3r d'ESO

Llengua catalana

Llegir dos llibres de la llista de recomanacions i fer la fitxa de lectura.

També trobareu aquesta llista als links de la pàgina de Biblioteca.

Llengua castellana

Leer dos libros de la lista de recomendaciones y hacer la ficha de lectura.

También encontraréis la lista de lecturas en los links de la página de Biblioteca.

Llengua anglesa


  • Create a video talking about yourself. Upload your clip to Classroom.

  • If you want to play online or practise a bit more: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/

  • Watch a film or a chapter of a series in English (I recommend to follow up with the series we started during the course as Sex and Education) and write a review about it.

  • Read and listen to online an adapted Reader in English on https://www.burlingtonbooks.com/Spain/ (click on the button GET YOUR FREE READERS and follow the instructions). Create a poster about the plot, setting and characters using Canva.

  • Listen to music in English and sing the lyrics. Practise songs on www.lyricstraining.com.


It’s recommended for students NA or AS: Complete a dossier that you can print and complete by hand.

English 3 ESO summer.pdf