onto to comparing lengths. They will continue to build on their knowledge of addition and subtraction using word problems based on length and perimeter.

Physical Education

This half term for P.E the children will be focusing on throwing and catching (fielding games). They will learn to consolidate and develop a range of skills in striking and fielding. They will then investigate different ways of throwing and know when it is appropriate to use them.


In science this half term, we are learning about rocks. Children will continue to  learn about rocks and will explore how fossils are made from rocks and organic matter. Then, children will learn about how sedimentary rocks are formed from layers of sand, stones and mud. By the end of the term the children will be able to: ask and answer questions about the way soils are formed, explore how and why rocks might have changed over time and identify similarities and differences between different types of soils. 


For PSHE we will be focusing on safety and the changing body. The children will be learning to understand the choices people can make and those which are made by others. They will be also looking at how to recognize who and what can influence our decisions. They will learn to explain how someone’s influence might not be good for them.

History & Geography

This half term, we will be learning about the Stone Age. We will begin by looking at the timeline throughout the Stone Age period. Next, we will learn about the various aspects of Stone Age life, such as food, tools, clothing and their homes. We will be also using our new knowledge of the Stone Age and comparing it to different civilisations around the world, in the same time period. 


For computing the children will learn to know about the basic movements in Scratch, and how to associate events with actions. They will  investigate how characters can be moved using ‘events’. They will analyze and improve an existing project, and then apply what they have learned to their own projects. They will then extend their learning to control multiple sprites in the same project.

Art & DT

In DT the children investigated toys with moving cam mechanism. They learnt that mechanisms causes components to move in a range of ways including linear and rotary. They learnt that different shape cams create different movements. The children used their knowledge of cams to design and build their own moving cam toy with a cam mechanism.  


For French we will be continuing to learn numbers 1-31. We will then move on to describe ourselves in French and talk about other family members.


For music we will be focusing on the topic of More Musical Styles. In this unit, the children will learn how music has changed and shaped lives around the world. They will learn about the sound changes or 'dynamics'. They will also learn that loud sounds are called 'forte' whereas quiet sounds are called 'piano'. 

Key Dates

Spring One

GLOBAL THEME: This term Year 3 will explore the themes of Sustainable Development.


This half term, our core text is ‘The Great Kapok Tree’. The story canters around the Amazon rainforest. The book opens with a map of the world showing all of the places where rainforests once existed and all of the rain forests that are actually left. In English, we will be using this book to write a non chronological report based on deforestation. The children will use headings and subheading to write about why deforestation is happening, its effects on our planet and what we can do to help slow the process down. We will also be looking at how to write a great character description. The children will be using Roald Dahl's characters (Miss Trunchbull and the Bloodbottler) as inspiration in order to create their very own character description of the BFG.

Religious Education

For R.E we will be focusing on Christianity. The children will learn to understand the different descriptions of God in Christianity and recognise the importance of Jesus to Christians. They will then learn to recognise different types of authorities in Christian communities and will identify the  roles and responsibilities of leaders in Christian communities.


During this half term, we will continue to learn about multiplication and division. Then we will be moving onto area and perimeter and converting different lengths of measurements. The children will learn to measure lengths in metres, centimetres and millilitrers. They will then use their knowledge of conversion to add and subtract lenghs.

Physical Education

In P.E the children will be focusing on net games using hands and rackets. They will learn to move safely in a confined space with a range of objects. They will first practise sending and receiving a beanbag before moving on to using rackets to move quickly in different directions.


Our focus for this half term is rocks. Children will learn about the different types of rocks like granite, chalk, sandstone, limestone, marble, slate, pumice and basalt. They will also learn about how fossils are made from rocks and organic matter. Then, children will learn about how sedimentary rocks are formed from layers of sand, stones and mud. By the end of the term the children will be able to: ask and answer questions about the way soils are formed, explore how and why rocks might have changed over time and identify similarities and differences between different types of soils. 


