Respect     Collaboration      Kindness      Perseverance      Honesty      Responsibility

Delce news from the Headteacher

  Dear Parents and Carers

This half-term has continued to be a whirlwind of exciting activities and fantastic learning here at Delce Primary!

First up, a huge congratulations to our Year 6 who recently enjoyed a trip to London's West End to see the smash-hit musical, "Wicked." From the dazzling costumes to the powerful vocals, I hear the show was an absolute delight. Witnessing live theatre is such a valuable experience, and it's wonderful to see the children buzzing with inspiration!

Speaking of creativity, our Clay Club has been hard at work transforming lumps of clay into beautiful sculptures. Their talent continues to amaze me, and I can't wait to see their latest masterpieces.

Meanwhile, within the classrooms, some incredible learning experiences have been unfolding. From engaging science experiments to captivating storytelling sessions, our teachers are fostering a love of learning that inspires and challenges our young minds.

Don't forget to mark your calendars for Sports Day, which is just around the corner! This is a fantastic opportunity to cheer on our enthusiastic athletes, celebrate school spirit, and enjoy a fun-filled day together.

Speaking of fun, a big thank you to the Friends of Delce for treating us all to some delicious Frosty Friday delights! Those icy treats were a delightful way to cool down on a hot day.

As always, I'm incredibly proud of everything our fantastic pupils and staff are achieving at Delce Primary.

Enjoy your weekend!

At Delce We Do Belong!

Our Core Value this term: RESPONSIBILITY 

Tiny shoulders

Tiny shoulders, growing tall, 

Learning lessons, big and small. 

Chores completed, toys put by, 

Responsibility, a knowing sigh.

From spilled milk mopped to homework done, Confidence blooms, a rising sun. 

Small acts of care, a growing heart, 

Taking charge, a brand new start.

To promote our core value of RESPONSIBILITY, we would like to invite our Delce family to read a story together at home. 

This week’s recommendation is: The Ant

"The Little Ant Who Learned to Take Responsibility" is a motivational short story about an ant who overcomes numerous obstacles and adversity to achieve its goal of finding food for its colony. At first, the ant is quick to blame others for its problems, but it soon realises that it is up to it to find a way to overcome the challenges in its path. With hard work, determination, and perseverance, the ant faces every obstacle head-on, never losing sight of its goal. In the end, the ant's hard work pays off, and it returns to its colony with a bountiful supply of food, greeted by cheers and applause. Through its story, the brave little ant inspires us to take ownership of our problems, to work hard and never give up, and to believe that we can achieve anything we set our minds to, no matter how difficult the path may seem.

Our Learning 

Get ready to embark on a journey through the learning achievements and activities of the week. From captivating classroom discoveries to inspiring moments of creativity, there's so much to admire and enjoy. 

Let's dive in together and revel in the joy of learning!



This week in Computing, we have looked at how to create an algorithm in ScratchJr, the children worked in groups to investigate two new clocks (tap cat and change background) and created the scene above. Well done!

Year 3

This week, in Year 3 the children have been looking at a variety of writing features for their advert on rubbish. They especially enjoyed looking at hyperbole. 

Year 4

This week, Year 4 have enjoyed researching about Albert Einstein. This will help us to write our biographies next week. In Science, we have made a range of switches to explore how a circuit works (toggle switch, push switch and pressure switch). We were able to see how ,when a circuit is broken, it will not work. We have shown the core value of Collaboration during our Sports Day rehearsal - trying our best for our team.

Year 5

Year 5 had a special visitor this week in the form of Officer James from the Kent Police. Officer James kindly came to visit our Year 5 children to discuss the implementation of the Metropolitan Police Force and the founder Sir Robert Peel. The Year 5 children were excited and surprised Officer James and our PCSO Officer Rowan with their wealth of knowledge about Crime and Punishment. 

Year 6 

Another unforgettable trip with our Y6 pupils to see Wicked in London! The journey from the station, the train ride and the magical theatre experience built lasting aspirations and cultural capital for our pupils. Memories that will inspire them forever!


Adams classed have enjoyed making smoothies this week in life skills. They loved trying Miss Gardner's cherries from her allotment and made her a cherry smoothie. 

Jackson class have worked hard this week with social skills as they are feeling more hot and bothered and are working harder to stay kind.

