The Fifth Ring

The Fifth ring

And finally , this is the last trevel , the last ring. It belongs to Greece. We are going to there at the final of next course.

Personally , This is one of the two sites that most illusion makes me go.

Here , we are going to work using social competences about menthal health and well-being. The city where we are going to go is Kalamata and there we're going to study mental health and mindfullness.


Habitants.Kalamata or Kalamai (in Greek: Καλαμάτα) is the capital of the peripheral unit of Messinia, on the periphery of the Peloponnese. It is the second city of the Peloponnese in population, after Patras. The city has more than 75,000 inhabitants.The story of Kalamata begins with Homer, who mentions Fares, an ancient city built more or less where the current Kalamata Castle is located.1 It was believed that during ancient times the area currently occupied by the city was covered by the sea, but the protogriegos and archaic remains (such as the Temple of Poseidon) unearthed in the Akovitika region prove otherwise.