
Christmas in Catalonia

Here in Catalonia christmas are a some diferent, we don't have 'Santa Claus' we have 'Tio' it is a log, in the christmas nigth we met all the family and we hit the tio because if we hit it Tio give us presents. In Catalonia we don't say 'Christmas' we say 'Nadal' and we celebrate this in 24-25 of Desember

Christmas is the Christian holiday of the birth of Jesus that corresponds to December 25, and the time cycle between Advent and Epiphany. It is, along with Easter, the most important Christian holiday. Of the Christian, Catholic, Protestant, and some of the autocephalous Orthodox Churches, such as the Greek, Romanian, and Bulgarian, celebrate Christmas on December 25 (tradition has it that since Liberi I). Other autocephalous Orthodox Churches, however, such as that of Constantinople and Russia, celebrate it on January 7, as they did not accept the Gregorian calendar that reformed the Julian calendar of Roman times.

Despite its markedly religious origin with the rooster mass as a central element, Christmas has become a tradition celebrated around the world, even by people who do not belong to this religion, as is the case in China and Japan. . In Catalan, the word Nadal comes from "natalici", "birth". The Anglo-Saxons use the term Christmas, which means "Mass of Christ", and in some Germanic languages ​​such as German the holiday is called Weihnacht, which means "blessing night".

The song of the 'Tio'

The ssong of the three kings

Now you will see children hiting the 'Tio' and singing the song