Understanding their role in an emergency situation is the focus of our PSHE lessons this half term. The children will know the steps and actions to follow if they’re in an emergency situation. Including calling the emergency services. They will then learn to know which steps to follow if somebody is stung or bitten. 

History & Geography

This half term we will be focusing on deforestation and learning about the rainforests of the world. The children will identify different types of rainforests and will use geographical language to compare two localities. Using  maps and google earth the children will observe the changes that have taken place due to deforestation and will discuss the impact of deforestation on global and local communities.


In computing the children will learn to recognise how text and images convey information. They will be looking at using images and text to communicate a message effectively. Next they will look at desktop publishing. The children will think about how to make careful choices regarding font size, colour, and type in an invitation. They will then think about the different ways information can be laid out on a page. They will look at a range of page layouts such as letters and newspapers, and begin to think about the purpose of each of these.

Art & DT

In art the children will be introduced to Bogolan artwork. They will create a moodboard exploring Bogolan mud cloth and create a repeated pattern using line and resist. They will discuss a natural fabric dying process – a way of changing the colour of fabric using natural materials only and will then experiment wioth natural materials themselves to create their very own Bogolan artwork. 


In French the children will learn how to write and say different colours. They will then move onto naming different animals before learning the names of common pets.


For music we will be looking at: Compose using your imagination. The children will use their imagination  to create their own compositions. They will write a melody and find sounds that represent the story you want to tell. Singing and listening are at the heart of each lesson. The children will play, improvise and compose using a selection of these notes: C, D, E, F. 

Key Dates

Autumn Two

GLOBAL THEME: This term Year 3 will explore the themes of Human Rights. We will be learning about inventions and forces and visiting the Horniman Museum.


This half term, our core texts are Wendel’s Workshop and Rosie Revere Engineer. Wendel is a mouse and an inventor/engineer. He lives in a workshop and invents things all the time. Rosie Revere is a story about a girl, who dreams of becoming a great engineer. She creates wonderful gadgets and gizmos - but only when no one is watching. We will be using Rosie Revere to create our own newspaper report on one of Rosie’s inventions. We will be using our reading lessons to explore a variety of text types including narratives, poetry and non-fiction. We will use each text to focus on various learning strategies throughout the half term. Children will use their prior knowledge to infer about different parts of texts, they will also be making connections to their own experiences to relate to the different sections of the book. 

Religious Education

In R.E we are continuing to learn about Hinduism. The children will explore sacred texts and explore the different ways the festival of Diwali is celebrated and understand the significance of the festival of Navarati to hindus. We will then move on to explain the different ways Christmas is celebrated by Christians and non-Christians. and discuss the true meaning of Christmas to Christians.


In maths this half term, we will continue to focus on our topic of addition and subtraction. The children will add and subtract numbers up to 3-digit numbers using formal written methods of column addition and subtraction. They will also recap the four operations and how to apply these arithmetic skills to word problems and reasoning problems during our arithmetic sessions. 

Physical Education

In outdoor PE the children will be focusing on games, dribbling and passing with their feet. For indoor PE the children will be continuing to follow Real PE Unit 2 focusing on on balance, agility and co-ordination. They will learn how to have healthy competitive but cooperative games and challenge themselves to achieve their personal best.


In science this half term, we will be learning more about forces. We will explore how objects move on different surfaces and will be carrying out investigations using magnets. From our investigations we will notice that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance. 


This half term our topic is Health and well-being. The children will learn how to be healthy and understand the impact and importance of relaxation on their health. They will move on to identify their own strengths and of being resilient before exploring the benefits of eating healthy and dental hygiene.  

History & Geography

In geography the children will be locating Egypt on a map and comparing the geographical features of the UK to Egypt. They will explore human and physical features of both countries and discuss the different uses of the Nile and the Thames.


In computing we will be learning about online safety, self image and identity. They will also use PurpleMash to understand what a flowchart is and how it is used and will learn to use the repeat command to create a range of programmes through coding.

Art & DT

This half term the artist we are focusing on designing and creating our very own photo frames. They will research free-standing structures and how they are made stable and then investigate the different ways of making stable free- standing structures before making their own ones.


