Yellow Ring

Manlleu, Catalonia

Physical Education

Manlleu is a city and municipality in the region of Osona, currently it has a population of 20,194 inhabitants.

It is bordered to the north by the municipality of Torelló, to the east by the Esquirol and the Masies de Roda, to the south by Gurb and to the west by the Masies de Voltregà

That’s the ring we’ve been working on and represents our city Manlleu.

And also the theme of our ring which is about the sport and the habit of eating healthy.

What we do in P.E?

We have been working the resistance and flexibility doing different activities one of them was the Test of Cooper and the objective of this exercise was to improve the resistance. Consist of running and to keep up as much as possible doing sprints, circuits...

The teacher timed us the time it took to make the laps running, we did it for many weeks and there we could see our progress.

My motivational song:

This song is by a singer who I like a lot for a long time that I listen and motivates me to exercise.

My motivational sentence for practice sport is:

Don't stop when you are tired.

STOP when you are DONE!

CULTURAL HERITATGE_Júlia Piquer- Salima El Bachiri

Power point about Cultural Heritatge