Summit 3

Waste and climate change

Saving food:

What I know about the food that is wasted:

I learned that of all of the food that is produced 1/3rd of it is wasted, it's a lot of food.

What I do to save food?

Don’t throw food unnecessarily, and to do this you can do different things.

Make a list of everything you need before you go to the supermarket, so don’t buy with your eyes. Another thing you can do is, buy the food that doesn't have very good shape, because the taste is the same and if anyone buys the food that doesn't have good shape, this food will go to the rubbish bin unnecessarily. You can do too, buy the food that has expired recently, and with the smell, the taste… you know if it is in good condition or not. And the same if you have things expired recently in your house.

In the restaurants or in your house too, ask for the food that you know you will eat, and if you are more hungry, ask for more food, but don’t ask for a lot at once, because if you don’t finish it, this food will go to the rubbish bin. Another thing that you can do is, if in the restaurants you don’t finish your meal, take it home, and can you put it in the fridge to eat it another day.

If you know that you don’t eat some food you have at home, don’t throw it away and give to a friend or family member who knows will eat it