The first ring

In the yellow ring we do health and physical activities


Manlleu is a town near Vic. Is very beautiul but there are nothig to visit, there are a museu and a river that was very beautiful.

My progres:

  • MY PROGRESS: The firts time that I did de coper test. I ran for twelve minutes and I had these results:
  • One lap: 108m
  • 22 laps: 2376
  • Flexibility: 12cm

The second time that I did it, I ran twelve minuts too.

  • One lap: 120m
  • 21 laps: 2520
  • Flexibility: 18cm

My song that motive me is goteo, the name of the singer is Duki, its very popular in Spain.

A phrase that motive me is this

I do football in Manlleu, with my friends of school, I play footbol since I was 5

This is the presentation of cultural heritage