Second ring

Second ring

Snina, Slovakia

Video angles1.mp4

Video 1

1 -Environmental issues in our area.

2 -Things we do to help the environment.

Environmental issues in our area.

3 -Contamination that is good for other population

4 -People throw papers, bags and other things on the floor

5 -The sources are contaminated by porins

6 -People buy many batteries and not then recycle them well

7 -People buy a lot of silver and can not recycle

Things we do to help the environment

8 -There are people who work collecting street garbage.

9 -Rechargeable batteries.

Video 2

The environment at school

1 -From time to time, we go to the yard to collect paper and plastics.

2 -Now there are two rubbish bags one per paper and one for rejection (fruit skins ...)

3 -Go to throw away trash after the yard.

4 -Making excursions on the environment

5 -Talk about global warming, and the importance of separating garbage, paper, glass, waste, and debris well.

6 -Clean the technology classroom the last 5 min

The biggest problems in our area are those of the pores, with their shit, we touch the fields, and the underground waters, and the water of the sources, which is not potable.