Record of Achievement 

       Well done to all the children who received a merit today!!!

Inventors: Alas and Toby

Bell: Jack and Emily

Wright: Elsie and Halim 

Jackson: Rebecca

Adams: Luca 

Dyson: Nelson and Lexie

Earhart: Joseph, Skylar and Ahmed

Sharman: Noah and Ellie

Rhodes: Emer and Bentley

Dickens: Lacie-Lou and Adeola

Goulding: Isla T and Olivia

Darwin: Sounak, Townes, Marisa, Ahnaf, Frankie, Elsa, Olaf, Edward and Alfie

Fleming: Chyna, Riley, Tobi, Aser, Summer and Sarish, 

Curie: Aryan, Izzy, Christine, Carina, Joanna, Phoebe and James


It is time for our Summer Uniform!

The warmer weather is here, and it's time to transition to the cooler summer uniforms.  

Uniform Policy: For a full overview of the uniform guidelines, please refer to the school's uniform policy which can be found here. 

Sun Safety in the Summer Months:

As temperatures rise, prioritising student well-being becomes even more important. To ensure a comfortable and safe learning environment during these hot days:

Hydration: Please remind your child to bring a refillable water bottle to school. 

Sun Protection: Hats are recommended for outdoor activities or whenever pupils feel exposed to the sun.

A message from Mr Minlah...

Sports Day Rehearsal

On Tuesday 18th June 2024, Delce Academy held a Sports Day rehearsal to give the children and adults an opportunity practice for the big day. The children had a great time and are all looking forward to competing to get points for their houses on the actual day.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors 


At Delce, we stand united against bullying in all its forms. Bullying hurts and harms, and it has no place in our school community. We are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment where every child feels valued, respected, and supported.

Together, we will foster a culture of kindness, empathy, and inclusivity, where every child can thrive and reach their full potential.

STOP red boxes allow the children to place their worries and concerns in them. They are located across the school and checked daily by Mr. Minlah and Mr. Bower, and any concerns posted are responded to promptly by our dedicated pastoral team.





Worried About A Child?

If you are worried about a child's safety, please come and speak to a DSL in school; our door is always open!

Please know you can also refer by considering the following options:

- You can contact Medway Social Care at 01634 334466, Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm. 

- For situations outside of these hours, please call Medway Social Care on 03000 419 191. 

- For non-emergency situations, you can call the police on 101.

- If a child is in immediate danger, do not hesitate to call 999.

Friends of Delce Academy

Did you know The Friends of Delce Academy is on Facebook?

Click here to join the group on Facebook to stay up to date with up coming events, competitions, prizes and how you can support your child's school:

Friends of Delce

Family and Community Information 

Delce Academy in Rochester now rated "Good" by Ofsted after standards raised 'considerably'. 

Be sure to follow this link to read the full article in KentOnline and learn more about the Delce's performance during the most recent Ofsted inspection.

Year 6 transition day - Medway

This is a friendly reminder to mark your calendars for the upcoming Y6 transition day in Medway. The event will be held on Thursday 4th July and it is a fantastic opportunity for your child to experience their new secondary school environment.

We understand transitioning to a new school can be exciting and perhaps a little nerve-wracking for both children and parents. The transition day aims to ease this process by allowing your child to:

Important Note:

If your child has not yet been allocated a place at their chosen secondary school, they are still expected to attend Delce on July 4th. We will have a separate program for these children to ensure a smooth continuation of their learning.

Calling All Marvelous Makers! Join the Summer Reading Challenge!

Get ready for a summer filled with creativity, imagination and of course, tons of reading! The Medway Libraries are thrilled to announce the return of the FREE Summer Reading Challenge, running from Saturday, July 13th to Saturday, September 14th.

This year's theme is "Marvellous Makers", celebrating all forms of creativity! Whether your child loves music, drawing, writing stories, or acting in plays, there's something for everyone. We'll be sparking their inner storytellers, encouraging curiosity, and helping them tell their own unique tales.

The Challenge is open to children aged 4-11. Read six library books over the summer, and collect a prize for each one! The grand prize for reading all six books is a certificate and a special medal.

The Summer Reading Challenge is a national program designed to combat the "summer slide" in literacy skills. Our goal is to keep children reading, build their confidence, and foster a lifelong love of reading for pleasure.

