Food environment map

Our Food Environment Map: Introduction

The area we researched was the neighborhood of Ferreries which is located in Tortosa, a town 200 km away of Barcelona. The neighborhood Ferreries has 66.09 square km. In Ferreries there are 4,633 inhabitants.

This map shows the different food options such as supermarkets, restaurants, produce market, grocery, greengrocer’s, baker’s, butcher’s, fishmonger’s, bars and cafés.

The map includes a description of six of the places we researched: Kebab Khan’s restaurant, Lidl supermarket, Mercadona supermarket, Cinta’s grocery, and Germans Marin’s bakery.

Here we can see different types of meat at the Cinta's grocery shop. Photo by Nerea (student).

In this photo, we can see a plate of kebab.

Photo by Martina (student).

In this photo, you can see different types of drinks: Coca-cola, Aquarius, Fanta, etc. This is in the supermarket ''Mercadona''.

Photo by Alba (student).

In this photo, you can see a very big pack of "LACASITOS": Milk chocolate lentils coated with colored sugar.

You can buy at LIDL supermarket.

Photo by Igor (student).