The children will be learning to greet each other and how to introduce themselves. They will also learn about classroom instructions and classroom objects.


For music this half term we will be focusing on playing in a band. The children will read the notation of one of the easy instrumental parts when playing together in this unit. In music, the steady beat is organised by time signatures which tell us how many beats there are in each bar. The children will explore singing and playing instruments together to create different sounds.

Key Dates

Autumn One

GLOBAL THEME: This term Year 3 will explore the themes of Human Rights.  We will be focussing  on the topic of Ancient Egypt.


This half term, our core book is ‘Hidden Figures’ by Margot Shetterly. We will explore the story of four female African American mathematicians at NASA, and how they overcame gender and racial barriers to succeed in a highly challenging STEM-based career. We will also be reading "My Little Book of Big Freedom". The children will explore the different rights people enjoy everyday. They will use this book as a basis to write poems based on different freedoms. Children will continue to develop their reading and comprehension skills by making predictions based on visual images and the text, inferring and clarifying their understanding of words and phrases in order to develop their vocabulary. They will make links with real events happening in the world around us and continue to develop learning behaviours such as supporting and actively listening to each other.  In writing, they will focus on writing a character profile based on the characters from our core text, ensuring that they include all the structural and language features.

Religious Education

In RE we will be learning about Hinduism. Children will identify the key beliefs of Hinduism and that central to its belief is the supreme God Brahman. They will learn about the different deities, their holy book and its importance to Hindus. The children will then understand the significance of a temple within a community and understand the importance of Ahimsa in Hinduism.


In maths, children will consolidate their knowledge of place value, addition and subtraction.  They will learn to read and write numbers up to one thousand, in words and digits. Rounding whole numbers and decimals will help the children to estimate answers to check their calculations. Counting forward and backwards in whole numbers will help develop understanding of place value. There will also be a focus on mental calculation strategies. Ensuring you child is fluent with their times tables up to 12 x 12 would be very helpful. The vocabulary associated with place value will be emphasised and there will be opportunities to apply what they have learnt on a daily basis through reasoning and problem-solving activities. 

Physical Education

There will be a focus on multi- skills in outdoor PE. Indoor PE will be using Real PE to focus on fundamental movement skills including coordination and balance. 


In science this half term, we will be learning about light. We will begin our topic by recognising that light from the sun can be dangerous and identifying the different ways we can protect our eyes. Next, we will be learning about how shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object. Finally, we will be investigating how to find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change by measuring our shadows during different points of a day. 


‘Being me in my world’ is the theme for this half term. This involves respect for rules, rights and responsibilities as well as respecting other people’s differences.

History & Geography

The children will be learning about the achievements of one of the earliest civilizations – Ancient Egypt. They will explore how the Egyptian Queens (Hatshepsut, Nerfertiti and Cleopatra) controlled the totalitarian state as power brokers and rulers and learn that the Great Pyramids of Giza contains burial chambers of pharaohs and queens.


We will be using Project Evolve to explore online safety. The children will look at appropriate ways to behave towards other people online and recognise how bullying behaviour can appear online. They will also discuss the different ways someone can seek support and help when they need it.

Art & DT

The children will investigate artwork created by Corey Barksdale. They will research different abstract expressionists and explore sketching techniques for self-portraits. Using different pastels, children will create different shades and textures. For their outcome children will create a self portrait in the style of the artist.


From Year 3 begin children to learn French. We will be focusing on greetings, numbers and classroom objects this half term.

General Information

PE Kit

Children will have PE every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child wears their kit to school on these days and that all items are clearly labelled with their full name. 

Key Dates

Ways to help your child at home


Please ensure your child reads for at least 20 minutes a day, either independently or aloud and continue to comment in your child’s reading record book and sign and date their reading passports. 

Times tables 

Encourage your child to practice their times tables by regularly accessing TimesTables Rockstars.

Y3 Meet the Teacher Meeting - Sept 2023.pdf