So, join us this summer and become a Marvellous Maker! Visit your local Medway Library to sign up and get started on your reading adventure today!

Year 5 Secondary School Admission information.



Well done to everyone who received the certificate this week!

Jackson   97.73%

Inventors   91.74%

Bell  94.76%

Wright    92.67%

Dyson    94.56%

Earhart    90.52%

Sharman    90.42%

Adams    83.33%

Dickens    91.52%

Goulding    92.86%

Rhodes    90.95%


A message from our SENCO, Mr Palmer...

Mr. Palmer's Parent Drop Ins 

Each week Mr. Palmer will be available 9am-10am every Friday in 15 minute slots to discuss any concerns.

If you would like one of the 15 Minute Slots to discuss something, please use the QR code below to access the booking system. 

Triple P Online Course!

After some confusion, we are now able to access Triple P Online Parenting Support Programme again. This is an online course that you can complete at your own leisure and pace. Please contact Mr. Palmer by this form if you would like a code sent for you to access.

This course is required before some referrals to external services will be accepted - and you get a certificate at the end!!!!

Mr Palmer's Top Tip this week!

Does your child struggle to settle to work at home?

Set up a specific workstation for them with resources and items they like and that are important to their work focus. This will help them to understand the difference between work and play. 


Safeguarding at Delce

If relevant staff are not available and your concern is urgent you can contact:

If you have a safeguarding concern about a member of staff, please inform the Headteacher, Miss Stevens.

Online Safety


Wishing these children a Happy Birthday for birthdays over the coming week!

Jack - Bell

Archie - Fleming

Michelle - Goulding

Hayzee - Curie

Bethany - Dyson

Jamie - Wright

Tyler - Jack - Fleming

Emily - Sharman

Tyler - Bell

Key dates

Monday 24th June 2024 - Parent Workshop Online Safety at 2.30pm in the Main Hall

Tuesday 25th June - SEND coffee morning at 9am in the Main Hall

Wednesday 26th June 2024 - Sports Day

Thursday 27th June 2024 - Wright Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

Saturday 29th June - YEE club race day 

Tuesday 2nd July - PTA Jumble Cafe

Thursday 4th July 2024 - Dickens Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the main hall. 

Wednesday 10th July 2024 - Year 6 children picnic on the field 

Friday 12th July - Reports Home to Parents/Carers

Friday 12th July - Y6 Production (6pm)

Friday 19th July 2024 - Y6 shirt signing - Children to bring in a shirt for friends to sign.

Friday 19th July 2024 - Y6 Graduation Assembly (09:30am - 11:00am) - Children to wear uniform and then change for the inflatables afterwards.

Friday 19th July 2024 - Y6 Inflatables

Friday 19th July 2024 - End of term

Saturday 7th September 2024 - Summer Fair

Our Lunch Menu

Summer Term Foodie News

Chartwells - our school meal provider – has launched their new Summer menu, filled with crowd-pleasing classics and fresh, seasonal flavours.

See the new menu below or visit the school website.

There is plenty of foodie fun planned for the summer term with themed menus such, Mexican themed Fiesta Fun in May and celebrating National Picnic Week in June.

All theme menus can be found here.

Important Information

Complaints procedures

At Delce, we aim to meet our statutory obligations when responding to complaints from our parents. Parents should follow our Complaints Policy that explains the procedures that should be followed. 

Stage 1: Informal 

The complainant should raise the complaint as soon as possible with the relevant member of staff or the headteacher as appropriate, either in person or by letter, telephone or email. If the complainant is unclear who to contact or how to contact them, they should contact the school office.

If the complaint is not resolved informally, it will be escalated to a Stage 2 formal complaint. The school will maintain a log of informal complaints and review this on a termly basis.

Stage 2: Formal 

If the issue cannot be resolved through informal action the complainant should inform the headteacher in writing. This letter will be acknowledged within three working days. Formal complaints must be reported the local governing body. The local governing body must then be kept informed about progress and outcomes. This letter should provide details such as relevant dates, times, and the names of witnesses of events, alongside copies of any relevant documents. The complainant should also state what they feel would resolve the complaint. 

For more details visit our website

Useful Links       01634 845242 Twitter: @delceacademy1