Respect       Kindness       Honesty       Perseverance       Collaboration       Responsibility

Delce news from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers

As we return from a well-deserved half-term break, I wanted to take a moment to extend a warm welcome to all our wonderful pupils and express our appreciation for their continued dedication to following our expectations.

It is truly heartwarming to witness the commitment our children have shown in maintaining a safe, inclusive, and harmonious environment at our school. Their responsible behaviour and adherence to the rules have contributed significantly to making Delce a happy place for everyone. We are incredibly proud of their efforts and their ongoing commitment to the well-being of our school community.

This term, we are excited to announce the start of class assemblies, where our pupils will have the opportunity to showcase their incredible learning journey. We encourage all parents to look at the dates and make every effort to join their children in celebrating their achievements. Your presence and support mean the world to them, and it's a fantastic way to strengthen the bond between home and school.

Additionally, we are delighted to share that we have several engaging workshops in the pipeline, specifically designed for parents. We extend a warm invitation to all parents to take advantage of these workshops, which will offer valuable insights and opportunities for collaboration in the education of your children. These sessions are not only informative but also a great way to foster a strong partnership between the school and our supportive parent community. We look forward to seeing you at these upcoming workshops and class assemblies.

Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in our school community.

Have a happy and safe weekend!

Miss Stevens

'At Delce We Do Belong'

Our learning this week


This week, we have explored Caribbean salsa, making links to our core text last term. We have then worked collaboratively to create 'Inventors salsa'. 

Year 3

This week in Year 3, the children have been exploring their new topic of Animals including humans in Science. They have been categorising where different foods come from. 

Year 4

This week, Year 4 have enrolled in the Medway Hub Army, explored our new artist Alwy Fadhel and recreated the human digestive system in Science. What a fantastic start to the term. 

Year 5

We are thrilled to inform you about the engaging and hands-on learning experience our year 5 students have been a part of this week - "hurricane in a jar." This hands-on approach not only deepened their understanding of hurricanes but also ignited their passion for learning. 

Year 6

This week, Year 6 explored the work of our new Artist for the term, Jason DeCaires Taylor. The children created mood boards inspired by his work, considering the materials he uses for his sculptures as well as the message behind his work. 


Jackson class have enjoyed using their senses to explore food as their hook for the core text 'Lunch at 10 pomegranate street'. They have also enjoyed using the sensory tray to explore slime.

Remember to stay safe this weekend and enjoy the fireworks.

Pupil Voice Matters!


This week, our Junior Leadership Team (JLT) have been getting ready for a whole school assembly about kindness. Our JLT members have been talking and thinking a lot about being kind to one another. They're going to share some insights at the assembly on Monday.

Record of Achievement 

George and Well done to all the children who received a merit today!!!

Inventors: Briana and Arya

Bell: Edward and Ayla 

Wright: Leah and Lennie 

Jackson: Rebecca

Adams: Luca

Dyson: Sophie and Nelson

Earhart: Joseph and Hunter

Sharman: Michael, Riyon and Tante

Rhodes: Elsa and Zachary

Dickens: Candid and Nathan

Goulding: Finley-Jay and Mason 

Curie: Esther and Kayne-Lee

Fleming: Rami and Lola

Darwin: Courtney and Dakota


Good attendance at school is not just valuable, it's essential!

Well done to Jackson Class and Dyson Class this week!

Inventors   85.05%

Bell           86.64%

Jackson 100%

Wright 85.71%

Dyson 97.45%

Earhart 91.67%

Sharman        88.00%

Adams 64.58%

Dickens 88.07%

Goulding         94.20%

Rhodes 86.61%

Curie 92.02%

Darwin 96.55%

                           Fleming       95.09%                          

Attendance and Punctuality leaflet. 

Parent Leaflet - Attendance and Puncuality.docx.pdf

Find the link to our new parent google form to request term time leave. 

A message from Mr Minlah...

With the England women's team performing so well in the European and World Cup competitions, there has been an increased interest in girls football. With that in mind we have set up a girls football team, girls only football club and girls only football at lunchtime in the playground on Fridays. All of these sessions are really thriving and the children are really growing in confidence as well as learning new skills.

Family and Community Information 


We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the parents who turned up and contributed to the success of our bake sale this afternoon. Thanks to your support and delicious baked goods, we were able to raise an impressive £158!

We are excited to share that the proceeds from this bake sale will be directed towards supporting our Young Eco Engineers (YEE) club. Specifically, we will be using the funds to purchase essential safety equipment for the upcoming go-karting competition. Ensuring the safety of our students during this exciting event is of paramount importance, and your contributions will directly impact this endeavour.

Poppy Appeal 

We now have our Poppy Appeal items available for purchasing! Please come to the school office to buy! If your child would like the 'slap wrist band' it will need to be purchased at the end of the school day and not brought into school afterwards. Lots of goodies to be bought & for an amazing cause.

£1 Wrist Bands

50p for reflective poppies

50p for rubber wrist bands / zip pulls

Donations for Poppies 

Mr. Palmer's Parent Drop Ins

This will be starting again after the October Half Term. They will be Friday mornings from 9am-10am. Slots will be 15 minutes long and must be booked in advance with the office. 

This is an opportunity to discuss any concerns you have or updates you would like with Mr. Palmer. Each week Mr. Palmer will update here the slots that are available:

Friday 10th November:

9:00 Available

9:15 Available

9:30 Available

9:45 Available

If you would like one of the 15 Minute Slots to discuss something, then please contact the office. 

SEND Coffee Morning!!!!

Please come along on 23rd November at 9am in the Main Hall. Fortis Trust work with children with ADHD and ASD and give great support, strategies and ideas to help all children. There will be something for everyone so please come along - no need to book! 

Safeguarding at Delce

If relevant staff are not available and your concern is urgent you can contact:

If you have a safeguarding concern about a member of staff, please inform the Headteacher, Miss Stevens.

Online Safety


Wishing these children a Happy Birthday for birthdays over the next week

Ayla - Bell

Lacie-Lou - Dickens

George - Dyson

Isla - Dickens

Key dates

Monday 6th November 2023 - Parent Workshop Online safety at 2.30pm in the Main Hall

Thursday 9th November 2023 - Darwin Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

W/C Monday 13 November 2023 - Anti-Bullying Week

Thursday 16th November 2023 - Parent Workshop 11+ at 2:30pm in the Main Hall

Friday 17th November 2023 - Children in Need

Thursday 23rd November 2023 - SEND coffee morning at 9am in the Main Hall

Friday 24th November 2023 - INSET day school closed 

Tuesday 28th November 2023 - Parent consultations after school 

Thursday 30th November 2023 - Parent consultations after school

Thursday 7th December 2023 - Curie Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

Friday 8th December 2023 - Christmas festive wear day

Friday 8th December 2023 - Christmas discos Y2/Y3/Y4 4:30pm-5:30pm & Y5/Y6 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Monday 11th December 2023 - Y2/3 Nativity to Parents with siblings

Tuesday 12th December 2023 - Y2/3 Nativity to Parents with no siblings 

Thursday 14th December 2023 - Fleming Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

Tuesday 19th December 2023 - Christmas lunch and festive non-uniform 

Wednesday 20th December 2023 - End of term

Tuesday 9th January 2024 - First day of term

Monday 22nd January 2024 - 9:10am Healthy Eating Assembly
Thursday 25th January 2024 - 2:30-3:15 Healthy Eating Parent Workshop 

Monday 29th January 2023 - Parent Workshop Online safety at 2.30pm in the Main Hall 

Thursday 1st February - Dickens Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

Thursday 1st February 2024 - SEND coffee morning at 9am in the Main Hall

W/C Monday 5th February 2024 - Children's Mental Health Week

Tuesday 6 February 2024 - Y2/3 mix class and 2 DEC classes Healthy Eating Workshop

Wednesday 7th February 2024 - Safer Internet Day

Thursday 8th February - Goulding Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

Friday 9th February 2024 - End of term

Monday 19th February 2024 - First day of term

Tuesday 20th February 2024 - Y6 Sugar Savvy workshop

Thursday 22nd February 2024 - Dyson Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

Friday 23rd February 2024 - Interim Reports sent home 

Tuesday 27th February - Y3 World Food Workshop

Thursday 29th February - Y4 World Food Workshop

W/C Monday 4th March 2024 - Book Week

Monday 4th March 2024 - West End in School Drama and dance workshop Y2, Y3 & Y4

Tuesday 5th March 2024 - West End in School Drama and dance workshop Y5 & Y6

Thursday 7th March 2024 - World Book Day

Friday 8th March 2024 - SEND coffee morning at 9am in the Main Hall

Friday 8th March 2024 - Parent Survey sent out

Thursday 14th March 2024 - Sharman Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

Tuesday 19th March 2024 - Parent consultations after school

Tuesday 19th March 2024 - Y3 World Food Workshop

Thursday 21st March 2024 - Parent consultations after school

Thursday 21st March 2024 - Y4 World Food Workshop

Thursday 28th March 024 - End of term

Monday 15th April 2024 - First day of term

Thursday 18th April 2024 - Parent workshop 11+ Application 2pm 

Thursday 25th April 2024 - Rhodes Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall RESCHEDULED

Thursday 2nd May 2024 - SEND coffee morning at 9am in the Main Hall

W/C Monday 6th May 2024 - Y5 CAT tests

Thursday 9th May 2024 - Earhart Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

W/C Monday 13th May 2024 - Y6 KS2 SATS week

Thursday 23rd May 2024 - Bell Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

Friday 24th May 2024 - End of term

End of May 2024 - Year 5 parent deadline to submit secondary school preferences for children with SEN

Monday 3rd June 2024 - First day of term

Wednesday 5th - Friday 7th June - Y6 Residential 

Thursday 6th June 2024 - Inventors Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

W/C 10th June 2024 - Y4 Multiplication Timestables Check Week

Tuesday 11th June 2024 - Y5 Food Waste Workshop
Friday 14th June 2024 - INSET day school closed

Monday 24th June 2024 - Parent Workshop Online safety at 2.30pm in the Main Hall

Tuesday 26th June 2024 - Sports Day

Thursday 27th June 2024 - Wright Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

Thursday 27th June - SEND coffee morning at 9am in the Main Hall

Friday 12th July - Reports home to parents/carers

Friday 12th July - Y6 Production 5pm

Friday 19th July 2024 - Y6 leavers assembly 

Friday 19th July 2024 - End of term

Our Lunch Menu

Useful Links       01634 845242 Twitter: @delceacademy1